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Goodbye Jesus

What Does In God’S Image Mean? He Created Adam & Eve Without A Moral Sense.

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An omniscient, all powerful and all good God could not have created our universe. It's just not possible. A God that knew what would happen but set up the Garden of Eden and Talking Serpent anyway must be evil. Of course if you read Ezra's story without the Christian prejudice you will see that Ezra made God ignorant. Ezra had God make mistakes, regret, repent, and get tricked.


Of course all of this is just fiction anyway.


Bad comparison but ...


There was this caricature I saw once with an agnostic flea standing on a dog from its TINY vantage point and it said "Sometimes I don't believe there's a dog." That dog was giving it sustenance and look at what it was saying. *shakes head*


Is that why you can't see what is right in front of you? I can show you where Ezra wrote that God repents. It's right there in your precious Bible. And if the Bible says God has made mistakes and God repents of those mistakes then God cannot be all knowing. So why do you have a problem with what the Bible says about God and who are you to decide when the Bible is wrong?


Better yet take the next logical step and leave this silly delusion behind.

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