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Goodbye Jesus

Sorry To Disappoint You Guys...


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Do whatever you have to do.

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  • Kathlene


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I don't know you very well, but no matter what your choice, I wish you personal peace. It is a very personal decision, and I will echo what a few others have said - don't lose that understanding just because you are going back.

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I would say since you've seen both sides of the street and are obviously a thoughtful and intelligent person, that your input here is even more valuable. I still sometimes contemplate original concepts about "God" so to speak, stuff that I felt from childhood that of course never lined up with the ideas of organized religion.


There are still aspects of existence and consciousness that aren't explained by just merely being an atheist, anyway.


Follow your own thinking and intuition; better to be honest about it than pretend in order to seek approval.


Hope you'll continue to participate here.

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Wow, interesting. Well I sure as hell won't hold it against you. I actually have zero issues with people who choose to believe, well... whatever. Even if they believe in Jesus. I myself have beliefs that are weird, half the time I don't know what I really believe, but I have gotten to the point where I don't really care either. But I have a lot of friends who believe, who are Christians even. I don't care, it's a personal choice, people have to do what works for them. I draw the line at people using their beliefs to condemn or control others, that's all. Even my own personal life philosophy, which is sort of stolen from Wicca (though I don't practice Wicca) makes room for belief in whatever; "Do what you will, so long as you harm none." That would include religious beliefs, and again just draws the line at harming others.


So no judgment here...



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I learned long ago that I will never quite fit in anywhere, and for that reason I just want to be taken seriously and respected by others even if they don't agree with me.


That is exactly what I extend to you and anyone else on this board who believes in anything that I don't. I only go into attack mode when I have to defend myself/my integrity/my beliefs/my sexual orientation from those who are hostile to it. Otherwise, live and let live.


Whatever you decide, live--and live well! :)

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I can understand the allure of the delusion. It is very comfortable and can give a sense of security. I'd love to go back too, but I just can't kid myself to believe it.


Good luck.

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?

Basically my life was spiralling out of control. I had no peace, I was confused, stressed...all sorts of things. I missed God. I feel so calm and at peace now. Thats all I will say on the matter though. :HaHa:


Wow,....I just want to say thankyou to everyone for your encouragement and support. I guess we are all on our own journey and each of us can offer a hand where-ever we fit on that road. Thanks guys...take care.

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I had a friend that took a brief turn back to religion (for a week). Once he realized he was just using it as a crutch for his emotional problems. Be sure that you are not just using religion as a crutch, because it will break beneath you.

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Basically my life was spiralling out of control. I had no peace, I was confused, stressed...all sorts of things. I missed God. I feel so calm and at peace now. Thats all I will say on the matter though. :HaHa:


Wow,....I just want to say thankyou to everyone for your encouragement and support. I guess we are all on our own journey and each of us can offer a hand where-ever we fit on that road. Thanks guys...take care.


I've had similar incidents in my life, where I had no peace, was confused, stressed, and felt like everything was spiraling out of control. Then I went to my local public library and signed out various books on Zen Buddhism. While I don't actively practice and don't believe in all the things Buddhists believe, I found that reading those books really helped me to recognize the true cause of my problems. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, by the Dali Lama, was particularly enlightening. In fact, many of the books authored by the Dali Lama are an excellent read. They are what people pretend the Holy Bible to be.

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?

Basically my life was spiralling out of control. I had no peace, I was confused, stressed...all sorts of things. I missed God. I feel so calm and at peace now. Thats all I will say on the matter though. :HaHa:


Wow,....I just want to say thankyou to everyone for your encouragement and support. I guess we are all on our own journey and each of us can offer a hand where-ever we fit on that road. Thanks guys...take care.


I got peace out of Christianity too, for about 2 weeks or maybe a month -- enough to continue looking for it there for years. I hope it lasts for you.


No fair fooling yourself if it doesn't last.

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Not disappointed, but...I don't know, I just can't process it when someone rejects it then goes back. Ah, well, 'you have to make this life livable.'

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I'm glad to hear that you're at peace again. That's the most important thing. I hope it lasts a lifetime. And I'm glad to hear that you're sticking around (yeah, I'm one to talk, aren't I?). Please keep posting lame jokes as you find them. :)

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I hope you'll stay safe and peaceful no matter where your beliefs lead you to, Kathlene, and I hope you'll still stay at ex-c because I've enjoyed reading your posts. *hugs*

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I still believe in some kind of God, which is why I think of myself more of a deist than an atheist. I've had too many experiences with things that are "spiritual" that I can't not believe. I even feel really good in a pagan bookstore. Very good vibe indeed. It's the other stuff from the Bible specifically that I can't swallow any more. So while I don't have faith in the Bible's god, I still think there is someone/something that is the source of life. Anyway, I wish you well, and lots of love to you.

