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What kicks? You guys are such fine folks with your generous, honest opinions, I don't deserve them. Pedophile indeed!!! Such "hopeful" imagination!


??? I never called you a pedophile. I called you a troll. Which I think you are.


But now that I think about it... :scratch:


Nah, I think you're still just a troll, trying to tweak everyone to get some kind of reaction. You're obviously not much of a believer. I'm not trying to 'deconvert' you, either. Whatever you really are, it's obvious you're no xtian. Those people can do evil in the name of good because of what the bible tells them.


You just seem to get off on flaunting your wrong-headedness, which to me says 'troll'.

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It is not a cop out. I just do not know God's will.

Exactly. You don't know God's will.

Do you still claim we don't have a reason to have deconverted?

How do you know it wasn't God's will that we did?

According to the Bible God hardened Pharao's heart. Pharao didn't have a choice. He was destined to doubt and fail. Same thing with Job's hardship. It was God's will that Job lost his kids, house, work, friends and health. That's the kind of God you believe in. You're prayer doesn't add or remove anything from what he plans for you.


God is just another name for the random outcome of events in our chaotic world.



For example, Paul had a thorn in his side and asked God to take it out. But He left it there!!! It is when we can rise above our sufferings that we can boast, that despite the suffering, we can still glorify His name.

Right. When the suffering is yours to carry and not someones you love.


I can take pain and suffering. But I can't take it when my loved ones are in pain and suffering, and I can't help them.


Pug, do you have kids? How old are they?


Remember Elijah hiding in the cave. He said, "Enough, no more, can you just kill me off..." Let's not give up too.

And yet, in Elijah's prayers and doubts, God DID show up and proved himself. God did those things in OT, but not today.


Guess we just can't make deals with God. Only pray. I have made a prayer request to my Pastor. Pastor Nellie was taken aback by my request ~ praying for kids in UK!!! I said I wish to show the power of prayer to some lost Christians.

Very good. Looking forward to the report.


So, I've committed your 14 into God's hands.


I can't wait for your good news.

I won't hold my breath...

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Why do you bother to talk about my God? He is non existent to you. By talking about Him, you are admitting to His "probable" existence.

You criticize grammar and spelling, and are well diversed in the skill of sarcasm, but you don't understand hypothetical rhetorics? :scratch:


So if we talk about Buddha, and the teachings of Buddha, or Allah and Islam, that would make them real? That would make us believers in them? You talked about your "Monkey God", that means that you still believe in him?


Pug, you do know that the Bible teaches you, that you are the witness of Jesus, that we can see Jesus through you, your actions and your words. So far, Jesus through you, is arrogant and obnoxious. And you have totally convinced me that God is a thug, and not full of love and compassion.


You're extremely good with the sly remarks, but you show minimal fruits of the spirit.


How long have you been a Christian?

How many times have you read the Bible?

Have you been in fast and prayer to truly find God's will?

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??? I never called you a pedophile. I called you a troll. Which I think you are.


But now that I think about it... :scratch:


Nah, I think you're still just a troll, trying to tweak everyone to get some kind of reaction. You're obviously not much of a believer. I'm not trying to 'deconvert' you, either. Whatever you really are, it's obvious you're no xtian. Those people can do evil in the name of good because of what the bible tells them.


You just seem to get off on flaunting your wrong-headedness, which to me says 'troll'.

Agreed. I've watched this kid and he doesn't not engage, nor shows any interest in honest discourse. I looked up the definition of troll and found this link:




I think this fits what I'm seeing with pug. Do we ever have troll votes here, and should we here? I'll cast my vote on him being a troll. I've tried reasoning with him and he shows no interest in anything but pissing everyone off and acting like an idiot. He's no Christian. He's a disturbed child.

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We know that religion is bliss.

P1) Religion is bliss.

P2) Ignorance is bliss.

C1) Then, Religion is Ignorance.

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Please, what kind of Christians are they?

Are you questioning the Holy Spirits work in and through other people?


Are you claiming you know other peoples heart?

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Isn't Allah real to Muslims? Is your analogy better?

Is that your attempt of misdirection?


You're saying you don't have the ability to understand constructive hypothetical arguments?


Not once did I say I was right or you're wrong or whatever. I'm not here to prove any thing. 


No, but you are obviously here to mock our decisions and experiences.

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Agreed.  I've watched this kid and he doesn't not engage, nor shows any interest in honest discourse.  I looked up the definition of troll and found this link:




I think this fits what I'm seeing with pug. Do we ever have troll votes here, and should we here?  I'll cast my vote on him being a troll.  I've tried reasoning with him and he shows no interest in anything but pissing everyone off and acting like an idiot.  He's no Christian.  He's a disturbed child.

Yeah, you're right! He truly is a Troll.


Game over. I'm putting him on Ignore. Bye bye Pug the Thug!

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Yeah, you're right! He truly is a Troll.

I think that he is just a meanstream xian, maybe young and a bit ignorant. Hi pug, you're not my type either. I rather like intellectual discussions than the "I share this experience with you" and "I feel such and such about such" thingy. Yeah, weird site about Paul the Antichrist. I too encountered the site a few days ago. I lost it because of a name change.



