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Funny isn't it? Science has become advanced enough to prove no windows in the sky, and no way for people to survive air that concentrated with water vapor....and so that bible story becomes "conveniently" switched from hard christian fact to....."oh its a fable, a morality tale....."


I wonder which book or bible story will fall in the next 25 years?

It's the Great God of the Gaps! I am hoping eventually they'll figure out that dead people don't come back to life. Think 25 years will do it before they finally catch on? :grin:

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Funny isn't it? Science has become advanced enough to prove no windows in the sky, and no way for people to survive air that concentrated with water vapor....and so that bible story becomes "conveniently" switched from hard christian fact to....."oh its a fable, a morality tale....."


I wonder which book or bible story will fall in the next 25 years?


I think it's interesting, not funny. We gain more knowledge as we go along, white_raven, constantly discovering new things. If that includes re-interpreting something, then so be it.


Look at Geocentrism, or Aristotle, or Newton, or even Einstein, Quantum Theory, Evolution...all are advances in knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is just the same.

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It's an appeal to incredulity, dr_funkenstein.  I find the universe to be so beautiful and well thought-out...like an amazing story, or a painting.  This is what tells me that it is created by God.



Hawking says "That the random chance for our existance, and the existance of the world we inhabit, to have occured must be possible..because here we are"

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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.

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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.

In that case...cover that ass!

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In that case...cover that ass!


I know, it's too beautiful for you to look upon....jackass...

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I think it's interesting, not funny.  We gain more knowledge as we go along, white_raven, constantly discovering new things.  If that includes re-interpreting something, then so be it. 


Look at Geocentrism, or Aristotle, or Newton, or even Einstein, Quantum Theory, Evolution...all are advances in knowledge.  Spiritual knowledge is just the same.


By that logic the bible will eventually be way out of date (it is already). Why are there no updates then?

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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.

Hehe! Damn your good.

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I didn't ask, Mike D.


white_raven, as shown in the Bible, God has chosen a distinct gender, the one which He bestowed upon the dominant gender.  Just as God is the Father of all His children, men are the Fathers of all their Children.  Just as God is dominant over all in His House, men are dominant in their houses.



:eek: God is a chauvinist?



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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.




Damn good one there Asimov

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It's an appeal to incredulity, dr_funkenstein.  I find the universe to be so beautiful and well thought-out...like an amazing story, or a painting.  This is what tells me that it is created by God.

So when you look at the beauty and uniqueness of a snowflake do you believe that God stretched out his hand and formed it by a direct act of creation?


A snowflake is beautiful and complex, and yet the processes by which it is formed are well understood and happen naturally.


This example is merely a microcosm of the universe itself. The universe is complex, and beautiful, but it requires no creator to be so.


Besides - if the universe is complex and beautiful, and it requires a creator, then surely the creator is much more complex and beautiful. Who created the creator?


That is why God will reveal himself to everyone when he chooses to do so.

So are you saying that God deliberately set up a system whereby the only evidence for his existence is dubious at best? Do you not claim that God loves us and wants us to be saved? Why would he not provide ample evidence for his existence if that were the case? Why is the only source of knowledge we can have of him a book whose reasoning is circular?


That is the attitude of a single person.  Not everyone appreciates life, Christian and Non-Christian alike.


You have a very liberal attitude towards your bible, LoT. It seems as though you like to pick and choose the passages that suit you, and the ones that don't you have no problem discarding as "one individual's attitude".


Let me pose you another question. I'll start by quoting from Romans 9:15-21

For he says to Moses,

  "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,

      and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.


    One of you will say to me: "Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?" But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?' " Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?

Paul says here essentially that God himself is the one who wills people to have certain attitudes towards him. He "hardens their hearts" against him.


If this is true, then what kind of God is it that you worship? A God that deliberately makes beings with emotions and sentience, but removes their free will and makes them disbelieve in his existence, because he wants to destroy them? This God is barbaric!


EDIT: I just saw the reveal. Oh Jesus Christ you fucking.... MWAARRGHH!!! :lmao:

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I interpret the bible the way I feel it should be interpreted.  I believe the Bible is true, but not all of it is literally true.  Part of learning things is to see if they are consistent with reality.  Since the Flood did not happen, and is not evidenced in any way on Earth, then we must take it on faith that it is an allegory.

So when the Bible tells you things like zombies come back to life and launch themselves into outerspace you wouldn't necessarily take them as literal? How do you know which ones should be interpreted as literal and which ones should not? Just a vague "feeling"?

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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.




How was your "walk on the wild side"?


I behaved and you know it dammit!!


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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.



Asimov? Is that REALLY you?? :HaHa::Doh::lmao:

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sorry, funkenstein, I know you put a lot of effort into your responses... :) They were very good though!

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We are blood thirsty tonite!

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:lmao:   :lmao:   :lmao:


How was your "walk on the wild side"?


I behaved and you know it dammit!!

:P   :P   :P


Yea, it was really me, Panther!


white_raven, it seemed like you were straining...you didn't hurt yourself did you?



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sorry, funkenstein, I know you put a lot of effort into your responses... :)   They were very good though!


Fuck. At least it was good practice!

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Asimov, I'm surprised you were able to resist turning the posts all bold.



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OMG, I can't do this any longer.....I'm laughing so hard, and trying to think of things to say, but it's impossible for me to be this dumb.


It's me, Asimov.

You're gay.

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Asimov, I'm surprised you were able to resist turning the posts all bold.




I know...I did slip up a couple times...it's so tough cuz I'm so used to it.

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You're gay.



:lmao:Aww, I love you, man...you're not a retard, you're my wittow Mikey-poo... :HaHa:

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It's an appeal to incredulity, dr_funkenstein.  I find the universe to be so beautiful and well thought-out...like an amazing story, or a painting.  This is what tells me that it is created by God.



So let's pretend for a second that the universe is "well thought-out"... why is it that the "thinker" is the christian god? Why is it that the bible couldn't have been written by men, without divine inspiration? Why do you attach all the baggage that christianity entails to these rather general ideas about the nature of the universe?


EDIT: Damn! Taken in.

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Now that I go back and read through the posts, I'm getting the hang of telling your writing style. So if you want to pull off something like this one again, I suggest using a different style.

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Okay, I've read a handful of this Lightoftruth dude's comments.  :HaHa:


Either we are communicating with someone that has a tube of glue duct-taped to each of his nostrils, or this guy is a fellow ExC'er that's pullin' our chain.  :lmao:

Nobody can write those words and actually be serious about it.  :lmao:

Can they?!?!? :twitch:


I knew it you crazy-crazy prick!!! :HaHa::lmao::HaHa:




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