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Loren shrieks "WHAT???" (Somebody had to... :HaHa:)


You'll always be welcome here, not because of what you believe or don't, but because you clearly know how to behave in a civilized way.

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You'll always be welcome here, not because of what you believe or don't, but because you clearly know how to behave in a civilized way.


^ what he said. :)

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You'll always be welcome here, not because of what you believe or don't, but because you clearly know how to behave in a civilized way.


^ what he said. :)


Yeah, I'll third that. Kathlene, you are a genuinely nice person. I'd be happy to know you regardless of your beliefs.

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Late to the thread but then I toldcha in the shoutbox already Kath... you sound okay, whether christian or not. As far as I'm concerned, be and stay welcome here :)

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I must say I'm morbidly curious what your thought processes were and are now, if you aren't too shy to speak of it. I've always wanted to talk with a 'reconverter'.


I certainly agree that it would be comforting to imagine all the suffering in the Universe is part of some plan, and to trust that therefore everything will be alright in the end.


I hope that at least you will remain skeptical of authority figures who claim to know all the answers.

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  • 3 months later...

hey Kathlene, ive though about you a lot, i was worried about you back then, really glad you have found faith and i hope you have a nice church.

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?

Basically my life was spiralling out of control. I had no peace, I was confused, stressed...all sorts of things. I missed God. I feel so calm and at peace now. Thats all I will say on the matter though. :HaHa:


Wow,....I just want to say thank you to everyone for your encouragement and support. I guess we are all on our own journey and each of us can offer a hand where-ever we fit on that road. Thanks guys...take care.


Peace! I wish you well. I've had similar feelings myself -- feelings that kept me in the faith and in the church for a long time.


Your journey is yours and yours alone. Go back and forth as much as you need to to find your way. I haven't been on the forum very long, but I'd welcome more exchanges with you.

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?

Basically my life was spiralling out of control. I had no peace, I was confused, stressed...all sorts of things. I missed God. I feel so calm and at peace now. Thats all I will say on the matter though. :HaHa:


Wow,....I just want to say thank you to everyone for your encouragement and support. I guess we are all on our own journey and each of us can offer a hand where-ever we fit on that road. Thanks guys...take care.


Peace! I wish you well. I've had similar feelings myself -- feelings that kept me in the faith and in the church for a long time.


Your journey is yours and yours alone. Go back and forth as much as you need to to find your way. I haven't been on the forum very long, but I'd welcome more exchanges with you.


WhyBaby, anytime you want to talk or hear more of my story just PM me. I still lurk around here and read the forums. I rarely post, cause Im too scared to!!lol. I know how Christians get eaten in here. :HaHa:

For anyone else interested, I am going really well and am still very happy with my decision. I think of you all the time in here, and occasionally go into the shout to say gday to my buddies. Im not currently in a church, I have to say though even when I was a christian a few years ago I didnt really go to church much anyway. Anyway, thanks for all your good wishes.

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WhyBaby, anytime you want to talk or hear more of my story just PM me. I still lurk around here and read the forums. I rarely post, cause Im too scared to!!lol. I know how Christians get eaten in here. :HaHa:

For anyone else interested, I am going really well and am still very happy with my decision. I think of you all the time in here, and occasionally go into the shout to say gday to my buddies. Im not currently in a church, I have to say though even when I was a christian a few years ago I didnt really go to church much anyway. Anyway, thanks for all your good wishes.

Thanks for checking back in with us, Kathleen. You're well thought of here, so it's good to see that you're doing well.

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WhyBaby, anytime you want to talk or hear more of my story just PM me. I still lurk around here and read the forums. I rarely post, cause Im too scared to!!lol. I know how Christians get eaten in here. :HaHa:

For anyone else interested, I am going really well and am still very happy with my decision. I think of you all the time in here, and occasionally go into the shout to say gday to my buddies. Im not currently in a church, I have to say though even when I was a christian a few years ago I didnt really go to church much anyway. Anyway, thanks for all your good wishes.

Thanks for checking back in with us, Kathleen. You're well thought of here, so it's good to see that you're doing well.


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