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Goodbye Jesus

Have They Ever Told You That You Didn't Miss Much?

Vomit Comet

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VC -


Whether or not you "missed much" isn't really the point anyway. The point is that regardless of the quality of a given experience, you missed the opportunity to try it for yourself and see how it was. And now you are who you are without having had the chance to really try everything you might have wanted to try, and maybe it's too late for some things by now.


And so what if someone else finds a particular experience mundane? Who's to say that you would, if you'd tried the same thing? Maybe you would've come to the same conclusion, but maybe you would've felt differently.


And maybe you still have time for some stuff. I sure didn't get started into sex and drugs in a big way until I was well into my 20's; a decade later and I just figured out I'm poly. Sometimes people just bloom late. In a way I'm glad that I didn't do all my experimenting when I was young and stupid because I probably would've done something really excessive and damaging to myself and others. Age and experience seem to make it easier to temper stupidity with moderation.


Anyway. I'm sort of rambling. I hear you, that's all I really wanted to say.


I agree. As someone who got married at 18 to my then 19 year old husband, 10 years later, we both regret the fact that we missed out on so much as teens and during our early 20's. We've had sex aplenty and there's nothing wrong with our sex life. It's not that that is the issue, it's the fact we feel our choice was taken from us to ever dare consider having sex before we were married, or with someone else. It's about missing the opportunity and experiencing something for yourself. Or it is for me.


I've also had friends who said "you didn't miss much", whether that's about sex, drugs, drinking, wild parties, clubbing etc. but as they've never been heavily involved xians they don't understand. It's not about missing out it's the reason why I missed out. That's what gets me.


I have to say though at 31 you've got years of potential great sex ahead of you!

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vomit, read a book called "the game", i think you will like it and find it helpful.

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