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The Movie Legion Is Blasphemy!


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Given the current state of the Catholic Church and its declining reputation, I wouldn't think that a Pan-Catholic European or world state would be a concern for the forseeable future. I'm sure that the dedicated and wealthy members of these organizations won't just quit, but in order to gain power one must money and influence. The Catholic church has lost a lot of the latter by reputation and the former by lawsuits.

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Given the current state of the Catholic Church and its declining reputation, I wouldn't think that a Pan-Catholic European or world state would be a concern for the forseeable future. I'm sure that the dedicated and wealthy members of these organizations won't just quit, but in order to gain power one must money and influence. The Catholic church has lost a lot of the latter by reputation and the former by lawsuits.


Yes this is true in measure. What you may not be aware of is that TFP operates independently of Church authority and has already been condemned for it twice now (once in 1985 by the entire NCCB in Brazil). TFP represents the "secular" arm of this larger series of "goals" if you will. I am pretty sure however that should they succeed (and they probably won't) in their Monarchist agenda that they would then restore power and legitimacy to the Catholic Church in a way that, as you have pointed out, the Church clearly cannot do for itself at this point in time. As far as money and influence, they have that, although I have yet to assess how much their "reach" is in that arena. For now it does appear to be significant, and with the voices of secularism and Islam in Europe these people are coming from a sort of "third angle" (the aristocrats and the bloodlines they represent), so I do not underestimate their ability in this arena. Now that largely conservative governments have been installed across Europe the ability for this bloc to influence will increase, though how much remains to be seen.


Also, TFP is chiefly concerned with restoration specifically of the Western European Monarchies and various aristocratic bloodlines that comprised what was formerly known in the Old World as the Holy Roman Empire, or Christendom. I am fairly sure they would also want America to collapse as well and be restored to the state (politically within jurisdiction of Western European Monarchies) it was in sometime before the Revolution (like the mid 1500's) under the power of various monarchies.

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I am fairly sure they would also want America to collapse as well and be restored to the state (politically within jurisdiction of Western European Monarchies) it was in sometime before the Revolution (like the mid 1500's) under the power of various monarchies.

I wonder how resilient this country really is. There are some forces beyond the control of government (but supported by government) that are making the US very uncompetitive in the world. Should this trend continue, we will indeed see the collapse of the US.

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Guest I Love Dog

I dunno, it's tradition or something.


At the time of their release, Christian groups said that 'The Sound of Music', 'Gone with the Wind' and "Mary Poppins' were blasphemous and morally reprehensible. There were Christian groups protesting them as well.


They were all morally reprehensible films that should be boycotted.


Even more people will go to see the film because of them and the word they're putting out by doing it. Either way, they fail and more than likely do the opposite of what they intend when they pull this shit.


To be honest, if I was going to make a movie/videogame/book these days, I would make certain it was offensive to Christians in some obvious way. It's the best free publicity you can get, and I dislike the sort of people who wouldn't got to see a film because their church said so to begin with. So it's win win as far as I'm concerned to have them protesting anything I made.


It'd be pathetic if it wasn't so funny. Well, maybe it can be both.


That's on top of all the religious groups protesting when Elvis Presley first came to fame with his hip moves, and The Beatles with their "long" hair!

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CHAPTER II: Reaction and Historical Immobility






If the Revolution is disorder, the Counter-Revolution is the restoration of order. And by order we mean the peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ, that is, Christian civilization, austere and hierarchical, fundamentally sacral, antiegalitarian, and antiliberal.




However, by force of the historical law according to which immobility does not exist in temporal things, the order born of the Counter-Revolution must have its own characteristics that will make it different from the order that existed before the Revolution. Of course, this affirmation does not refer to principles but to accidents. These accidents are, nevertheless, of such importance that they deserve to be mentioned.


