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I give this advice because I notice some things happening over and over again -- such as a Christian being told they repeat themselves, it's all been said before, and that you've all heard it already.


Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly. Debate, and say your peace... but don't tell us to stop (those of you who tell us to leave the boards and go away). Here! Come debate us! Go away! lol. Read the forum name.


Look, it is real simple... if the moderators don't want Christian presence on the board here, spewing things that seem repetitive, simply ban anyone professing Christianity and delete the forum made for debating with us.


Otherwise, don't be surprised and do not complain as if you were somehow blindsided by a foreign object whenever a Christian says things quoted from the Bible, brings up Jesus, tells you about hell, or tells you that God loves you when you enter a forum called "Debating with Christians." Really, shouting through a shut door is not necessary, though that is often what either side seems to do... but we do it all the same! If you just walked into this forum, then you at least have *chosen* to subject yourself to such repetitive rubble we will spew in your direction. As you say we are on a mission to convert, I say so are also on the same mission, you who are not Christians and come to DEBATE.


Thank you for your time. :)

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Most Christians don't debate. They tend to refuse to answer questions directed at them then go on to preach about how we are destined for hell so best repent now.

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I give this advice because I notice some things happening over and over again -- such as a Christian being told they repeat themselves, it's all been said before, and that you've all heard it already.


Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly.



Sooooo, you want the mods to continue letting the Christoids to speak without restraint, but that the non-Christoids now have to be restrained? As far as I'm concerned, and I'm not a mod, part of "our" free speech is telling you to get lost. You can choose to not take it literally, which is usually what we do when you guys say anything. Or you can, which is really what we DON'T want -- because we often bore each other to tears (when we don't have fresh meat in the coliseum), or discuss politics -- and I'm not sure which is worse!

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The way Christians approach the people here makes a big difference as to whether you are told to get lost or not. If you come here and arrogantly insist that your delusions are true simply because you say so (which I think you have demonstrated), then you're probably not going to get a very warm welcome.

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Preaching isn't debating. If you go back through a lot of these threads, legitimate points are brought up, and completely ignored by christians. Many christians don't even read anything that's posted by anyone else, let alone respond to it.


There are christians who have come here who are exceptions.


You call quoting bible verses debating? You think that we don't already know the bible? We probably know it a whole lot better than you do.


If you want to debate, lets get it on. Bring up a legitimate subject. Even if you want to talk about hell. That's fine. As long as you don't just want to tell us over and over and over again that eternal torment awaits us. That's not debating.


If hell is real, then tell us why you think there is no mention of eternal torment from Genesis to Malachi. Why do you suppose it doesn't show up until the gospels?

Maybe tell us what you THINK about something, instead of quoting bible verses.


You gotta realize that most christians think they are really doing something significant by bringing "God's word" to us.


Not realizing that it's a broken record of the last 20 jesusites that have been here previously, and there is nothing new under the sun.

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Also, consider that we reserve the right to put all of your points under scrutiny. If we find a hole in any of your arguments, don't cry about it.


In Mathematics, a proof is declared invalid if even one single argument is flawed.


And preaching from The Book is most certainly NOT a form of debate.


In fact, I think it might be easier for both sides to figure out what they both accept before moving on...

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I give this advice because I notice some things happening over and over again -- such as a Christian being told they repeat themselves, it's all been said before, and that you've all heard it already.


If you wished to debate, you had your chance but you fucked that up. Now you're giving shitty gifts about stupid things.


We only tell YOU to shut the fuck up because you're a moron and say nothing but the same shit that has no relevance whatsoever to reality. Ergo, we leave it open in the hope that someone smart enough to be able to count will stumble in here.

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Now you're giving shitty gifts about stupid things.


Oh yeah, and about the "gifts" - grow the fuck up, would ya? I mean, if you're gonna give out gifts, make sure it's something useful - like a freakin chia pet or something.

