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Humanism And Hitler


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Spent zombie Jesus day in church as is required of me by my father. Sunday school was about humanism an oligarchy.


My question is this: why is the logical conclusion of darwinism for fundies HITLER and NAZIISM!?


It makes me crazy to sit there and listen to this religious wack job tell me that if I'm an atheist the logical outcome is genocide.






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To the morontheist "mind", evilushen™ = "Survival of the fittest" (and nothing else) = weeding out the weak/undesired = genocide.


Ironically, from the German point of view there's at least a little bit of logic in it because "survival of the fittest" is traditionally mistranslated over here as "Überleben des stärkeren" (Survival of the strongest).


But then, authoritarian minds care shit for facts and logic - and all this is really not a specifically religious thing, authoritarianism just "loves" to cloak itself with religion. What better "authority" than a supposed Divine being?

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These people ignore the fact that Hitler was a Catholic and the vast majority of genocides in history were done in the names of gods. What about the genocide in the Old Testament?


While there have been some atheists who have done terrible things, I'm not aware of a single genocide or war crusade being committed in the name of atheism, while there have been plenty committed in the names of deities, including the Christian God.

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It could be a number of things.


For some evolution evokes an immediate "yuck" response. A way to demonize the opponent is to call them Nazis, as many of those here on the Left side of the political spectrum know.


It may also evoke ideas of social darwinism and the idea that some are inherently superior to others. The superior must inherit the Earth. Therefore the inferior (whoever they may be) must be exterminated. The Nazi's felt themselves superior.


It could be any number of things.


But I'll throw this out there too. Evolution is fact, but I think it may also have been way over emphasized and overplayed as a bludgeon against religious people. 1) We have only begun to understand evolution. 2) Biology is larger than evolution.

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If you see yourself debating this, there are a couple of things you could check out. First is that Hitler made reference to Martin Luther's "Jews and Their Lies," which some scholars consider one of the most anti-Semitic works ever written. And we know who Marty was and what his religion was. Second, is to check out the incarceration statistics for religious preferences and note the percentage of Christians in jail compared to the percentage of atheists. Also, you could probably find out the religions of mass murderers and serial killers with a Google search.

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Thanks for all these responses guys! I particularly like the belt buckle one. I think its a classic argument method, of any religion or belief system, to take what the other person believes to its logical and extreme conclusion, even if the person you are agruing with would never believe to that extent. It's just nonsense.

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Because they need to find a way to demonize darwinism.


But they will never ask how many people were killed in the name of their God. And if they say (as they will) that those were not "real Christians"TM then they will only have to open their Bible for other examples of genocide in the name of, or at the order of their God. How is the OT God any better than Hitler?


Darwin never ordered to kill anyone. The Biblegod (if you believe in him) did.

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First is that Hitler made reference to Martin Luther's "Jews and Their Lies," which some scholars consider one of the most anti-Semitic works ever written. And we know who Marty was and what his religion was.


Luther was a vile hateful person, its hard to believe that such an intolerant racist man is the founder of protestant christianity (well its not really hard to believe).


As for your second point do you think that perhaps more convicts are christians because 1. as a whole the population has far far more christians than atheists (ten to one) and 2. do you think there are more conversions by prisoners than free people and 3. there is the obvious thing that claiming to be a christian looks much better when you're applying for parole / ect.

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SS Officer belt buckle. "God Is With Us"




What's shown here was actually the Wehrmacht (Army) belt buckle for enlisted men. Officers had a different, more stylish buckle. This EM buckle was exactly the same as the Prussian Army's belt buckle of the Great War, except that the Swastika surmounted by an eagle replaced the Wilhelmine Crown. However, Prussia considered itself a Christian NationTM . "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" you might say.


The SS EM belt buckle looked like this:





The inscription reads, "My Honour is Loyalty." It comes from a slight alteration of a phrase Hitler used in a letter he wrote to Himmler in the 1930's.



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As for your second point do you think that perhaps more convicts are christians because 1. as a whole the population has far far more christians than atheists (ten to one) and 2. do you think there are more conversions by prisoners than free people and 3. there is the obvious thing that claiming to be a christian looks much better when you're applying for parole / ect.


Well, making such a point could be a slightly cheap shot, but the jail population does have a lower percentage of atheists and a higher percentage of Christians than the general population. It's hard to get good numbers on this as the most recent Federal Bureau of Prisons study I could find was done in 1997. I think all three of your possibilities can be found. The Pew Research Center reports that the most frequent jailhouse conversions are Muslim and Nation of Islam.


Here is a link to one report, which is mostly about prison chaplains but there is other data mixed in:


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