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Goodbye Jesus

The Mormons Are Coming


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I have some experience with Mormons; they usually are really nice people. I've needled one of my friends though about some of their beliefs; especially historical stuff that has no archeological evidence. It's interesting to observe how religious people just sort of "fade out" when you bring up the tricky stuff.


As usual, only "men" have the gift of prophecy, apparently. Women were given the wonderful gift of "child-bearing".


Yeah, I want my own planet. Where I will rule...yeah, with a rod of iron. Worship me and my kingdom !!! Righteous.


Yeah...men definitely rule the home; a woman brings glory to her husband by bearing children and glory to herself by keeping a godly home. But to hear an LDS woman tell it...well, never mind. I could get into it, but I'll just get pissed off. It just amazes me how women can still be convinced to buy into such bullshit.

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When I was a believer, I took the approach of talking to them about church history. The foundation of the Mormon faith relies on Christianity having gone "apostate", i.e. the original teachings were lost and replaced with corrupt teachings. I showed them how textual history demonstrates the faith coming through the church fathers and being passed down faithfully even through very rough times. This is important because Joseph Smith's only legitimacy comes from "restoring" the lost teachings of Jesus. If the faith was never lost, then it didn't need to be restored, hence he is a false prophet. (This really impacted one of the boys I spoke to, who was then open to hearing about Joseph Smith talking about the people who live on the moon and more).


This was a lot more fruitful than spending days arguing the nuances of dogma. Ultimately, the teachings that Joseph Smith wanted to restore were polygamy and his own authority. It was the only way he could legitimize multiple sex partners in the minds of the people of the time. The Book of Mormon doesn't have much Mormon doctrine in it. That comes from a handful of other books. The Book of Mormon was made to sound as close to the KJV scripture as possible to give it a sense of legitimacy. However, there are websites that do a side-by-side comparison of today's Book of Mormon with the original and subsequent versions to show how errors and problematic concepts were expunged and others introduced. One website

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I've got the Mormons trained that when they get on my block, they go the house on the right then cross the street to that house and then cross the street to the house on my left and totally stay the hell out of my yard!

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Is the Southpark episode about the bleeding Virgin Mary statue still up? That one was hilarious. I hope they weren't pressured to take it down by the Catholics.


They still air it, but I can't view any of the videos on the SPS website for some unknown reason (probably a HughesNet block).

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