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A Christian Response To Evolution And My Wtf Face


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I think it's awesome that Duckie is learning all this! And so am I right next to her. I'm a bit rusty on geology :)

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Crash course in evolution, amazingly comprehensible and educational:




You can find all the 5 parts on youtube.


or you can buy it too:



Cheers! ;)

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Here's another question i've had: I was told that there are places on earth where the geological scale is found BACKWARDS in its entirety. True? If not, where did this story come from?


I'd be much more concerned if there were places where the geological scale was randomized. Backwards just tells me a huge mass got flipped upside down. Read up on an early geologist named James Hutton and what he discovered about rock layers.

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YAY! Videos! Thanks guys ^_^ Im gonna wrap up in my birthday snuggie and watch these. ^_^

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YAY! Videos! Thanks guys happy.png Im gonna wrap up in my birthday snuggie and watch these. happy.png

That should be one hell of a comfy snuggie, coz Dawkins' lectures are 5 hours long on their own. wink.png

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YAY! Videos! Thanks guys happy.png Im gonna wrap up in my birthday snuggie and watch these. happy.png

That should be one hell of a comfy snuggie, coz Dawkins' lectures are 5 hours long on their own. wink.png



its got zebra stripes, so that means its extra cozy ;)

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YAY! Videos! Thanks guys happy.png Im gonna wrap up in my birthday snuggie and watch these. happy.png

That should be one hell of a comfy snuggie, coz Dawkins' lectures are 5 hours long on their own. wink.png


its got zebra stripes, so that means its extra cozy wink.png


please do tell how you liked the lectures on evolution (my mind was blown)

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I like how so many things were creationist arguments first, therefore, um, creationism must be true because "evolutionists," who are wrong, use them. Whaaaa?

The best line:

The creationist has no incentive to want to rearrange the evidence.
Apparently "evolutionists" are the ones that start with the answer and try to shoe horn the evidence to fit, and the creationists just follow the evidence. Wow. I'm glad I only skimmed the article because I'm not sure my brain can handle all the bullshit that is being spouted. This article isn't worth refuting point by point because (on a cursory level) every single point is wrong and it would take forever to get through them all.


The rest of that paragraph is even more bankrupt.


"We may not understand it now; we may not have the correct interpretation of it now; we may never understand it until He comes back to tell us what it is all about; but we believe that whatever is found honestly will be consistent with a Creator God and we have no incentive to rearrange the evidence. The evolutionist must rearrange his evidence before he claims proof; and that is a monstrous difference!"


In other words evidence that favors ID or Creationism is true while evidence that favors evolution must be false. If something looks like it supports evolution then we just don't understand it and we should ask God about that when we get to heaven.

Are you trying to make me read the whole thing? I bet it is a riot.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's one of those ignorant creationist articles that has so much garbage and lies in it that you wonder where to start.


I often refer such people to the talkorigins site as it refutes all the creationist lies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I deal with this convoluted bullshit pretty often as i spend alot of time studying evolution and carry around evolution books with me and i will tell you this creationist ARE ALLWAYS MISSINFORMED.


Most of your creationist are very unlearned people but you wil lrun across some who are very articulate in their language and it can be scary facing them but there is one thing you must remember, they NEVER include all the variables. Though creationist ussualy dont intnetionaly lie they will avoid other variables to the topic of what their discussing. For example when it comes to "transitional" fossils, often times creationist will tute their horn about how there are none but what they are missing is in how they view life.


Creationist view a rabit as a standard organism that is complety confined to a identity of being a rabit but what they dont understand is that a species of rabit is just part of a constantly changing chain of life. The only reason we actualy have defined species is becuase of our human need to organize and understand things but in reality dinosaurs and birds are not diferent forms of life but are the same chain that is simply changing over time.


All this means is that EVERY fossil is a transitional fossil and every organism is a transition between another organism., there is no such thing as a seperate species outside of our human organazation. There is no such thing as a damn crocoduck and the only time we classify somthing as "transitional" is because it looks so simliar to both that its good to make a point.

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The worse type to discuss with are the folk that partially hold to evolution and insist it is guided.


Just to prove that evolution is true and to put to bed the idea that incest was the way they procreated, here are pics of the Vadoma people from the country I was born in.






The bottom half of their legs appear scaly and is as a result of a genetic mutation that has been kept as they interbreed. Said to be useful in climbing trees.


Ergo, the idea that xians espouse that mating with your bro or sis, this is the kind of result one can expect.


When ever I present these in a creation/evolution debate, they have no counter and then the sound of *crickets* in audible.


