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Personally, I think it would be cool to have a grandson with a dog collar...eventually...

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what the adults in these churches don't realize is that they are doing exactly the same thing; imitating what they've seen others doing. it's ironic that they look at these toddlers and go 'aw, isn't that cute?' then go back to waving their hands themselves, mimicking some other penty moron they've seen do it.

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Personally, I think it would be cool to have a grandson with a dog collar...eventually...


I think so too, but then again, I would most likely be the one placing the dog collar on the child.

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Personally, I think it would be cool to have a grandson with a dog collar...eventually...


I think so too, but then again, I would most likely be the one placing the dog collar on the child.


Ditto on that !

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I went to a respectable church where people sat silently in their pews until the preacher finished. Then they went to Shoney's, had a nice Big Boy, then went home to watch football. Nobody said "Amen" except when we were supposed to, nobody waved their hands like little god antennae, nobody babbled incoherently or went into spasms.


I looked at the heads of the adults seated in front of me and imagined their heads exploding. The old guy with the translucent red ears that stuck straight out...boom! The old lady in the pillbox hat with the lily white neck with road map wrinkles...boom! I drew alligators on the offering envelopes and used my Bible to conceal the boner the red-haired girl in the next pew was giving me. We pulled taffy on Friday nights then went home to pull our boners. Our Methodist church was respectable, and we thought ourselves far superior to the undignified emotive churches.

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sounds like most of my church experiences. Except I would eat the program when younger and then just outright sleep when older.


I actually found out in High school that when we got a new minister they would tell him that I would generally sit in the first four pews on the left, and would promptly fall asleep. Found out it actually helped one pastor who despite being a pastor was terrified of public speaking. He kinda used me like a crutch. I was embarrassed at first but then was like, :shrug: whatever. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!

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I would be interested in knowing which denominations have the highest rates of apostasy. My theory would be that the most virulent churches would suffer the fewest losses, and staid churches like mine would suffer the greatest losses. My church was easy to leave, and while I was there it was easy to disbelieve quietly without drawing attention to myself.

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I would be interested in knowing which denominations have the highest rates of apostasy. My theory would be that the most virulent churches would suffer the fewest losses, and staid churches like mine would suffer the greatest losses. My church was easy to leave, and while I was there it was easy to disbelieve quietly without drawing attention to myself.


It would be interesting to see. My thought is that perhaps it depends on the size of the church and the involvement of the people there.

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I would be interested in knowing which denominations have the highest rates of apostasy. My theory would be that the most virulent churches would suffer the fewest losses, and staid churches like mine would suffer the greatest losses. My church was easy to leave, and while I was there it was easy to disbelieve quietly without drawing attention to myself.


I don't know about that. If anything, the wackier denominations bring the insanity to light more than the staid ones, forcing people who are having doubts to confront them. I also think that it seems like Pentecostal churches are often the last stop on the road to apostasy, because people who go to these churches are looking for manifestations of God's spirit. After they realize it's all bullshit, and then finally say, "Fuck all of it," and leave.

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I would be interested in knowing which denominations have the highest rates of apostasy. My theory would be that the most virulent churches would suffer the fewest losses, and staid churches like mine would suffer the greatest losses. My church was easy to leave, and while I was there it was easy to disbelieve quietly without drawing attention to myself.


I don't know about that. If anything, the wackier denominations bring the insanity to light more than the staid ones, forcing people who are having doubts to confront them. I also think that it seems like Pentecostal churches are often the last stop on the road to apostasy, because people who go to these churches are looking for manifestations of God's spirit. After they realize it's all bullshit, and then finally say, "Fuck all of it," and leave.


Maybe. But I bet a moderate mosque is easier to leave than a radical one. Safer, anyway. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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I think Trapped has the right of it. I progressed through denominations because I was looking for Jesus--from Catholic to Southern Baptist to Pentecostalism, looking for the real deal. I'm thankful that my common sense took over before I fled from the UPC to an even more hardcore "holiness" church out in Waco; a bunch of my friends tried it, and fled its abuse to return to us like ghosts too damaged to weep.


When I realized that getting more hardcore wasn't bringing me any closer to God, but might actually hurt me mentally and emotionally (even physically in the case of this Waco group), but less hardcore certainly wasn't either, I began to really examine those niggling doubts I'd felt for years. It wasn't that easy to leave the UPC; the church I was in at the end of my journey was extremely small, one step up from a planted church, so even one person skipping out was a big screaming deal. The first UPC church I attended was a lot easier to blend into and escape scrutiny, since it was huge and had a wide range of people with numerous worship styles attending. In a tiny church, if someone ain't raising her hands and crying out regularly, everybody sees!

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I would be interested in knowing which denominations have the highest rates of apostasy. My theory would be that the most virulent churches would suffer the fewest losses, and staid churches like mine would suffer the greatest losses. My church was easy to leave, and while I was there it was easy to disbelieve quietly without drawing attention to myself.