If you really want to study what you believe in I can recommend Early Christian Writings and Historical Jesus Theories on the same site. The Early Jewish Writings equivalent is up too.



If you want to study Evolution Theory I can refer to the EvC Forum where chemisists biologists etc. are posting. The electronic database PubMed can provide you with scientific articles regarding countless biological/evolutional studies. General physical issues can be studied on Physics Forums.


Religion and no religion

And sites regarding xianity vs non-xianity. The rejection of Pascal's Wager, Jesus Never Existed, Who is this King of Glory? [A.B. Kuhn], Messiah Truth, especially the "Knowing your orchard part" where xian prophecy fulfillments are handled, Positive Atheism.


Studying all these different issues will maybe help to judge the Orwellian doublethink facets of certain kinds of xianity. And there are a lot of offside topics too. What about humour? What about God as a Oscar winner trying to demonstrate justice...? For what? Lots of this kind of articles abound on the web and someone can read along and judge for him/herself.

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Pug reminds me a little too much of my fundy cube mate. Pug, you don't happen to work at a large manufacturing company in MN and share a cube with a former Christian, do you?

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I don't know if you just happened to "miss" the post, but you sure as hell have not addressed it in any way. Page 3 post #47.


I've given you plenty of time to come up with something there......you have not done so.


Too easy for you to claim you "missed" it (you christians seem to do that a lot). Why not give it a real go?


Or would you have to then admit your image of god is really a reflection of your own ego?

I didn't miss the post. I can come up with... nothing.


You do not believe in any god. I believe in my God. And I believe, once, you believed in Him too. Your relationship with Him is now ended. Mine is starting.


I'll get back to you on the ego part...

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??? I never called you a pedophile. I called you a troll. Which I think you are.


But now that I think about it... :scratch:


Nah, I think you're still just a troll, trying to tweak everyone to get some kind of reaction. You're obviously not much of a believer. I'm not trying to 'deconvert' you, either. Whatever you really are, it's obvious you're no xtian. Those people can do evil in the name of good because of what the bible tells them.


You just seem to get off on flaunting your wrong-headedness, which to me says 'troll'.


Yep. No xtian. Troll.




Not forgetting my God has failed you as well.

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You criticize grammar and spelling, and are well diversed in the skill of sarcasm, but you don't understand hypothetical rhetorics? :scratch:

Yep, me major moron there. No excuses. Apologies.


Pug, you do know that the Bible teaches you, that you are the witness of Jesus, that we can see Jesus through you, your actions and your words. So far, Jesus through you, is arrogant and obnoxious. And you have totally convinced me that God is a thug, and not full of love and compassion.

Yes, yes. Arrogant, obnoxious. Again, sorry Han. *bows head in shame*


You're extremely good with the sly remarks, but you show minimal fruits of the spirit.

Yes, we've established that. I'm sorry. Rotten fruits, yep.


How long have you been a Christian?

8 short months.


How many times have you read the Bible?

Once, not finished. But will read carefully now.


Have you been in fast and prayer to truly find God's will?


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Pug - can't you lay down your armor long enough to be real? Even for a minute or two? It's okay, man. It's no crime to admit you don't have all the answers neatly packaged and ready to ship.


It's okay to admit that there is some remote possibility that you may be wrong.


It's okay to say "I don't know. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to me, either."


People would respect you a whole lot more if you'd just show some humanity instead of marching through here like a good christian soldier in God's army, whose eyes are afraid to leave the prize for fear of losing your way.

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Are you questioning the Holy Spirits work in and through other people?


Are you claiming you know other peoples heart?


You're taking this quote out of context!


~ Christians are decent ppl. And decent folks rip ppl apart?

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Is that your attempt of misdirection?


You're saying you don't have the ability to understand constructive hypothetical arguments?

No, but you are obviously here to mock our decisions and experiences.


Mock? I think it's the opposite!


You gentle folks say it like it is:

You're a troll. No xtian.


Do you feel mocked? Why? I'm curious to know.

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Pug - can't you lay down your armor long enough to be real?  Even for a minute or two?  It's okay, man.  It's no crime to admit you don't have all the answers neatly packaged and ready to ship.

Mythra, Armour has always been off! Do you folks perceive I have one on? I just tell you what i know or experience. Some guys just like to hold a info-based discourse. Some call me flattering names even before I embarass myself as an idiot. Now Han is putting me on "ignore".


It's okay to admit that there is some remote possibility that you may be wrong.

What remote possibility? I'm possibly wrong 99% of the time. I can't even understand hypothtical concepts.


It's okay to say "I don't know.  Sometimes it doesn't make sense to me, either."

The barrage of info available on the net really, really overwhelms me! The problem is: All of them make sense ~ but which argument(s) to believe? My crutch is simply faith in Jesus Christ.


People would respect you a whole lot more if you'd just show some humanity instead of marching through here like a good christian soldier in God's army, whose eyes are afraid to leave the prize for fear of losing your way.

I'm not a good christian soldier (see the above posts). How can I be? My judges are ex-C who should know what a true believer should behave. And I'm obnoxious.


