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...for fundamentalist whackjobs to point to this article and say, "See! The scientists were wrong! Science doesn't know anything! This means it was all God! God, God God!"


EDIT: The gist of the article is that the radiometric dating of some rocks may be off by up to a hundred million years.

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It'd take a misinterpretation to do that, but it's not like whackjob fundies haven't misinterpreted stuff before.

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It'd take a misinterpretation to do that, but it's not like whackjob fundies haven't misinterpreted stuff before.


I've actually debated with fundies that have presented me with articles that prove my own point when trying to prove theirs. I had one tell me that he had found an "evolution killer," one that would make them have to start from scratch with the theory. The only problem was, I was able to track down the actual published paper that was being referenced, and understand it well enough to know that it was only talking about how the interpretation of a dating technique would have to be revised in order to fall in line with other methods of dating. It didn't have anything to do with whether evolution actually happened.

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...for fundamentalist whackjobs to point to this article and say, "See! The scientists were wrong! Science doesn't know anything! This means it was all God! God, God God!"


EDIT: The gist of the article is that the radiometric dating of some rocks may be off by up to a hundred million years.


5,000,000 - 100,000 = 4,900,000


Of to answer your question, just as soon as they figure out there was the tiniest of disagreements.

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