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Goodbye Jesus

Did You Get Through Christmas Okay?

Vomit Comet

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Best Christmas ever!


Met a new woman and we are now a couple. (Santa really came through for me this time!) My parents think she's great and haven't even asked "Is she a Christian?". Maybe they're starting to get the picture that I'm not interested in hooking up with imoral Christian women. I want someone who has good morals because they find them important, not one who's under threats by their so-called loving God.

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Survived, not the best holiday ever, but I'm still here.


Two songs that really just say it all.



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They still do Christmas?


I went to Key West with friends to celebrate Buffetmas (Jimmy Buffet's birthday is Dec. 25). As I recall, Christmas was never nearly as much fun as Key West is any time of the year.

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Christmas for me was mostly OK. I spent 3 days with 12 other family members (all Christian, apart from my sister-in-law's parents), and stayed in while everyone else went to church (yeeehaaaa!). My brother and sister-in-law are so anti-science it's ridiculous; trying to talk sense with them is a total waste of time (for them, everything must conform to the Wholly Babble). My other brother (and his recently acquired wife) are both in China doing translation work and they are generally much more agreeable, but remain hard-core evangelical like the rest.

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We did Christmas Eve with My parents, who live three blocks away.


Business as usual: TV on in the living room, playing some orchestral/choral special; lots of food; no religious talk, because the parental units have never really been that way inclined. The only thing we did differently this year is that *My* household did the cooking. All in all, the usual pleasant time.

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The week before Christmas my mom asked me for only one gift. She wanted me to attend church with her. I told her, "No." And said if she was looking to spend time with me... I would be more than happy to spend time with her but not in a church.


That was pretty much the end of it. Spent Christmas day with her, my sisters, and some other family.


It was pretty laid back and relaxed. Not too bad.

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Mine went fine. Spent some good time with family and avoided the religion/Obama-is-destroying-the-USA conversations by playing Wii with the cousins.

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