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So how do you pray to Jesus to come into your heart, if you are a non-believer? (Hypothetically speaking)


Well, you see, Han, this is where the Real Magic™ comes in.... :scratch:


Keep in mind that God is just So Holy™ that he won't have anything at all to do with sinners/unbelievers. Hence His Holy Absence™.


Now, in order for a sinner/unbeliever's prayer to be heard by His Holiness™, that person must pray In Jesus' Holy Name™.



There! Now it all makes so much sense, doesn't it? :mellow:

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So how do you pray to Jesus to come into your heart, if you are a non-believer? (Hypothetically speaking)


The question was: "Will God bless un-believers if believers pray for them?"


My answer was: "Yes. And sometimes, because the un-believers were blessed, they converted." IMO.


But, I'm not God. So, I do not know, only can speculate, and recount to you some incidents I've witnessed. Because, even if that were to happen, un-believers may not even convert and simply brush it off as chance. As in, "Pray for me, don't pray for me, no effect. Gonna happen anyway."


You only pray for Jesus to come into your heart, as an un-believer, if you wish Him to. But having said that... it's like it's so easy. Magic! Miracle! To many, it has not been so. (Yep, seen that happen too.)


So... they logically conclude, since there's no proof of Him, why continue believing or why bother? Big lie. Scam.

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Thank you Mythra! Jesus gave into this Christ nature completely... hence, Jesus Christ. Once we lose that self centered ego completely, we too become the annointed ones. It is NOT easy to put the greater cause ahead of our own!


'Holy' be thy name. A 'name' is how one knows and identifies someone! The name in the book of Life is only one name, IMO, and that is Holy. Once our name is THAT, how others identify us, then we are in heaven for eternity. Of course, I believe it is happening to everyone! No hurry. Let's enjoy the journey.  :grin:


However, I do believe the Spirit of Jesus is manifested in us to guide this process. I know it may sound crazy to you, but I do believe it's true.  :wicked:


So you believe in the new age and buddhist definitions and ideals?


Sidi consciousness, Christ consciousness, the spirit being manifest in us.


We're all connected by some sort of source energy, call it what you want, if it's there, it's there no matter what its name.

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You only pray for Jesus to come into your heart, as an un-believer, if you wish Him to. But having said that... it's like it's so easy. Magic! Miracle! To many, it has not been so. (Yep, seen that happen too.)


So... they logically conclude, since there's no proof of Him, why continue believing or why bother? Big lie. Scam.

I have done that. Many of us have done that. I have felt the emotions running through my veins doing that. Many others of other religions have done that. I have not considered that studying the biblical history, biblical prophecies, biblical authorship, biblical theology (damnation, characteristics of the highest power), science, would mean any danger to my faith if it was true and really supernatural. It turned out to be quite human IMHO. I am not mad about myself for not recognizing my own emotions and knowing my own soul. I am glad that I am more complex that I can rationalize. But I can't disknow the things I know. I am sorry.
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I have done that. Many of us have done that. I have felt the emotions running through my veins doing that. Many others of other religions have done that. I have not considered that studying the biblical history, biblical prophecies, biblical authorship, biblical theology (damnation, characteristics of the highest power), science, would mean any danger to my faith if it was true and really supernatural. It turned out to be quite human IMHO. I am not mad about myself for not recognizing my own emotions and knowing my own soul. I am glad that I am more complex that I can rationalize. But I can't disknow the things I know. I am sorry.




I am more sorry! I have come to know this god who I cannot prove (using known human methods anyway).

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I am more sorry! I have come to know this god who I cannot prove (using known human methods anyway).

You can't say that. Praying and converting is a human method too. You're not relying on the lack of evidence I hope, but on your experience, that you call knowledge. I consider knowing somebody that way would be on earth severely unsatisfying. I hope you know some people better than you know your god.