I don't know about that. If anything, the wackier denominations bring the insanity to light more than the staid ones, forcing people who are having doubts to confront them. I also think that it seems like Pentecostal churches are often the last stop on the road to apostasy, because people who go to these churches are looking for manifestations of God's spirit. After they realize it's all bullshit, and then finally say, "Fuck all of it," and leave.


Maybe. But I bet a moderate mosque is easier to leave than a radical one. Safer, anyway. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Okay, you got me there. biggrin.png

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Anybody remember that comedy routine that Bill Hicks used to do about talking critically about Christianity in redneck venues and the confrontations he'd sometimes get afterwards in the parking lots?




"I said, 'Then forgive me.' And I don't remember much after that."

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I recently had a conversation with my mom about a video she saw of a 3 year old worshipping god. I tried to explain to her that there was no way she could even know what a god was at that age and she was just mimicking what she saw. But as usual....she denied logic...lol.


I guess you mean this creepy vid?


It pains me to see the comments on this vid. They see it as some kind of proof but it's actually quite common for children to mimic their parents.


Check this one out:

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I can't remember where I heard this but supposedly actually happened. The nursery school teachers wondered where the little girl got the idea of walking up to someone, exposing herself, and saying triumphantly, "ta da!"

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I recently had a conversation with my mom about a video she saw of a 3 year old worshipping god. I tried to explain to her that there was no way she could even know what a god was at that age and she was just mimicking what she saw. But as usual....she denied logic...lol.


I guess you mean this creepy vid?


It pains me to see the comments on this vid. They see it as some kind of proof but it's actually quite common for children to mimic their parents.


Check this one out:


made a lot more sense than most preachers i've seen

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I recently had a conversation with my mom about a video she saw of a 3 year old worshipping god. I tried to explain to her that there was no way she could even know what a god was at that age and she was just mimicking what she saw. But as usual....she denied logic...lol.


I guess you mean this creepy vid?


It pains me to see the comments on this vid. They see it as some kind of proof but it's actually quite common for children to mimic their parents.


Check this one out:


made a lot more sense than most preachers i've seen


Just love the crowd rolling like they were getting a Word from above. Nucking futs...

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yep. they weren't just going 'aw shucks, aint that cute', they actually believed there was some kind of message from God coming out of this kid. they just don't see the irony that every week all they do is listen to a baby stomping around the stage (this one wearing a suit), gurgling and babbling nonsensical gibberish into a microphone.

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I can't help but laugh at the godbots standing with eyes closed, hands extended upward like little god antennae desperately trying to improve reception.


There's nothing there, you dummies!

They're on the wrong frequency.


Well, no wonder! The hand-raising fundies in the Northern Hemisphere and those in the Southern Hemisphere are aiming in opposite directions, canceling each other out.

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This fucking hand-waving shit is spreading too. I just watched a Russian concert on TV the other day and many in the audience were waving their hands like they were in church. Gives me chills and not the good kind.

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I just remembered something I saw at a charismatic pentecostal church I went to (because I was trying to convince the guy that I wanted to date that I was a good Christian girl) and they trained a little boy to raise hims arms whenever they said, "Praise God". He probably no more than two years old but I bet they thought he was actually praising God.

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I just remembered something I saw at a charismatic pentecostal church I went to (because I was trying to convince the guy that I wanted to date that I was a good Christian girl) and they trained a little boy to raise hims arms whenever they said, "Praise God". He probably no more than two years old but I bet they thought he was actually praising God.


My sister in law has got my twin nieces pointing up at the ceiling and saying 'bogh!' which means god in Russian. They are only 19 or 20 months old, so they are merely mimicking. When they do it around me, I tell them, nyet, eta lampa (no, that's ceiling light). smile.png

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Maybe the mom and daughter are raising their hands for permission to go to the potty?



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I just remembered something I saw at a charismatic pentecostal church I went to (because I was trying to convince the guy that I wanted to date that I was a good Christian girl) and they trained a little boy to raise hims arms whenever they said, "Praise God". He probably no more than two years old but I bet they thought he was actually praising God.


My sister in law has got my twin nieces pointing up at the ceiling and saying 'bogh!' which means god in Russian. They are only 19 or 20 months old, so they are merely mimicking. When they do it around me, I tell them, nyet, eta lampa (no, that's ceiling light). smile.png


Can't even count on the Russkis to be godless any more.

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Can't even count on the Russkis to be godless any more.


Well, she lives in the US and was roped into the US fire-breathing brand of xian, not the more lax orthodox brand.


The orthodox brand is starting to grow some nasty teeth lately too though. They are complaining at the public's calls for leniency on for Pussy Riot because they were doing the 'devil's work'. http://www.guardian....ils-work-kirill


Like always, these religious idiots have a double standard. The church the protest was held in was built by the Kremlin and is the primary political church for the political leaders as they tie their leadership metaphorically with Russia's traditions. I wonder if Putin's form of kleptocracy then is god's work by comparison?


Make us look bad = evil

Do real evil = good

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