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Goodbye Jesus

For Roddenberry Fans


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I wasn't going to share these here, since this isn't a Trek site, but there seems to be many Trek fans here, so these two videos maybe well appreciated and I did mention one of them, the second one, else where on the board. I'll be glad when I get Windows back on my comp. Since my comp crashed and my son put Linux on it, I can't seem to view my vids on my site, but I've been promised an XP program soon since Linux gives me so many headaches. So, if you have a Linux OS, you may or may not be able to view them. However, I found copying the link location and putting it into your movie player helps. Nothing fancy, just memorials. The first was originally a birthday gift, of course, but on YouTube, it's become a memorial which I have gotten a few compliments. YouTube will not allow the second one even with crediting the artists. :rolleyes: So the second one is exclusive.


Anyway, this first one, Majel did get to see before she died and sent me an autograph picture as a thank you. It is called The Gift:


The Gift (The song is called The Gift, by Douglas Spotted Eagle)


This second one, I created shortly after Majel died in December and it has a lot of symbolism in it, but there is no religious intent, just admiration. The song is by 2Pac with Elton John called "Ghetto Gospel":


Roddenberry Memorial Video


They will both be sorely missed and admittedly, I looked up to them both. Still do, because they had a lot to say and a lot to teach us, but their memories live on in our hearts. Enjoy and if you wish to give feedback, please do, just remember they weren't meant to be fancy, just from the heart and made with a lot of love/admiration in mind.

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Those were beautiful, Mriana. They will indeed be missed, but yet remain with us in memory.

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Thanks, Shyone. I'm glad you enjoyed them and I agree whole heartedly. You know, it's funny. When my grandmother died two years ago, it didn't affect me much. Of course she was 94, so it was rather expected, but when I got the news Majel died last Dec. I cried hard and was sadden for a few days afterwards. I still feel sad by her loss. I didn't get to meet her in person, but I had a very brief correspondence with her, via her assistant, due to "The Gift"- thus the autograph pic seen in the second video, so I never did get to offer her the hug I wanted to give her when I met her in person and tell her personally how much I appreciate her and her husband. I never got to meet Gene in person either. Yet they both had a very profound affect on my life. If it were not for them, I don't know if I would have ever stumbled onto humanism, thus I have a lot to be grateful to them for. It seems weird, but very true.

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Thanks, Shyone. I'm glad you enjoyed them and I agree whole heartedly. You know, it's funny. When my grandmother died two years ago, it didn't affect me much. Of course she was 94, so it was rather expected, but when I got the news Majel died last Dec. I cried hard and was sadden for a few days afterwards. I still feel sad by her loss. I didn't get to meet her in person, but I had a very brief correspondence with her, via her assistant, due to "The Gift"- thus the autograph pic seen in the second video, so I never did get to offer her the hug I wanted to give her when I met her in person and tell her personally how much I appreciate her and her husband. I never got to meet Gene in person either. Yet they both had a very profound affect on my life. If it were not for them, I don't know if I would have ever stumbled onto humanism, thus I have a lot to be grateful to them for. It seems weird, but very true.

I know what you mean. I hadn't thought about it, but the humanism and empathy that show engendered may have actually transformed me. I didnt' become atheist until much later, but I was certainly a christian humanist.


Our attachments are not always based entirely on how closely related we are, or how much time we spend with them. Sometimes we just love people because of who they are and what they have done.

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Yes, and those two did a lot to touch people's lives. Gene's intent was to use the media to deliver his message and I'm glad he did. I'm also glad Majel did the same, even after he died.

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I met and shook hands with Gene in 1977 at a small Trek convention at UBC (University of British Columbia).



He had the original black and white film of "The Cage" under his arm; we watched it on a screen and then he fielded some questions for a while.


At that time, there was little indication that Star Trek was going to make a roaring comeback; he was still in talks about a possible "Star Trek movie" which of course did come to pass with ST:TMP.


Gene always knew what the vision was; what Star Trek stood for. It's a miracle his legacy has lived on, and now manifested itself down so many different avenues. Future descendants of ours may look back and realize that maybe, just maybe, the ideas and vision of a better human future may have started with the Star Trek ideal.


While genres like Battlestar Galactica and others may be entertaining and even ingenious entertainment, Star Trek is the only one that portrays the future of humanity as successful and just. The only future where humanity is no longer stabbing each other in the back. And yet, it still maintains a fairly traditional moral center; is neither liberal or conservative, nor imperialist or pacifist.


If we can't express a desirable future for ourselves in a futuristic and imaginative mythos, then we might as well pack it in. Whenever I feel a loss of faith in humanity, I watch a Star Trek episode or movie.


Human determinism is far more preferable than superstitious fatalism. At least with the former we have half a chance.

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