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Near Death Experiences


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Here is an interesting summary of research about near death experiences and what may be happening in the brain:



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Hi ficino. I watched it. Yes, definitely a summary. I'm interested in the dimethyltryptamine (DMT) found within the human brain which is released in large quantities from the pineal gland. This is what they should give to people who suffer from depression. blush.png



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The causes of the "experience" were discovered at least 40 years ago. Perhaps somebody figured it out earlier, but I have only been investigating spooky phenomena experiments for the past 40 years. Believers still believe, however. Hell, some still think the world is flat and we never went to the moon.


The brain does some pretty wild shit, especially when injured, oxygen deprived, electrically or magnetically stimulated, altered by ritual/prayer/meditation, or subjected to drugs. Dr. Persinger has done some interesting experiments and the results make for interesting conclusions:


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There have been many, many cases of people who are part of prospective (rather than retrospective) NDE studies having veridical perception of events taking place in the operating room or elsewhere that coincides with a period of time when they have no brain activity whatsoever.


The AWARE study is going on right now and as part of it, shelves that hang from the ceiling have been installed at a bunch of hospitals in the UK and US. The shelves have pictures on them that are only visible from the ceiling. The idea is that if a large number of people can accurately describe these pictures it will be extremely objective evidence they were really out of their bodies.


Here are interviews with my two favorite NDE researchers. (I've been really into this for about the past 3 weeks.)





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The AWARE study is going on right now and as part of it, shelves that hang from the ceiling have been installed at a bunch of hospitals in the UK and US. The shelves have pictures on them that are only visible from the ceiling. The idea is that if a large number of people can accurately describe these pictures it will be extremely objective evidence they were really out of their bodies.

This experiment (using printed words rather than pictures) was in progress when I began studying the phenomenon. One would think that if it could bring a positive result, it would have done so at some point during the past four decades. It's like other "paranormal" investigations; serious scientific and government researchers investigate for years and find nothing, then the whackos carry on the "work" indefinitely.

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This experiment (using printed words rather than pictures) was in progress when I began studying the phenomenon.


Who was doing this experiment? Any info on it?

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Any info on it?

I'm sorry. I really shouldn't post anything I can't prove. The stories were in a couple of books on the subject and written at least 40 years ago. I retained the info because I was looking for some evidence of 'life after death' and this was early evidence that I was wasting my time. My interest continued, however. One author I do remember is Susan Blackmore. Her work is worth a look, as she started her interest and investigations as a believer, but ultimately discovered the natural physiology behind 'paranormal' events. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Blackmore

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