Since it is impossible for us to go into this matter at length, we will merely note that, in general, when a fracture or a laceration occurs in an organism, the zone of mending or healing is marked by special safeguards. It is the loving care of Providence acting through secondary causes against the possibilities of a new disaster. This can be observed in the case of broken bones, whose mend forms as a reinforcement in the very zone of the fracture, or in the case of scar tissue. This is a material image of an analogous fact that takes place in the spiritual order. As a general rule, the sinner who truly amends has a greater horror for sin than he had in the best years before his fall. Such is the history of the penitent saints. So, also, after each trial, the Church emerges specially armed against the evil that tried to prostate her. A typical example of this is the Counter-Reformation.


By virtue of this law, the order born of the Counter-Revolution will have to shine even more than that of the Middle Ages in the three principal points in which the latter was wounded by the Revolution:


· A profound respect for the rights of the Church and of the Papacy, and the sacralization, to the utmost possible extent, of the values of temporal life, all of this out of opposition to secularism, interconfessionalism, atheism, and pantheism, as well as their respective consequences.


· A spirit of hierarchy marking all aspects of society and State, of culture and life, out of opposition to the egalitarian metaphysics of the Revolution.


· A diligence in detecting and combating evil in its embryonic or veiled forms, in fulminating it with execration and a note of infamy, and in punishing it with unbreakable firmness in all its manifestations, particularly in those that offend against orthodoxy and purity of customs, in opposition to the liberal metaphysics of the Revolution and its tendency to give free rein and protection to evil.




I think that pretty clearly speaks for itself... Those words are from the founder of TFP Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.

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I think that pretty clearly speaks for itself... Those words are from the founder of TFP Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.

Damn! Sounds like they really want the good old Inquisition back.

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For some reason, when I see the title to the thread, I keep wondering what blasphemous thing the ex-cer Legion said to a Christian and I keep thinking we're talking about him.

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Damn! Sounds like they really want the good old Inquisition back.


Much more than that: that is just one component they want back, the overarching "whole" is the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire (Charlemagne) and with it the restoration of the "Rightful" place of the Papacy within the newly established Christendom, and the union of Church and State with dedicated Monarchies and Aristocracies acting as the arm of the State. Plinio's vision was much more far reaching and comprehensive than just the various Inquisitions.




Charlemagne of the Carolingian Dynasty was the first to receive papal coronation as Emperor of the Romans. Charles V was the last Holy Roman Emperor to be crowned by the Pope. The final Holy Roman Emperor-elect, Francis II, abdicated in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars that saw the Empire's final dissolution.


Today he is regarded not only as the founding father of both French and German monarchies, but also as the father of Europe: his empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans, and the Carolingian renaissance encouraged the formation of a common European identity.[1]

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A brief outline of the Counter-Revolution


The Counter-Revolution is a reaction against Revolution. A reaction to every aspect of the Revolution. To its very essence, as well as to its sources, goals, strategies, methods, means and agents.


To explain each of these points would take a long time. God willing, I plan to do so in the future.


Let me only give you an example. I will apply the notion of Counter-Revolution to the conservative and traditionalist milieus in order to clarify what it means in this respect.


What is the difference between a conservative, a traditionalist, and a counter-revolutionary?


Normally, a conservative is understood as someone who wants to conserve what he has by a question of habit. So, in face of the Revolution in the Church that changes everything, he opposes part of it because it breaks his habits and destroys what he is comfortable with. His opposition, however, does not have deep roots because it is not supported by principles. For this reason, with the passing of time, the conservative shifts little by little to the left. Yesterday, for example, he was opposed to pop music in the churches, today he approves the Masses with rock ‘n’ roll at the World Youth Days.


The traditionalist is a person who in face of the changes in the Church – Vatican II, the new Morals, the New Mass, the new liturgy, etc – wants to return to the time before Vatican II. That is, to the time when tradition was respected and there were good Morals, good customs, pious churches and devotions, the Tridentine Mass, of course, and many other salutary things. To return to this ideal, some want to go back to the time of Pius XII, others to the time of Pius XI, others even further. But even if they are inspired by principles, they do not see the entire picture. They do not place themselves inside the scenario of a centuries-old fight.


