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An Invitation From Jehovah's Witnesses


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Ha! There's a scene in "Black Books" (a British comedy from a few years ago about a misanthropic bookstore owner) where Bernard is so eager to avoid doing his taxes he lets missionaries into his house; neither actually knows what to talk about or how to behave, since nobody's ever actually let them talk or visit before.


How bizarre this thread is! There's got to be some big push for these guys. This is the exact same pamphlet those missionary ladies wanted to give me while I was watching that "Why I Am No Longer a Christian" series. I was just guessing they were JWs from the Amway vibe they were giving off in their desperate attempt to make me think the invitation was just to "an event" and certainly not a religious thing. I'm amused to see I was right. I didn't take the pamphlet--just the sight of a baby on it made me think "RELIGION ALERT" and get them off my porch.


It all happened so fast I realized later they could have been asking me to a daycare open house for all I knew.


"RIght, let's talk about Jesus, what's he up to then?"

Ha ha, Black Books is like my favourite show ever.

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Ha! There's a scene in "Black Books" (a British comedy from a few years ago about a misanthropic bookstore owner) where Bernard is so eager to avoid doing his taxes he lets missionaries into his house; neither actually knows what to talk about or how to behave, since nobody's ever actually let them talk or visit before.


How bizarre this thread is! There's got to be some big push for these guys. This is the exact same pamphlet those missionary ladies wanted to give me while I was watching that "Why I Am No Longer a Christian" series. I was just guessing they were JWs from the Amway vibe they were giving off in their desperate attempt to make me think the invitation was just to "an event" and certainly not a religious thing. I'm amused to see I was right. I didn't take the pamphlet--just the sight of a baby on it made me think "RELIGION ALERT" and get them off my porch.


It all happened so fast I realized later they could have been asking me to a daycare open house for all I knew.


Got the same invitation. I'm thinking they're trying to grab a share of the Easter guilt attendees instead of leaving them to the fundagelicals. The church I used to attend (ie: lead worship at) goes around the local neighborhoods handing out small flower arrangements with a little invitation to Easter services.


I'm looking forward to my first Easter where it's all about the eggs and candy...

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Ha! There's a scene in "Black Books" (a British comedy from a few years ago about a misanthropic bookstore owner) where Bernard is so eager to avoid doing his taxes he lets missionaries into his house; neither actually knows what to talk about or how to behave, since nobody's ever actually let them talk or visit before.


How bizarre this thread is! There's got to be some big push for these guys. This is the exact same pamphlet those missionary ladies wanted to give me while I was watching that "Why I Am No Longer a Christian" series. I was just guessing they were JWs from the Amway vibe they were giving off in their desperate attempt to make me think the invitation was just to "an event" and certainly not a religious thing. I'm amused to see I was right. I didn't take the pamphlet--just the sight of a baby on it made me think "RELIGION ALERT" and get them off my porch.


It all happened so fast I realized later they could have been asking me to a daycare open house for all I knew.


Got the same invitation. I'm thinking they're trying to grab a share of the Easter guilt attendees instead of leaving them to the fundagelicals. The church I used to attend (ie: lead worship at) goes around the local neighborhoods handing out small flower arrangements with a little invitation to Easter services.


I'm looking forward to my first Easter where it's all about the eggs and candy...

I'm looking forward to the day after easter, when all that candy is 50% off.
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Yes, but the Dove bunnies never last long enough to go on sale.

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I've noticed that no one seems to know what they are being invited to, so I thought I'll give a quick explanation since I used to go to their meetings (that's what they call their services) when I was a teen.Yes I was a weird kid biggrin.png


The event that you are being invited to is called a Memorial where they celebrate Jesus' death, no I'm not making this up, and what usually happens is a plate of bread and a glass of wine is passed around as a 'Brother' reads out passages in the bible relating to the last supper. However about 99% percent of the people there will not eat the bread or drink the wine. As they believe that only the anointed ones, those who believe that they are part of the 144,000 to serve Jesus in heaven when Armageddon comes, can eat the bread or drink the wine.


Oh and by the way Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Easter or any other major holidays as they believe they come from pagan origins.

I hope this has been helpful.


Edited to correct number from 114,000 to 144.000

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I had a little old JW woman show up on my porch one day, with her younger apprentice, or whatever their called. I was polite, since she was elderly and didn't seem all that pushy. Declined her brochure and politely said have a nice day. The next day I get home from work, open my front door and find the brochure stuffed under my door. What a good example of how even the most, seemingly, innocent religious people try to impose their beliefs on others.

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The event that you are being invited to is called a Memorial where they celebrate Jesus' death, no I'm not making this up, and what usually happens is a plate of bread and a glass of wine is passed around as a 'Brother' reads out passages in the bible relating to the last supper. However about 99% percent of the people there will not eat the bread or drink the wine. As they believe that only the anointed ones, those who believe that they are part of the 114,000 to serve Jesus in heaven when Armageddon comes, can eat the bread or drink the wine.


Very interesting. Thank you Pandora Moon.


Only the anointed ones can eat the bread or drink the wine? Who decides who is anointed? And everybody is watching, so if you drink, it's like: "Look everybody, I'm anointed!" The downside is if you're anointed, you'll probably be expected to give more to the church, of your time, your self, and your money.


So they are inviting all of us pagans to participate in this ritual? Sounds to me that participation should be reserved to initiates only.

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Who decides who is anointed?

As far as I'm aware a person decides for themselves whether they are anointed or not. I do remember asking a Witiness once what if someone drank the wine and ate the bread and they weren't really anointed? I was told that no one would judge them as only that person knows.


So they are inviting all of us pagans to participate in this ritual? Sounds to me that participation should be reserved to initiates only..

Good point, I suppose it is so they can get new converts so they won't be 'pagan' anymore.

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I haven't had anyone knock on my door in yonks..last was some baptists and I gave them some what for ;) I remember I had some Mormons knock on my door while I was still a Christian and told them that I was eating at the moment, but if they came back in about 15mins I would more than willing to talk to them. They said no problem, but I never saw 'em again. Oh well. The only experience I had with JWs was when I was a teen. I told them I wasn't interested but they kept pushing so I eventually told them to fuck off and slammed the door.

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Jehovah's Witnesses proselytizing is a scam.



A) They are at your door to recruit you for their watchtower society corporation,they will say that *we are just here to share a message from the Bible*... this is deception right off.

cool.png Their *message* creed is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it's not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim *..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple*.


C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban against *whole blood* has killed thousands.

D) once they recruit you they will *love bomb* you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off.



My family was spiritually and financially swindled by the Watchtower society,3rd generation Jehovah's Witness Danny Haszard

*Tell the truth don't be afraid*


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What do you get when you cross an Atheist with a Jehovah's Witness?












Someone who knocks at your door for no reason.


Ha ha, that's funny biggrin.png

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Danny, i hate to tell you, but points a) and c) above also apply to christian proselytizing as well.

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SWEET JESUS!!!!!! The language barrier is HYSTERICAL enough, but add the LOGIC and the white chick off to the side who would rather watch the Asian chick stutter around...CLASS.IC!


White chick is belligerent. VERY holy. And I dig the sundress.


That sundress would be A S*I*N in my former church, but she is showin' them shoulders like its COOL!


I swear, the first time I told a JW that I was an Atheist who simply believed in ONE FEWER GODS than he did....you coulda heard crickets chirping on Mars.... LOL!!!!!!!!

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