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Goodbye Jesus

Fundy F-I-L Cajoles My Husband To Go To Church While I Am Away!


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Your husband sounds so much like Jblueep! Isn't it nice to have a man who's so grounded? I know I sure need it - I can be such a fruitcake sometimes! haha


I'm glad everything worked out. I hope your in laws DO ask about what he thought of the church! If so, let us know how that goes!

Yes, J and my hubby sound similar! You know, I used to think it a drawback of my husband--that he was so steady and terribly cerebral. He never did swing from the chandeliers. Well, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am now that he's not a nutter! phew.gif

Ex-C will be the first to know *if* FIL asks about church. My husband has his answer lined up. smile.png

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My mom -- Joyce Meyer / Beth Moore

Grandma -- Perry Stone / Jessie Duplantis

Grandpa -- Kenneth Hagin / Copeland / Benny Hinn

Father -- Hagin Jr / and when he's feeling rebellious David Jeremiah (rebellious since Jeremiah isn't WoF)

Brother -- Lee Strobel / Charles Capps


If there is a hell, maybe us ex-Christians should endeavor not to go there, as it will be populated with the likes of these ^^^ folks. Or at least Satan will play their CDs over and over and over again.

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laser light show hmmmm?


well I hope it was as good as this or I'd take my damn love offering back

Wow! That was amazing!

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I'm still stuck on laser light show myself. Out of curiosity, did it involve Jesusified Pink Floyd as well? (For some reason Brain Damage seems strangely appropriate).

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I think most of us with parents who are getting on a bit and deeply entrenched in christianity can relate to this:



incredible movie, by the way.

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I still have a few perry stone books and vids up in the bedroom.....man, i bought into that shit wholesale. damn..


funny thing is, about 6 months before the start of my deconversion, me and the wifey went to see him in person, and he strongly hinted (while being sure not to say it directly to try and avoid looking like an ass if he was wrong) that Osama was the Anti Christ. then, what do you know, a few months later, BAM! MF'ers dead as a doornail. Im sure thats the point he started telling everyone to watch for him to rise from the dead though....Wendyloser.gif


We gave $1000 bucks to that douchebag that weekend. I emailed the "ministry" back a few months later (unbeknownst to the wife) and said I realllly needed the money, could I get a refund?? Of course, no response.

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Mcdaddy - I bet they see more of those letters than they'd ever admit to.


Positivist - I was so nervous reading the title of that post and the OP! I'm glad it worked out so well. I'd have some serious issues if my husband converted as well, but thankfully he knows way too much about the religion to be suckered in.

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I'm still stuck on laser light show myself. Out of curiosity, did it involve Jesusified Pink Floyd as well? (For some reason Brain Damage seems strangely appropriate).

TBH, when I heard "laser light show", Pink Floyd also came to my mind! "We don't need no education...."


I guess I'll never know what it was like!

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I'm still stuck on laser light show myself. Out of curiosity, did it involve Jesusified Pink Floyd as well? (For some reason Brain Damage seems strangely appropriate).

TBH, when I heard "laser light show", Pink Floyd also came to my mind! "We don't need no education...."


I guess I'll never know what it was like!


All they would need to complete that is a giant, flying pig.

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laser light show hmmmm?


well I hope it was as good as this or I'd take my damn love offering back




Amazing, if my church had laser light shows like this, I'd never miss a sunday (can't say I'd stay for the sermon though).

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I still have a few perry stone books and vids up in the bedroom.....man, i bought into that shit wholesale. damn..


I like your avatar, I spent a lot of hours in my childhood beating that game.


Anyways, yeah I listened to quite a few Perry Stone cds my grandmother gave me. I semi liked them, Stone at least didn't beg for money on his tapes non stop like Copeland, I remember doubting him when I heard this:



I figured if this was true science would be revolutionized, that that moment, I realized he's just quote mining for what he already assumes is true. Although by then my deconversion has already started.

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I remember doubting him when I heard this:


I figured if this was true science would be revolutionized, that that moment, I realized he's just quote mining for what he already assumes is true. Although by then my deconversion has already started.


Clearly, he never took high school microbiology. There was a higher bacterial burden/colonization in the one jar. The other one was probably sterilized. I love how Christians conduct pseudo experiments and use the (confirmatory) results to bolster their faith.


Not to mention this is a third hand story he is telling. Ugh!

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I was recently flipping channels and watched Perry Stone's program for awhile (don't know why I torture myself!). He was talking about how the devil was after him his whole life b/c of his "calling". Then he went on to say how the devil was also after his first-born son and told this bazaar story about his son getting up one morning (he was a toddler at the time) and he had a bloody fingerprint on each of his temples. Perry said the devil did it and was trying to intimidate him and wanted to end his son's life. But he fought back and did "warfare" - he described how he physically wrestled with the devil one night.


I kept wondering what his point was...then he said how the devil is after ALL our first-born sons (b/c the daughters don't matter, of course!) and that's why he was building a multi-million dollar facility for the youth to come and be "ministered to"...so of course everyone needs to donate so we can save our sons! Wendyloser.gif

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I still have a few perry stone books and vids up in the bedroom.....man, i bought into that shit wholesale. damn..


I like your avatar, I spent a lot of hours in my childhood beating that game.


Anyways, yeah I listened to quite a few Perry Stone cds my grandmother gave me. I semi liked them, Stone at least didn't beg for money on his tapes non stop like Copeland, I remember doubting him when I heard this:



I figured if this was true science would be revolutionized, that that moment, I realized he's just quote mining for what he already assumes is true. Although by then my deconversion has already started.


wow. just wow. that reminds me of the 'snowflake' experiment that japanese guy did on the What the Bleep documentary, which was proven to be bogus. exactly the same conclusions were drawn, from conflicting worldviews.