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We do not consider the Bible to be anything other than fiction. You people are trying to debate using the Bible to prove that god exists, and also telling us that places like hell exist using the Bible as proof, is like trying to prove Superman exists by using the comic books as evidence. When are you people going to get that through your thick brainwashed skulls?!


Many of us here view your god sending anyone to hell as the ultimate act of tryanny and despotism. It is no better an act than Osama bin Laden destroying the twin towers to "send a message to America." Most of us view your god and Osama in the same way.


You are brainwashed. You are the one who doesn't understand. And you will never be able to prove otherwise because you have no proof other than a book of fiction and cult propaganda. Feel free to find some evidence outside of that, but don't expect us to accept your fantasy novel as truth.

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Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly.  Debate, and say your peace... but don't tell us to stop (those of you who tell us to leave the boards and go away).  Here! Come debate us! Go away! lol.  Read the forum name.

So far, no one of the moderators have told you to get lost. I haven't, and I don't think anyone of the others have either. I agree, you have the right to stay and debate. But there's nothing that stops the members to say what they feel either.

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And unlike stupid Christian forums that toss a ban for almost nothing, we are much more tolerante here.

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I give this advice because I notice some things happening over and over again -- such as a Christian being told they repeat themselves, it's all been said before, and that you've all heard it already.


Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly.  Debate, and say your peace... but don't tell us to stop (those of you who tell us to leave the boards and go away).  Here! Come debate us! Go away! lol.  Read the forum name.


Look, it is real simple... if the moderators don't want Christian presence on the board here, spewing things that seem repetitive, simply ban anyone professing Christianity and delete the forum made for debating with us.


Otherwise, don't be surprised and do not complain as if you were somehow blindsided by a foreign object whenever a Christian says things quoted from the Bible, brings up Jesus, tells you about hell, or tells you that God loves you when you enter a forum called "Debating with Christians."  Really, shouting through a shut door is not necessary, though that is often what either side seems to do... but we do it all the same!  If you just walked into this forum, then you at least have *chosen* to subject yourself to such repetitive rubble we will spew in your direction.  As you say we are on a mission to convert, I say so are also on the same mission, you who are not Christians and come to DEBATE.


Thank you for your time. :)


You aren't debating. Debating implies you have some sort of logical argument to make about your opinions. Spouting bible verses at people who have probably read the bible more then you ever have or will in your life time is not debating; it's verbal diarrhea.


Most of your posts possess certain spam-like qualities in any case. I don't think losing you as a sparring partner here on the board would be any great loss.

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You aren't debating.  Debating implies you have some sort of logical argument to make about your opinions.  Spouting bible verses at people who have probably read the bible more then you ever have or will in your life time is not debating; it's verbal diarrhea.


Most of your posts possess certain spam-like qualities in any case.  I don't think losing you as a sparring partner here on the board would be any great loss.


No, YOU'RE not using logic.


Also, na-na-nah-boo-boo.

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Also, na-na-nah-boo-boo.


That's the most intelligent thing you've said all night. Congratulations.


Are you, like, 11 years old? (serious question)

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That's the most intelligent thing you've said all night.  Congratulations.


Are you, like, 11 years old?  (serious question)


I think he's older than eleven. (his pic below)

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That's the most intelligent thing you've said all night.  Congratulations.


Are you, like, 11 years old?  (serious question)

Hey my niece is 11 and she doesn't act this immature. I was going to say 7 but even that might be too generous :HaHa:

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Hey my niece is 11 and she doesn't act this immature.  I was going to say 7 but even that might be too generous  :HaHa:


Both of my boys are in their mid-teens and either one of them could probably smoke this dude in a debate.


That's IF they could stop laughing long enough. :HaHa:

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I think he's older than eleven. (his pic below)

Damn! I think I have seen that photo before!

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No, YOU'RE not using logic.


Also, na-na-nah-boo-boo.


Shouldn't babies be in bed at this hour? Your mummy is going to be very mad if she catches you playing on the computer when you should be curling up with Mr. Blankie.

