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Alcohol Anyone?


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I had an occasional drink even before I deconverted too. I have never been drunk though and am not sure I want too. I am a reserved introverted person and never liked the idea that I might do something that looks completely stupid while drunk. I also never liked the idea of not being able to think clearly, maybe it's just a misconception on my part but the idea of being drunk (no matter how much "fun" people might claim it to be) seemed bit frightening to me. My grandfather was an angry drunk when my mom was growing up and my brother has done several stupid things while drunk that he would not otherwise have done. I was never convinced that drinking more than a couple of drinks in one setting was really worth the risk. Maybe someone else that has had the experience could tell me, is it really worth it?

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I drank while I was an xian. Jesus drank wine afterall. I figured the church had pulled a fast on one me.


Maker's Mark isn't bad IIRC. I'm sure there's better though.


Woodford Reserve. For anything better you'll actually have to go to Kentucky. It's kind of like how you can't get Russian vodka better than Stolychniya if you're outside Eastern Europe. (According to my former roommate who was from Moscow.)

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I refused to touch it until the day I turned 21. I had a Newcastle.


I drank two or three beers in a week without ever getting more than a light buzz. But then a ladyfriend made me promise never to drink beer. So this is where it gets fucked up. I moved to Las Vegas and would only drink hard liquor. Because after all, I only promised her I wouldn't drink beer, right? I goddamn nearly became an alcoholic my first year in Vegas, and the fact that I could only drink hard liquor surely wasn't helping.


I learned to mellow it out like every other person in their mid-late 20s. And then I deconverted.

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I'm a teetotaller, not because of anything moral but because I hate the taste of alcohol. I can withstand a mixed drink, but that is about as much as I will.

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I started drinking not long after I deconverted. I drank fairly responsibly until a gal I was dating cheated on me and dumped me after I paid for herto have Chritmas. I've since pulled myself back from the brink of alcoholism, and only drink in company (and very rarely to excess).


I'm big on beer and wine, although a gin and tonic now and then hits the spot.

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I've never really had problems with people drinking, it just wasn't something I wanted to do, and I don't enjoy being around people when they're drunk. Still don't, but I have nothing against them if they do drink. Just not something I want. That said, I've had my temptations since deconversion, not because now it's "allowed" but to help deal with the pain of a lot of stuff I have been and am still dealing with around this conversion.

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I drink plenty (wine only) due to the stress of the crummy job. I never drank much when I was young. Religion didn't enter into it. Back then I didn't like the taste.

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Despite being otherwise bat-shit fundie, my parents never had a problem with alcohol. Mom enjoys a glass of good wine (only one) with dinner, and Dad likes to drink beer when he watches football. I was allowed to have a beer or glass of wine at home at age 16 or 17; their attitude was if they demystified it my 2 sibs and I wouldn't be as tempted to experiment with a less savory crowd.


It seems to have worked, because we are all productive members of society who drink responsibly.


Personally I'm a beer snob; I love trying different microbrews. When we travel, we always look for brewpubs so we can get a sampler of the locals' best. I like wine too, but not as much as beer. I rarely drink liquor; it's just too strong for me. Glenfiddich is good, though.


Oh, and I recently discovered sweet tea vodka. Just a splash in a glass of regular iced tea really took the edge off Xmas with the fundie family this year :)

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If I drank due to serious stress then I would be drunk all the time 24/7, which is not the same thing as saying I experience serious stress 24/7. Good thing I don't do that.

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I drank before my deconversion, mostly beer, but I could be known to have the occasional shot of Tequila or home made Moonshine. If any Christians gave me grief about it, I just went to the scripture in 1 Corinthians (too lazy to look it up) where it says, "Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess." That would usually shut them up.


Hmm, nice. Plus it's usually good to be moderate anyway I have found; less headaches and hangovers that way. :)

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their attitude was if they demystified it my 2 sibs and I wouldn't be as tempted to experiment with a less savory crowd.


They were smart. In Italy there is no drinking age and I saw kids as young as 6 sipping small amounts of limoncello with their parents there. They also have virtually no problems with alcoholism and drunk driving because society learns to drink responsibly.


When you make something taboo you encourage warped responses. This is one of the reasons why xianity's moral positioning is so ineffective.

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They were smart. In Italy there is no drinking age and I saw kids as young as 6 sipping small amounts of limoncello with their parents there. They also have virtually no problems with alcoholism and drunk driving because society learns to drink responsibly.


In fact you will find that across the board there is a correlation between restrictive alcohol legislation/societal taboos and problematic alcoholism. I remember researching this for a sociology class a few years ago and being rather amused when some of my more conservative peers just couldn't accept the statistics.


Though I grew up Christian my parents always promoted a relaxed stance on alcohol consumption, I started drinking wine on holidays when I was 8 years old and have enjoyed casual drinking ever since. Even though I went out drinking in high school I never really got into the illicit thrill that everyone else got and simply enjoyed myself without needing to drink to excess. I think in part I can also credit my parents' sensible approach when I consider that I never developed a substance addiction problem or got a DUI like far too many of my friends did.


Wine, beer and the occasional mead are some of life's truest pleasures for me, right up there with sex. Pity the uptight Christians that deny themselves either for they certainly don't have to.


Edit: Thread has inspired me to uncork that Christmas claret, cheers Ex-C :grin:

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In fact you will find that across the board there is a correlation between restrictive alcohol legislation/societal taboos and problematic alcoholism. I remember researching this for a sociology class a few years ago and being rather amused when some of my more conservative peers just couldn't accept the statistics.


There are exceptions though. Russia primarily. There is nothing taboo about alcohol use here and while the drinking age is 18 virtually no one cards or cares. I suppose if a 12 yo tried to buy they might have some trouble, but 14, 15, 16 & 17 yos have no problem. The difference between Russia and Italy is that Italians look down on those who can't hold their liqueur. Italians drink every day, but in moderation. They think that the German tourists are undisciplined and essentially hooligans because they get wildly drunk. I lived there for a year and a half and never saw a drunk Italian.


In Russia, OTH, you can be an alcoholic bum and there is virtually no societal judgment against you. It's just accepted. And many, if not most, of them go out and get wildly drunk on weekends and holidays. It's almost expected. Though I have met quite a few Russians that don't drink at all. Most seem to arrive at this because they have alcoholic parents and they have an extreme distaste for it as a result.


Another interesting point about Russia though is that while they heavily abuse alcohol here, they have virtually no problem with drunk driving. I don't know any Russians who will drive after even one beer. They are so afraid that the cop will smell it on their breath that they literally won't drink if they know they have to drive. There are also services here where a taxi driver will drive you home in your own car if you are downtown drinking and don't want to drive home.


The key here I think is the middle ground, which I think is Italy (so often that's the case in my experience). Don't make it taboo, and discourage abuse via cultural norms.

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I drank a lot when I was younger and a half assed Christian. The deeper I got into Christianity, the less I drank, but I still did. About 8 months ago, I started smoking marijuana and now drinking is almost non-existent in my life, except for the occasional bourbon on ice. From a health and societal standpoint, I think pot is a much better option than alcohol.


Some pretty good bourbons include Makers Mark, Woodford Reserve, and Knob Creek. If you are gonna pour a coke in it, just buy something cheaper like Beam or Bartons.



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