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Goodbye Jesus

It Won't All Fit, But Here's The Jist Of It...


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ONE more thing that always bothered me about the emphasis on PROPHECY in the A/G Church (which is really all I know of Christianity)...


Self-fulfilling prophecies don't count as prophecies...


I remember how the A-of-G was all agog over Dave Wilkerson's "Vision" of an imminent return of the Lord in around 1973. What a crock.


If it isn't Dave Wilkerson they are quoting it's James Dobson from Focus on the Family... another guy who seems to have a direct line to the holy creator's bullshit.


Did anyone here hear about Pat Robertson saying marijuana should be legalized - I got a real laugh from that because 700 Club was something I watched growing up from time to time.



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Welcome, Zach :) I thought that was a really insightful and well-written extimony, FWIW, so the practice in writing is paying off! I had some friends who were into AG before they joined the UPC and it was wild to hear them talk about the leaders of that faith. Of course, we thought OUR leaders were totally much better; we didn't even notice their gorgeous black cars or their huge houses with a zillion TVs (wait, aren't TVs evil?). rolleyes.gif


We're way past exhibits, folks... we're well on toward "our own wing of the zoo" here.

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