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Goodbye Jesus

Things Fundies Say On Facebook

Brother Jeff

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It was a major stumbling block for me to learn in history class in college that Christmas is almost certainly NOT Jesus' birthday, and that it was a much older pagan festival that Catholicism pre-empted (along with a host of other stuff--anything in Christianity that's fun and life-affirming is probably from paganism). It blows my mind now to see Christians actually thinking that Christmas has the faintest thing to do with their dead, bloodsoaked failure of a messiah. This ain't rocket science.


Chrsitmas is pure pagan (notice the date Dec 25th and the solstice is the 21st), it was sun god worship and when constantine made christianity the state religion, they brought in everything pagan and renamed it: Even the saints are takes on older pagan gods and so is easter (ashtarte), incense, nuns (vestil virgins of BC religions), confession to a priest, the virgin mary was a take on the mother goddess of ancient times (as is lady liberty).


Antix, let's get right to the point. Why do you think the bible accurately relays information to us 2000 years later? What we have are copies of copies of translations of copies, and no originals. How do you know the "original" writings didn't say something completely different than what we have now, 2 millennia later?

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lol you said vagina...




I haz one. And I refuse to be ashamed of it. Fucking christians and their misogyny and blaming women for hateful men.

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It was a major stumbling block for me to learn in history class in college that Christmas is almost certainly NOT Jesus' birthday, and that it was a much older pagan festival that Catholicism pre-empted (along with a host of other stuff--anything in Christianity that's fun and life-affirming is probably from paganism). It blows my mind now to see Christians actually thinking that Christmas has the faintest thing to do with their dead, bloodsoaked failure of a messiah. This ain't rocket science.


Chrsitmas is pure pagan (notice the date Dec 25th and the solstice is the 21st), it was sun god worship and when constantine made christianity the state religion, they brought in everything pagan and renamed it: Even the saints are takes on older pagan gods and so is easter (ashtarte), incense, nuns (vestil virgins of BC religions), confession to a priest, the virgin mary was a take on the mother goddess of ancient times (as is lady liberty).


Antix, let's get right to the point. Why do you think the bible accurately relays information to us 2000 years later? What we have are copies of copies of translations of copies, and no originals. How do you know the "original" writings didn't say something completely different than what we have now, 2 millennia later?


They do, you have to take it in context of what the jewish culture was at the time. Also, there has had to been some errors in translation over the millenia.

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Chrsitmas is pure pagan (notice the date Dec 25th and the solstice is the 21st), it was sun god worship and when constantine made christianity the state religion, they brought in everything pagan and renamed it: Even the saints are takes on older pagan gods and so is easter (ashtarte), incense, nuns (vestil virgins of BC religions), confession to a priest, the virgin mary was a take on the mother goddess of ancient times (as is lady liberty).




That silence is me waiting for it to occur to you that almost everything *about* Christianity was cribbed from earlier religions except its bizarre insistence that of all the religions, this one really was the only one that had it right and that everybody who didn't buy into its threats was going to go straight to a fiery hell. I think it did a good job of fanning the flames of human ignorance and fear, but that's about all.

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Chrsitmas is pure pagan (notice the date Dec 25th and the solstice is the 21st), it was sun god worship and when constantine made christianity the state religion, they brought in everything pagan and renamed it: Even the saints are takes on older pagan gods and so is easter (ashtarte), incense, nuns (vestil virgins of BC religions), confession to a priest, the virgin mary was a take on the mother goddess of ancient times (as is lady liberty).




That silence is me waiting for it to occur to you that almost everything *about* Christianity was cribbed from earlier religions except its bizarre insistence that of all the religions, this one really was the only one that had it right and that everybody who didn't buy into its threats was going to go straight to a fiery hell. I think it did a good job of fanning the flames of human ignorance and fear, but that's about all.


he's a cool liberal christian who admits that the bible is fatally flawed, yet still clings to the belief that there is something of worth in it somewhere. what that could possibly be when it is corrupt at its heart is beyond me but i'm sure he will enlighten us, being so progressive and all.

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Chrsitmas is pure pagan (notice the date Dec 25th and the solstice is the 21st), it was sun god worship and when constantine made christianity the state religion, they brought in everything pagan and renamed it: Even the saints are takes on older pagan gods and so is easter (ashtarte), incense, nuns (vestil virgins of BC religions), confession to a priest, the virgin mary was a take on the mother goddess of ancient times (as is lady liberty).




That silence is me waiting for it to occur to you that almost everything *about* Christianity was cribbed from earlier religions except its bizarre insistence that of all the religions, this one really was the only one that had it right and that everybody who didn't buy into its threats was going to go straight to a fiery hell. I think it did a good job of fanning the flames of human ignorance and fear, but that's about all.


Well put.

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


the more important question is: why do you identify as a christian when you (seem to) reject its fundamental tenets?

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


the more important question is: why do you identify as a christian when you (seem to) reject its fundamental tenets?


I do not reject christ, I reject most believers, big difference

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


the more important question is: why do you identify as a christian when you (seem to) reject its fundamental tenets?