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I was recently flipping channels and watched Perry Stone's program for awhile (don't know why I torture myself!). He was talking about how the devil was after him his whole life b/c of his "calling". Then he went on to say how the devil was also after his first-born son and told this bazaar story about his son getting up one morning (he was a toddler at the time) and he had a bloody fingerprint on each of his temples. Perry said the devil did it and was trying to intimidate him and wanted to end his son's life. But he fought back and did "warfare" - he described how he physically wrestled with the devil one night.


I kept wondering what his point was...then he said how the devil is after ALL our first-born sons (b/c the daughters don't matter, of course!) and that's why he was building a multi-million dollar facility for the youth to come and be "ministered to"...so of course everyone needs to donate so we can save our sons! Wendyloser.gif


Actually, it's God that wants to kill the first-born sons. Remember Passover?

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I was recently flipping channels and watched Perry Stone's program for awhile (don't know why I torture myself!). He was talking about how the devil was after him his whole life b/c of his "calling". Then he went on to say how the devil was also after his first-born son and told this bazaar story about his son getting up one morning (he was a toddler at the time) and he had a bloody fingerprint on each of his temples. Perry said the devil did it and was trying to intimidate him and wanted to end his son's life. But he fought back and did "warfare" - he described how he physically wrestled with the devil one night.


I kept wondering what his point was...then he said how the devil is after ALL our first-born sons (b/c the daughters don't matter, of course!) and that's why he was building a multi-million dollar facility for the youth to come and be "ministered to"...so of course everyone needs to donate so we can save our sons! Wendyloser.gif


Actually, it's God that wants to kill the first-born sons. Remember Passover?


Ah yes! Silly me! How could I forget?! ;)

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He was talking about how the devil was after him his whole life b/c of his "calling".

OK, so he has narcissistic tendencies, clearly.....

Perry said the devil did it and was trying to intimidate him and wanted to end his son's life. But he fought back and did "warfare" -

Narcissistic + confirmation bias + BS

I kept wondering what his point was...then he said how the devil is after ALL our first-born sons (b/c the daughters don't matter, of course!) and that's why he was building a multi-million dollar facility for the youth to come and be "ministered to"...so of course everyone needs to donate so we can save our sons!

OMG! This totally gets me. You're right, daughters are chopped liver. This is how I grew up--I have a brother and he was practically a god around our home, having the God Antennae and all. I was bred for servitude and nothingness, to disappear behind a great man. Seriously. To this day I disappoint my mother for having advanced degrees and a career.


And this million dollar facility? This is what gets me. These fundagelical groups start these fundy programs that "minister", but the real problem is lack of education, lack of adequate housing, lack of support for families.......NOT lack of spirituality. If the church was serious about helping people they would pay attention to the social determinants of health.


UGH! I am an atheist in part because of these nutters!


Sorry for the rant. Rough day!


These nutters really trigger me still! wacko.png

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The mental picture I'm getting of men marching around waving their "God Antennae" is not printable in any public forum anywhere.

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I still have a few perry stone books and vids up in the bedroom.....man, i bought into that shit wholesale. damn..


I like your avatar, I spent a lot of hours in my childhood beating that game.


Anyways, yeah I listened to quite a few Perry Stone cds my grandmother gave me. I semi liked them, Stone at least didn't beg for money on his tapes non stop like Copeland, I remember doubting him when I heard this:



I figured if this was true science would be revolutionized, that that moment, I realized he's just quote mining for what he already assumes is true. Although by then my deconversion has already started.


wow. just wow. that reminds me of the 'snowflake' experiment that japanese guy did on the What the Bleep documentary, which was proven to be bogus. exactly the same conclusions were drawn, from conflicting worldviews.


woops, it actually is the same guy, Masaru Emoto.

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I find it a little ironic that Perry Stone is using a new age wacko as his reasons for the power of confession, although most WoF stuff is New Age crap and they don't realize it.

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if Emoto (and by extension Perry Stone) is right, then I wonder what effect all those hateful words in the Bible will have on people. Actually... I guess the answer is self-evident isn't it?

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Positivit, I'm glad your husband was not pulled back in to that faith bull shit.


However, I find another issue in your story.


You are a control freak.


Your FIL has every right to call his son, and for nearly ANY reason.


Had you had more faith (no pun intended) in hubby, you'd not get so upset it this exceedingly little thing.


You two may be married, but that gives you no right to be his controller, his censor, his mommy. He is a grown man, and frankly, if my wife pulled that controlling crap on me, I would shut her down (verbally) in two shakes of a zebra's tail.


Funny, but your behavior is no different from the average Christian wife's, in regard to compulsions many of them have to control their man.


So what if he wants to go to church and hang with his family...it's not like he's going to buy that bull shit....let go, and be respectful of your man.


Leave the controlling nature to the Christian Idiots :-) Us agnostics/athiests are supposed to be a little smarter then that!

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Is it possible that you're a bit sensitive to the idea of control, TL? I don't find it unreasonable for her to be nervous about her husband converting. It's not like him going out for beers with his buds, or looking at porn, or getting a haircut. Religion is a hot point for a lot of folks.

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You are a control freak. Etc. etc. etc.

I will try to take your comment with several grains of salt as I actually did find some of your comments quite presumptuous and even unkind. I will endeavour to read the best intentions into it, however.


The worst thing for me is having a fence-sitting husband--it truly could go either way for him. I am leaving him alone to have his own process and have never even given him anything to read. We just talk about where we're at sometimes. We are two very independent people. Most people who meet us separately don't even know we're married.

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