I do not fear losing my way. I know the destination. It's the in-between part. From here to there, I haven't a clue.

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Mythra, Armour has always been off! Do you folks perceive I have one on?


Sorry. Most christians know their bible well enough to recognize a reference to the sixth chapter of Ephesians. My mistake. mythra

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Sorry.  Most christians know their bible well enough to recognize a reference to the sixth chapter of Ephesians.  My mistake.  mythra

Yeah, Paul in Ephesians 6:10. "Put on the full amour of God, that you

may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil"


You fine, gentle folks are hardly the devil right? I need armour against you lot? You used to have the armour too.

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Wow this thread has moved on apace ~ just wanted to rewind slightly and comment on a few things ....


Yes. Sorry.


:grin: No more public prayers (Hesitent started it).


I loved the 'Hesitent started it' comment. I guess you would have eaten the fruit ~ and blamed the woman. ;)





Thanks for your comments and explaination.


It is not a cop out. I just do not know God's will. For example, Paul had a thorn in his side and asked God to take it out. But He left it there!!! It is when we can rise above our sufferings that we can boast, that despite the suffering, we can still glorify His name.


Remember Elijah hiding in the cave. He said, "Enough, no more, can you just kill me off..." Let's not give up too.


Guess we just can't make deals with God. Only pray. I have made a prayer request to my Pastor. Pastor Nellie was taken aback by my request ~ praying for kids in UK!!! I said I wish to show the power of prayer to some lost Christians.


So, I've committed your 14 into God's hands.


I can't wait for your good news.


I don't doubt that you feel hopeful that this prayer will be answered. I suspect you think it is more achievable than the 'raising from the dead' requests and when this miracle does not occur you will rest soundly in your belief that you do not know the mind of God and that he must have had some 'greater purpose' in saying no.


Miracles are the things that don't happen when people think that the best thing they can do is pray. I don't believe in the existence of 'supernatural' miracles, but I am happy to use the term 'miracle' for really wonderful amazing acts of kindness and courage aimed at relieving the suffering and plight of others.


Churches have the most meaning when christians stop relying on the prayer meeting and get out there and meet the needs of the poverty stricken and the vulnerable.


Yes ~ some do. But way not enough.


Thank you for making your request to your pastor. There is this expression that springs to mind ~ not sure if it universal or just a british thing ~ not on your nellie ;)


You asked me about the Sally Army.


In UK, there's the Salvation Army I believe. Are they corrupted now too? Must ask Hesitent this.


Yes the Salvation Army is still going. They do some great work with the homeless and with reuniting missing people from their families.

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Wow this thread has moved on apace ~ just wanted to rewind slightly and comment on a few things ....

I loved the 'Hesitent started it' comment. I guess you would have eaten the fruit ~ and blamed the woman. ;)

No, I'll blame da talking serpent.


I don't doubt that you feel hopeful that this prayer will be answered. I suspect you think it is more achievable than the 'raising from the dead' requests and when this miracle does not occur you will rest soundly in your belief that you do not know the mind of God and that he must have had some 'greater purpose' in saying no.

That's indeed an elegant way to put it. Yes, indeed, I do not know God's will. Let Him answer in His own way.


Thank you for making your request to your pastor. There is this expression that springs to mind ~ not sure if it universal or just a british thing ~ not on your nellie ;)

It's a British thing.

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I have a prayer request....


I asked god to burn down an isolated tree in the middle of a court I can see through my window by the end of the day if he cares about any of us. So far it's still there, green and living. Surely we are worth more than a tree so why wouldn't god prove his love if he is there? I know he can do it, according to that old testament he is able to make fire come down from the sky and burn meat, water and rocks! So pug, if you could check with god and make sure he got my request that would be appreciated.


I'm not trying to mock you here, really if god cares he will burn down that tree. I don't have faith so maybe that would jumpstart it back into existence? It's nothing evil, it's just a tree. I'm not asking for riches or anything too hard, or damage to anyone... just a simple tree.


Am I testing god? Sure I am! If something invisible, transcendant can't even be tested it's not a big step from inexistance, at least in our dimensions.


So I'll be back for lunch, I'll make sure to check out our green friend on the way back, I'm not too scared for him though.





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I didn't miss the post. I can come up with... nothing.


You do not believe in any god. I believe in my God. And I believe, once, you believed in Him too. Your relationship with Him is now ended. Mine is starting.


I'll get back to you on the ego part...


FUCKING EXCUSE ME?????!!!!!!!!



WHERE have you seen me say I don't believe in a god you egocentric FUCK??!!!!


Perhaps you missed the memo, but not everyone here is an atheist. Although I have a lot more in common with the athiests than I do shithead christians like you!


It is RELIGION I don't believe in.....not god. I believe there is a god. But I don't believe in that half-assed, whiny, petulant bitch-god in the bible.


Get it? Religion is less than crap to me. But I do believe there is a god. And for you to assume I don't, makes you a small minded troll.





Use your brain for something besides mastrubating, and look these words up!



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I like trees.

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I like trees.


Careful Hesitent. With all the ass-umptions pug is making lately, he might mistake you for a Druid. :eek:

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