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Goodbye Jesus

Christians Slamming Other Christians


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Christianity, one message, a million interpretations. God's clarity could be a tad better.

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I'd love to see a good old fashion WWE beatdown between all the televangelists. If only Randy Coture or Quinton Jackson showed up to really bring the pain.


Oh wait....wrong slamming.

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"Tammy Faye Baker vs. Jan Crouch


Eyeliner wars, Sundays on TLC"


This is a reality show we need!

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How do you know how many there should or should not be?


Further it could be expanded. Not just to the many different sects of PROTESTANT Christianity, which makes up most of the 30,000 number.


Catholics and Orthodox Christians split about the time that Constantinople and Rome divided.


If you take it even further, and include all Abrahamic religions.


Judaism has Hasidic and Liberal Jews at least. Plus the Kabalistic one.


Islam has at least three main sect of Sunni, Sufi, and Shiite, again those are just the main ones and it doesn't even include all the variations and interpretations within those main groups. Essentially, every madrassa could be examined like all the different versions of Non-denominational evangelical church. The book is the same. Some of the tenants are the same. But what is being taught is radically different.



In other words, if the God of these religions truly existed and wanted everyone to be one, then it was a huge failure.

There is something unique about America that caused Protestantism to splinter so crazily. Protestantism is mainly based upon Biblical interpretation. The Bible's vague and contradictory verses alone creates divides among Christians. Add that with the freedom and openness of the New World and it'll grow in a million directions like kudzu.
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very true Joe,


Lets also not forget that with the freedom of religion people pretty much could and still do spout anything and call it a religion. Scientology anyone.


There was a running joke that some pioneers went west in the 1800's. When they found a place to settle down, they discovered a Methodist minister was already there.


On Saint Simon's Island, GA, in the colonial days the local Methodist pastor was also the postmaster for the island. At the end of every service on Sunday, he would shake hands with the right and hand them their mail with the left. He didn't make house calls.


just something to think about.

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