Bear in mind, in Zambia and Zimbabwe, the black folk usually went barefoot, our man servant never wore shoes even when we gave him shoes. Seeing stuff like this first hand, it is kinda hard to buy into the concept of creationism.

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I looked at that article and it made my brain hurt. I also don't know enough about evolution to prove it wrong, but the reasoning sounds really unscientific to me.


This is semi-related, but has anyone else watched thunderf00t's why do people laugh at creationists series? It's pretty genius.

Here's part 1 out of 30 something. It's what got me obsessed with Tf00t. No, I totally don't stalk his youtube channel. Honestly.

I'd love it if he would do a vid on that article you linked to.

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Makes me wonder what science they teach these kids? My science is over 40 years old and what this kid was claiming, even my rust bucket brain remembers basics from then that he is totally wrong. I think the creationist's periodic table is a collapsible desk. How can folk expect their kids to have an edge when they come out with shit like this?

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I studied a certain amount of geology at school. Creationalists make my blood boil as there are parts of my home islands where there are rocks that are 3.5 billion years old. Also, the idea of a xtian taking issue with evolution for using circular reasoning is laughable, bearing in mind some of the hogwash that I have read from some of the xtians trolls that visit this website.

Duckiegirl, if the five hours of Dawkins gets too much, may I also recommend the "why people laugh at creationalists?" series on Youtube.

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I don't know how Christians can believe these fairytales, even when I was a Christian I subscribed to evolution.

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Most of my family is Christian. None of them believe in creationism. Creationists are a whole other load of crazy.

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Belief in creationism and attempt to reason intelligent design (Yes I once was guilty of this, sue me.) shows how misguided people can be. To them evolution/BBT is all a "liberal scientist conspiracy of the devil with bad evidence and lies that undermine our christian country herp a derr." (read it in redneck voice). My teacher in 10th grade biology when we got to the evolution section (which was really just a fast skimming) she said, plainly and clearly when someone asked if they could avoid doing this because of religion, "Yes you can... *the kid nods and goes to say something* but then you'd recieve no credit for my class. Evolution may not be believed by some but it's in the cericulum and takes a while to get through and without this knowledge you'll end up failing my class as this is mandated to be taught to EVERYONE by the schoolboard. So deal with it."

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I wish I could meet that teacher so I could buy her a flammable beverage of her choosing. That kicked ass.

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I had a high school teacher state something along the lines of "There are two theories, I'm not judging either one. I'm not required to teach either." And she didn't. Had a college prof who taught indivisible complexity and guided evolution. These were both state run public schools.


Stephen Baxter wrote Evolution which is a pretty decent sci-fi novel. If I remember right it starts with the mice like creatures (The proto-mammals, whatever they were called), and goes all the way past the end of humanity to the end of life on the earth as the sun ages and heats up. Science seemed pretty solid in it, as it goes into the future it gets pretty wild. Kind of long, but is a good read.

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I had a high school teacher state something along the lines of "There are two theories, I'm not judging either one. I'm not required to teach either." And she didn't. Had a college prof who taught indivisible complexity and guided evolution. These were both state run public schools.


Stephen Baxter wrote Evolution which is a pretty decent sci-fi novel. If I remember right it starts with the mice like creatures (The proto-mammals, whatever they were called), and goes all the way past the end of humanity to the end of life on the earth as the sun ages and heats up. Science seemed pretty solid in it, as it goes into the future it gets pretty wild. Kind of long, but is a good read.


Hmm, I may get interested in books again...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I studied a certain amount of geology at school. Creationalists make my blood boil as there are parts of my home islands where there are rocks that are 3.5 billion years old.



Try this:






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can someone post a response to this article:


http://www.creationw..._view.asp?id=53 ?



I'm reading it and i feel like what they are saying is wrong, but i don't know enough about evolution to refute it to myself.

Also, any resources in regards to evolution would be appreciated, im just getting started in my acquisition of knowledge on the subject and every little bit helps!


Thanks in advance =)


Under Genetics in that article it says mutation by definition means 'copying error.' Not according to the dictionary I just looked it up in. Mutation just means change.

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I don't know how Christians can believe these fairytales, even when I was a Christian I subscribed to evolution.


I was just watching Penn and Teller on creationism. People believe in creationism because they are totally ignorant.


In 2012 when we have most of the knowledge of the world at our fingertips, they prefer the ignorance of goat herders living thousands of years ago to science.


You can spend decades learning science and be aware of how little you know. You need never have opened a book in your life to be an expert on creationism.

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i totally forgot i posted this! the site keeps kicking me off pages im following. =( is there a time limit to how long you can follow?

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I found that article very interesting. Thanks for posting it.

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