On earth to know somebody does entail communication (not just one time in a month, but it can be daily), it does entail seeing the other happy, sad or mad, it does entail sometimes seeing the other not responding to you because he is angry about you, but in general not very often. It's considered puberal behaviour. In monotheistic religions its common and assigned big words like 'dry period' etcetera. On earth you keep talking with your friend even when he ignores you. I never said towards god: "Hay, stop talking to me, I'm tired of you!" God wasn't that talkative, he talked once in a while.

He never shared a joke with me...

I didn't learn a thing about his character but from books. And most often the authors found it fun to suggest all kind of contradictions in its character. I don't know why.


What is this supernatural knowledge? What is that sound of superhumanness?

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So how do you pray to Jesus to come into your heart, if you are a non-believer? (Hypothetically speaking)


Good question. And what if you have no friends or family and nobody's praying for you?


I have done that. Many of us have done that.


Ditto. Multiple times. The thing you people fail to realize is that we have asked, and even begged, and it hasn't happened. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that nobody's in your heart, you have only been brainwashed to think he is.


I have not considered that studying the biblical history, biblical prophecies, biblical authorship, biblical theology (damnation, characteristics of the highest power), science, would mean any danger to my faith if it was true and really supernatural.


Why is that? You'd think if it was real, it wouldn't matter. That's a warning sign of a cult, if a church tells you not to read about it's history from non church-approved sources.


Coercive Mind Control Tactics, something every Christian should read.

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I have come to know this god who I cannot prove (using known human methods anyway).


No, what you "know" is just a reflection of yourself and who you want god to be like. That's what ALL religions on earth are. There are no exceptions to this rule that I have seen.

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I have done that. Many of us have done that. I have felt the emotions running through my veins doing that. Many others of other religions have done that. I have not considered that studying the biblical history, biblical prophecies, biblical authorship, biblical theology (damnation, characteristics of the highest power), science, would mean any danger to my faith if it was true and really supernatural. It turned out to be quite human IMHO. I am not mad about myself for not recognizing my own emotions and knowing my own soul. I am glad that I am more complex that I can rationalize. But I can't disknow the things I know. I am sorry.

It's really strange that the same feeling I had when I got saved, was the same or similar to the feeling I had when I deconverted!!! :scratch:


The sense of freedom, rejuvination and enlightened.


But the deconversion feeling was definitely much stronger and lasted longer.

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And don't forget the verse:


"And that man which reason hath set free is free indeed"


Free indeed. :woohoo:

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So you believe in the new age and buddhist definitions and ideals?

Hello MQTA! I'm not familiar with New Age, so I don't know about that. Buddhism seems to be in much of these teachings of Jesus, and I enjoy Buddhist teachings also.

Sidi consciousness, Christ consciousness, the spirit being manifest in us.


We're all connected by some sort of source energy, call it what you want, if it's there, it's there no matter what its name.

I'm not familiar with the term 'Sidi', yet I would find the rest of what you've stated agreeable.

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Hey Pug: next time you talk to Jesus, tell him I want my fucking money back.


(I'm thinking about making this my new signature)

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Also, pray that he makes his followers better people. I'm fucking tired of getting dumped on by the self-righteous "Christian" management at work.

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Also, pray that he makes his followers better people. I'm fucking tired of getting dumped on by the self-righteous "Christian" management at work.


Excuse me my Lady Feline ~ all His "better" people left Him. You are one of them. Alas, such is the way of the world.


Yo, all you xtians out there, BEHAVE, you are in some other people's home ~ not just that, IT'S THEIR SANCTUARY.


Oh Lord, please show your gracious hand to my brothers and sisters in Christ; teach them humility, love, empathy, compassion and to be more Christ-like in posting or responding to our gracious hosts and hostesses here at ex-c. I know you will answer this in your own way and will. So I commit them, including myself, to Your merciful hand. I pray, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Hey Pug:  next time you talk to Jesus, tell him I want my fucking money back.


(I'm thinking about making this my new signature)


Uh oh... used all of your lifetime contributions to purchase that choice plot of land for our new church. Ummmm... no monetary refunds. But we can do it in kind. Please proceed to your nearest church Mythra.





