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Doug Stanhope - Would You Believe If You Hadn't Been Indoctrinated As A Child?


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So did this make God wrong when he said instructed the people to wipe out a group including the children? Even we are in agreement that it's high probablility, right?

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So did this make God wrong when he said instructed the people to wipe out a group including the children? Even we are in agreement that it's high probablility, right?


When an atheist talks about what God did, or thinks, or should do, it's hypothetical and about as sincere as talking about what Lord Vader did, or thinks, or should do.


So, in this light, was God wrong? Anyone, gods, fictional characters, historical figures, or modern leaders, wuld be wrong to "wipe out a group including the children."


"High probability"? What, that people killed people? yes. That an immaterial being spoke with an immaterial mouth to one man who then passed along the word to his tribesmen to wipe out cities, towns, men, women and children? Not exactly.


Jesus spoke to Oral Roberts who then passed along Jesus' instructions to His People to send money to build a golden calf refill the coffers of his religiouis medical school.


Well, Oral said Jesus spoke to him. Should we think otherwise? Should we judge by the fruits?


For Moses: dead people all over the place. For Oral Roberts: the school closed.


Nah, I don't think God/Jesus spoke with either one of them.

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So did this make God wrong when he said instructed the people to wipe out a group including the children? Even we are in agreement that it's high probablility, right?


When an atheist talks about what God did, or thinks, or should do, it's hypothetical and about as sincere as talking about what Lord Vader did, or thinks, or should do.


So, in this light, was God wrong? Anyone, gods, fictional characters, historical figures, or modern leaders, wuld be wrong to "wipe out a group including the children."


"High probability"? What, that people killed people? yes. That an immaterial being spoke with an immaterial mouth to one man who then passed along the word to his tribesmen to wipe out cities, towns, men, women and children? Not exactly.


Jesus spoke to Oral Roberts who then passed along Jesus' instructions to His People to send money to build a golden calf refill the coffers of his religiouis medical school.


Well, Oral said Jesus spoke to him. Should we think otherwise? Should we judge by the fruits?


For Moses: dead people all over the place. For Oral Roberts: the school closed.


Nah, I don't think God/Jesus spoke with either one of them.


Sure, today, we see your reflection on the issue, but this was OT....Jesus is now the judge and makes the life/death call.....both ways, it's in the Book.

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So did this make God wrong when he said instructed the people to wipe out a group including the children? Even we are in agreement that it's high probablility, right?


When an atheist talks about what God did, or thinks, or should do, it's hypothetical and about as sincere as talking about what Lord Vader did, or thinks, or should do.


So, in this light, was God wrong? Anyone, gods, fictional characters, historical figures, or modern leaders, wuld be wrong to "wipe out a group including the children."


"High probability"? What, that people killed people? yes. That an immaterial being spoke with an immaterial mouth to one man who then passed along the word to his tribesmen to wipe out cities, towns, men, women and children? Not exactly.


Jesus spoke to Oral Roberts who then passed along Jesus' instructions to His People to send money to build a golden calf refill the coffers of his religiouis medical school.


Well, Oral said Jesus spoke to him. Should we think otherwise? Should we judge by the fruits?


For Moses: dead people all over the place. For Oral Roberts: the school closed.


Nah, I don't think God/Jesus spoke with either one of them.


Sure, today, we see your reflection on the issue, but this was OT....Jesus is now the judge and makes the life/death call.....both ways, it's in the Book.


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So did this make God wrong when he said instructed the people to wipe out a group including the children? Even we are in agreement that it's high probablility, right?


When an atheist talks about what God did, or thinks, or should do, it's hypothetical and about as sincere as talking about what Lord Vader did, or thinks, or should do.


So, in this light, was God wrong? Anyone, gods, fictional characters, historical figures, or modern leaders, wuld be wrong to "wipe out a group including the children."


"High probability"? What, that people killed people? yes. That an immaterial being spoke with an immaterial mouth to one man who then passed along the word to his tribesmen to wipe out cities, towns, men, women and children? Not exactly.


Jesus spoke to Oral Roberts who then passed along Jesus' instructions to His People to send money to build a golden calf refill the coffers of his religiouis medical school.


Well, Oral said Jesus spoke to him. Should we think otherwise? Should we judge by the fruits?


For Moses: dead people all over the place. For Oral Roberts: the school closed.


Nah, I don't think God/Jesus spoke with either one of them.


Sure, today, we see your reflection on the issue, but this was OT....Jesus is now the judge and makes the life/death call.....both ways, it's in the Book.



The consensus moral view today vs OT....just saying that the Bible states that Jesus will be the judge in the end....to just love your neighbor at this time. Do we do any less in type? Moving to different neighborhoods to get away from people we don't agree with morally?


I could make it more clear, but I am known for my poor communication skills...so I will leave it at that

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I could make it more clear, but I am known for my poor communication skills...so I will leave it at that

I think most of your communications problems stem from a lack of elaboration End, not from saying too much.

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Just as people do today, they credit god with the good stuff. Unlike today, they blamed god for the bad stuff.


As for the second question, my goodness, look at all the prophets.


Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, Tony Alamo.... Do people listen? Unfortunately yes.


Since there isn't any god, there are no "real prophets", and so when you see prophets, its "GIGO" - garbage in, garbage out.


15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.


37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!


9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved


Mt 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

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The consensus moral view today vs OT....just saying that the Bible states that Jesus will be the judge in the end....to just love your neighbor at this time. Do we do any less in type? Moving to different neighborhoods to get away from people we don't agree with morally?


I could make it more clear, but I am known for my poor communication skills...so I will leave it at that


You and Shyone are killing me with not clipping your responses. :vent:


What if our country is invaded and we are on our own to defend it, without government help? Would you love your neighbor still, ...or seal your purse and buy a sword as Christ said :wicked:

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So let's say most here are right, even though I didn't become a Christian until I was older, I was exposed to it as a child.


With this, you say that this is the truth.


The truth? No, this doesn't represent the 'truth.' This represents probabilities.


Now, please follow me, cause I can be tricky, if this is the case, then the children of an particular society will choose a belief/morals of the society in which they were raised?

Stats easily back this up. There are always outliers.


I would think, if xians had even the slightest ability to assess logic, that they would at least be given pause by the fact that the American version of fundy xianity is primarily isolated to regional areas in the US and only sporadically emerges in small communities in various parts of the world. It should also give them pause to realize that almost 100% of the population in islamic countries are muslim. Etc...


To any reasonable person (which in my experience, xians are not) it is clear that religious belief type is nearly 100% correlated with geography.


Seems odd if it really does represent the 'truth' as you say.

Boy this reminds me of a topic I posted 4 years ago, complete with a nifty map illustrating this: http://www.ex-christian.net/index.php?/topic/8415-truth-is-regional/page__p__163762__fromsearch__1entry163762





What I hear YoYo saying is that there is a religious truth that all these are about, and that people in each of these little groups (as in the map) saying that they have the truth and others don't are missing the point. I'd agree with that, and of course I'd add that to say the whole mess of them are simply ignorant is sort of the same thing from the outside as it is from the inside.

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Shy...you are one smart dude.

I agree. Too bad materialism has him in its grip.

I see it more as a chainmail coat. :HaHa:




Looks cozy! :HaHa:



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:lmao: Holy shit that's funny Antlerman.


Look at the atoms moving around in that chainmail. They're shiny!

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