The counter-revolutionary is that person who, in face of the modern changes in the Church, wants to destroy the very source of these changes. He sees the changes as being the goal of a bad current – Progressivism – which is the heir of another bad current – Modernism – which was the heir of Liberalism. In its turn, Liberalism was linked to a whole ensemble of other currents that were inspired and supported by groups and associations that always worked and fought against the Catholic Church and Christendom. This movement is the Revolution.


So, the counter-revolutionary is that person who sees the whole Revolution behind the present-day changes in the Church and wants to destroy it. He wants to establish in the Church and in the civil society the very opposite of what the Revolution desires. This would be an order that would be traditional, but it is a kind of traditionalism that is always in the militant position of counter-attack against evil.


Therefore, although the three can work together, conservatives, traditionalists and counter-revolutionaries have different degrees of depth and efficacy in their positions.


A good and widespread tendency that exists today in the United States is for conservatives to become traditionalists, and for traditionalists to become counter-revolutionaries. To foster such a good tendency is one of the reasons for this paper. It aims to reveal the real enemy behind the scenes – the Revolution – so that the ranks of the counter-revolutionaries committed to an efficient action will increase.


I thank Our Lady for the fact that these ranks are increasing. It is clear that she is working in souls in order to give the victory to the Counter-Revolution and establish a new Christendom, which will be the Reign of her Immaculate Heart that she announced at Fatima.



This is the "big picture" of TFP: this is what they fight for, this is why they exist, and these are their primary objectives.

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A good and widespread tendency that exists today in the United States is for conservatives to become traditionalists, and for traditionalists to become counter-revolutionaries. To foster such a good tendency is one of the reasons for this paper. It aims to reveal the real enemy behind the scenes – the Revolution – so that the ranks of the counter-revolutionaries committed to an efficient action will increase.


I thank Our Lady for the fact that these ranks are increasing. It is clear that she is working in souls in order to give the victory to the Counter-Revolution and establish a new Christendom, which will be the Reign of her Immaculate Heart that she announced at Fatima.


Vomit inducing. Catholics still pining away for 1200 AD I see.

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Vomit inducing. Catholics still pining away for 1200 AD I see.



More like the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire across Western Europe, which is a vastly more comprehensive goal. They will do whatever it takes and their sponsors within the oldskool aristocratic/monarchist bloodlines (Carolingian and Merovingian) that they seek to resurrect are not all devoutly religious... These would be the secular arm. TFP are the exception to the rule in Catholic circles. Very very very few Catholics want what they want, but I can guarantee you that if they were somehow able to restore the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope would absolutely love this. The TFP, who want this, are much smarter than the average Conservative Catholic or Traditionalist Catholic; they place themselves in the centuries old fight referenced above. They will stop at nothing to restore Christendom.


All the males, at a certain point, are comprehensively (functionally) trained as Assassins.

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Very very very few Catholics want what they want, but I can guarantee you that if they were somehow able to restore the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope would absolutely love this. The TFP, who want this, are much smarter than the average Conservative Catholic or Traditionalist Catholic; they place themselves in the centuries old fight referenced above. They will stop at nothing to restore Christendom.


Thanks for the info, these guys are despicable. You sound very familiar with this ideology, may I ask why?

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Very very very few Catholics want what they want, but I can guarantee you that if they were somehow able to restore the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope would absolutely love this. The TFP, who want this, are much smarter than the average Conservative Catholic or Traditionalist Catholic; they place themselves in the centuries old fight referenced above. They will stop at nothing to restore Christendom.


Thanks for the info, these guys are despicable. You sound very familiar with this ideology, may I ask why?



I will not answer here why. I wish I could but I cannot.

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