Kidding. :thanks: I believe your money has been converted to bonus coupons in Heaven. Here's the thing, to redeem them you'll have to... but i know you won't so, like that luuuuuuuuu... my heartfelt apologies.

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It's really strange that the same feeling I had when I got saved, was the same or similar to the feeling I had when I deconverted!!! :scratch:


The sense of freedom, rejuvination and enlightened.


But the deconversion feeling was definitely much stronger and lasted longer.


Hah-lay-loo-yaaa born again as an atheist. Glory.


Lasted longer? No more high?


Self delusion? Nahhhh :scratch:

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I have discovered a conservative tendency in my own bloody character. I am always using upto 60 seconds to configure my microwave and moving to minute notation above that limit. And that microwave does also work with clicking 9&0 to obtain 1:30. And above that in stead of clicking 8&8 to let it run for almost a minute and half, I prefer to use multiples of ten. How far am I formed by this society, by this time? :scratch:

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Lasted longer? No more high?


Self delusion? Nahhhh  :scratch:

By chance I had this very experience last night again. I said towards god that I had neglected him/her. That I didn't care anymore about the conservative personificiations of the old monotheistic religions. That I found it difficult to talk like that, taken into consideration that I didn't believe that he/she was real. That it was kind of talking towards yourself, the first step to insanity. Overwhelming was the sense of warmth I got all over my body, tantalizing! I checked with god that I really didn't see him/her as the god of any religion, and the feelings didn't vanish instantly or something like that. I could have started to talk in tongues again, but I didn't need that. I was from the opinion that it was a intense psychological experience, not some kind of way to percieve supernatural knowledge. So, uttering nonsense and extracting sense from it afterwards wasn't necessary for me, ugly atheist. However, it was wonderful again. Wonderful soul I have! Enjoy your day! :woohoo: I am glad I can be 'spiritual' without believing in the supernatural.
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Hah-lay-loo-yaaa born again as an atheist. Glory.


Lasted longer? No more high?


Self delusion? Nahhhh  :scratch:

Well, I didn't expect you to understand.

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Uh oh... used all of your lifetime contributions to purchase that choice plot of land for our new church. Ummmm... no monetary refunds. But we can do it in kind. Please proceed to your nearest church Mythra.


My nearest church is Mormon. Joseph Smith's gig. And, I would never trust a religion that got it's theology from a guy who received a personal revelation.




A veiled reference to Saul/Paul. Get it? :lmao:

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Pug: this is the first indication I've seen that there is a person in there.


Nice to meet ya.

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Here's your chance to shine before The Lord, Pug.

I'll go first.  :woohoo:

My dad needs a healing.

My wife needs a healing.

My sister in-law needs a healing.


And if he can swing it, ask Him to bring my other sister in-law back from the dead.


I don't forsee any of this as requiring any more effort than waving His Holy Pinky, Pug.


Can you get to this right away. Please?


Since you have Pug praying for you, does that mean I can stop? :Doh:


As if :wicked:


You're not getting off that easy. :woohoo:


It's been a helluva few weeks. We'll have to play catch-up. Hope all is well, or as well as can be expected in these times, fraught with imminent peril, as they are. Nicole

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Han, I would like to try. Objectively, no judgement, whatever. PM me.  :grin: Thanks.

My Ex-imony is posted finally. You have a look. It's just the first drafts, there's much more to say.



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Since you have Pug praying for you, does that mean I can stop?  :Doh:
I'd rather see you doing something a bit more constructive with your time. But hey, the more the merrier, I guess. :shrug:



Don't forget, those prayers aren't for me.

My own rarely were.


As if :wicked:
You know, I have noticed a strange and recurring dream lately. Maybe it is doing something, eh? :Hmm:


You're not getting off that easy. :woohoo:
I never do. :woohoo:




It's been a helluva few weeks.
Yeah, I can imagine. Returning to normalcy, I hope?


We'll have to play catch-up. Hope all is well, or as well as can be expected in these times, fraught with imminent peril, as they are. Nicole
:Hmm: Imminent peril? :Hmm:
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