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Fans, my na-na-nah-boo-boo statement was meant to parellel the statement saying that non-christians use LOGIC to debate as apposed to Christians who of course don't use logic. It might have well been said, "na-na-nah-boo-boo." :)

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If you're ever in the mood for some real reading, Dan, try this ----> HERE.


You'll learn much about yourself that you aren't even aware of yet. :mellow:

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Fans, my na-na-nah-boo-boo statement was meant to parellel the statement saying that non-christians use LOGIC to debate as apposed to Christians who of course don't use logic.  It might have well been said, "na-na-nah-boo-boo." :)


I said nothing about Christians or non-Christians in my posting. There are some extremely logical Christians on this forum, who have participated in debates and not preach-fests. You, unfortunately, are not one of them.


Perhaps if you would learn to read you wouldn't have so much trouble understanding the difference between a debate and preaching.

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I give this advice


No one asked for advice, advice not asked for is usally unwanted and recived with ill temper.


because I notice some things happening over and over again -- such as a Christian being told they repeat themselves, it's all been said before, and that you've all heard it already.


Yup cuz they do and we have.


Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly.


Debate, and answer with sound reasoning when challanged, and we won't tell you to go, well I won't, you'd be fun. I read your other gift thread though, you do not seriously answer any non-christian posts to yours, you only debated with another christian, and have now announced you are leaving that thread.


Debate, and say your peace... but don't tell us to stop (those of you who tell us to leave the boards and go away). Here! Come debate us! Go away! lol. Read the forum name.


:: reads the forum name :: Yeah would love to read, and maybe ingage in debate, but you're not debating, your preaching. Anyone here can tell you to go away as much as they want, unless a mod actaully deletes your posts and bans you, quit yer bitchin. Oh and take your own advice and READ the forum name, does it say Christian preaching forum?


Look, it is real simple... if the moderators don't want Christian presence on the board here, spewing things that seem repetitive, simply ban anyone professing Christianity and delete the forum made for debating with us.


It's a debate board, so um were going to rip apart your spewing, part of that will be to point out how it has been said and dismissed already, deal with it.


Otherwise, don't be surprised and do not complain as if you were somehow blindsided by a foreign object whenever a Christian says things quoted from the Bible, brings up Jesus, tells you about hell, or tells you that God loves you when you enter a forum called "Debating with Christians." Really, shouting through a shut door is not necessary, though that is often what either side seems to do... but we do it all the same! If you just walked into this forum, then you at least have *chosen* to subject yourself to such repetitive rubble we will spew in your direction. As you say we are on a mission to convert, I say so are also on the same mission, you who are not Christians and come to DEBATE.


Were not surprised, most would LOVE to be surprised. As you have said in this post now a few times, this is a debate board. Quoting the bible, bringing up Jesus, telling us about hell usually are not debate. You may use this forum to attempt to convert, but if you cannot present sound reasons why the Christian bible, why Jesus, why hell, then you have failed at conversion, and debate. Once you have failed at both counts all that is left for us to do is to say... Buh bye, don't let the door hit ya.


Thank you for your time.


Yeah yeah wheres my gift?? I WANT ROSES! Preferably sterling silver roses. ;-)

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Question: What do the moderators POSSIBLY hope to accomplish by creating a forum called "debating with Christians," if all the non-christians tell the Christians to stop debating! lol... it seems rather silly.  Debate, and say your peace... but don't tell us to stop (those of you who tell us to leave the boards and go away).  Here! Come debate us! Go away! lol.  Read the forum name.
I've never told a Christian to stop debating. If ever I've told a Christian to give up the goose, it's usually because they're not debating at all. Such as the case with Invictus and TJR, where they're just repeating things that are long debunked. This is not debating. This trying to sneak lies below Neil's lie-detecting radar. And sure, they should just save themselves the embarrassment and give up.


And then in some cases, they don't even try to start a debate. They just start whining about how unfair our tactics are and cry that we're just a bunch of meanies. Basically, what you're doing right now.

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