I do not reject christ, I reject most believers, big difference


Oh so you love Jesus and Hate the church.


Given that everything we know about Jesus is FROM the roman Catholic church, I'd say you would be into the realm of just going with whatever Jesus you like.


Or Thor, or Apollo, or Zeus, or Tyr, or Lathander, that suits your needs at the time.

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


What, you expect to frequent an Ex-C site and have us all drooling over Jebus?


It's called debate. Nobody, or there are very few instances at the most, is slamming you or any other xian as a person. We are slamming xianity as a religion. And yes, we would like to see more people deconvert bc we think the world would be a better place.

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Nobody, or there are very few instances at the most, is slamming you or any other xian as a person.


I actually think the people here are extremely tolerant of Christians here.

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


the more important question is: why do you identify as a christian when you (seem to) reject its fundamental tenets?


I do not reject christ, I reject most believers, big difference


Noone knows what Jesus said or did or if he even actually existed. You're very uninformed regarding that which you speak of. You're simply swallowing the kool aid.


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This is posted by our former church's former pastor, before he was kicked out for "not preaching the truth". This was the big stunner for me that left me wondering what the hell Christianity was all about. He was a nice guy who was publicly embarrassed. He and his family left our small town shortly after to pastor in another town. Now, I wonder if he is part of the clergy project, or a secret nonbeliever. He and his family love the tv show The Big Bang theory, and anything science-y. I cannot see how he truly believes.

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Nobody, or there are very few instances at the most, is slamming you or any other xian as a person.


I actually think the people here are extremely tolerant of Christians here.


I am tolerant in RL, but here I am just annoyed. This is my safety place to not be preached at or used as an opportunity for Christians to demonstrate their lovvveee for all sinners (mostly the latter -- it's so inauthentic).

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Guest Valk0010

Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?

Its a site for people who are leaving and already left. We also have a right to express our thoughts on our own site, mr facist thought police. Grow up.
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How about "feed your mind, and your faith will starve to death"?

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How about "feed your mind, and your faith will starve to death"?


But then I might still be afraid!!! eek.gif

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I do not reject christ, I reject most believers, big difference




LOL@you having no fucking clue what Jesus is or who he was other than what was written about this fictional character in a moldy old book of myths that was edited and re-edited to death by a bunch of freaked-out men who realized their Messiah wasn't actually coming back and they had to come up with something STAT to explain things. Seriously, dude, you have no idea and neither does anybody else. We all realized it already, that's all. You haven't yet. You heard some very spiritual-sounding woo that sounded more hardcore than the bullshit the other Christianbots swallow and got sucked in, that's all. In a few years there'll be some other high-and-mighty way of saying "I'M MORE CHRISTIAN THAN THOSE OTHER ASSHOLES" and you'll get sucked in to that too.


You don't impress me with your oh-so-lofty ways.

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I do not reject christ, I reject most believers, big difference




LOL@you having no fucking clue what Jesus is or who he was other than what was written about this fictional character in a moldy old book of myths that was edited and re-edited to death by a bunch of freaked-out men who realized their Messiah wasn't actually coming back and they had to come up with something STAT to explain things. Seriously, dude, you have no idea and neither does anybody else. We all realized it already, that's all. You haven't yet. You heard some very spiritual-sounding woo that sounded more hardcore than the bullshit the other Christianbots swallow and got sucked in, that's all. In a few years there'll be some other high-and-mighty way of saying "I'M MORE CHRISTIAN THAN THOSE OTHER ASSHOLES" and you'll get sucked in to that too.


You don't impress me with your oh-so-lofty ways.


I want to marry your brain.

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?

Wow, I can't believe the "Things Fundies Say on Facebook" thread has been hijacked by a confused Christian.


AntiX, maybe hop into the Lion's Den for picking fights.



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Back on topic, this awesome pic fucked up with a bible verse and a "cum in your pants for jeebus if you agree" line



All things are possible to Him that believes. Mk 9:23

LIKE & Post AMEN if you believe this ♥


Really a dog chasing a Rhino is some sort of validation for stickman's alleged sayings? *puke*

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Why is it so important to some people here to slam everything and try and convert people?


Why do you, a believer of jesus christ, visit a website whose purpose is to support people who are thinking of terminating their belief in jesus christ or have already terminated their belief in jesus christ? We slam jesus christ here because we no longer believe he is our god and this is a safe haven for us to do it. Jesus is not respected here. Jesus is not loved here. A good portion of the people here don't feel he ever existed and that the bible is total BS.


I would not go to a christian website, tell everyone I was an atheist, yet try to identify with their christian beliefs and then ask, "Why is everyone here trying to convert me ?" Duh.

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I love that Ezekiel breakfast cereal. I could imagine the prayers at 6.30am ( as this is the hour most xtians get up for praiyur)...

"Oh lard, we jus'wanna thank you for the glorious provisioning of your grace and for the out pouring of Ezekiel flakes into our bowls of rightousness this day." Ayyyyymen!


Honey, pass me the Moses Milk and make me some 2 Timothy Toast while you're at it....

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