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Goodbye Jesus

It Is Sad It Relly Is

Godly Warior

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Aww man, I wanted to play. I wanted to say I would loved to have been a child of Satin.


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Well that certainly gave me the heartiest chuckle in a long time...man I nearly wet myself laughing at some of those comments. Priceless. Even if he was a prankster it gave me a smile for the day. :HaHa:

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It had to be a prankster; there was just too many stereotypes that were fulfilled--ignorant, racist, conspiracy believing, no education, etc.

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It had to be a prankster; there was just too many stereotypes that were fulfilled--ignorant, racist, conspiracy believing, no education, etc.

Are you familiar with Poe's Law?


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AIDS is not the cure for cancer.

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It had to be a prankster; there was just too many stereotypes that were fulfilled--ignorant, racist, conspiracy believing, no education, etc.

Are you familiar with Poe's Law?



I am very much aware of Poe's law.

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Even being mindful of Poe's law I assume this was a prankster. If I'm wrong, so be it. :lmao:

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If this is indeed Poe's law in action, I would suspect that this person will be back under a different name.

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"Angry and bitter"


Well maybe because your religion doesn't allow anger or other "negative" feelings you can't handle people expressing their "Sinful" emotions freely. I grew up very fucked up because I had to put on a mask of "happy! happy! joy! joy! Jesus loves you!" despite how I really felt, and now I suffer the repercussions in my mental and physical health of repressing how I really feel at a certain moment.


And please post more info about yourself on your bio! I have no idea if you are just a kid, a person learning English (I tutor ESL students), mentally challenged, or just someone being a troll.

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Oh I see you are a troll Godly Warrior! Sorry I missed out on all the fun yesterday with your obnoxious rants!

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their aint no time the world is fixin to end i mean you can see it im shure theirs darkys everwere and socalism and even robuts and i herd some guy is makin a time mashine and the new world oder and i now jesus said you never now when its gonna happen but you can see the sines if you look you now? somone else here said its 2012 but it could be today are out redy to meet him in the sky cuz if you aint then you now whats gonna happen and it aint prety you now?

Ok, you're a fake. I think a mod needs to check IPs.

Yep. Somebody's fucking with us. Doing a pretty good job, too, albeit a bit over the top. As someone previously observed, nobody that stupid can negotiate a web page.

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I smelled a rat from the very first post.


I would hope that anyone with such an abysmal understanding of the English language wouldn't be able to figure out how to use "duh innernatz", let alone find this forum, let alone sign up, let alone post...etc.

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Guest Stupid Frickin Atheist

Cmon guys! He was obviously satyrical! "Edjumakaeted"? Cmon! I'm suprised how dense you guys are and didn't "read between the lines"! You guys are really dense! I was totally rolling with it while reading :D

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Well, it looks like I missed out on all the fun, but methinks that as fishy as "Godly Warior" was, he had to have lots of sole.



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For those who have been around for a few years may remember a member Shiva H. Vishnu. He did this a few years back creating another account and pretending to be an ignorant Christian. What tipped me off was that he used the word, "darky" in his posts, which he also used last time around. No one uses that word.

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I agree Abbie Normal looked like a joker (not very funny in my opinion) from the beginning. The word (if it can be called a word)"Edjumakaeted" gave it away. Only someone making fun of a person with a poor education would use this word. On the other hand, i have a distant cousin who writes to me occasionally, a semi-serious Xtian, whose spelling is very similar, and i enjoy reading her letters just for the challenge of figuring out what she is trying to say.


But just in case he was for real i have one last comment for you.


Ha, ha, ha, na, na, na, na. Jesus loves me best. He cured me of poor spelling and grammar when i was still in grade school! Maybe there's something about you that just pisses Jesus off.

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For those who have been around for a few years may remember a member Shiva H. Vishnu. He did this a few years back creating another account and pretending to be an ignorant Christian. What tipped me off was that he used the word, "darky" in his posts, which he also used last time around. No one uses that word.

I remember that! (The poster not the word he used)


It now appears that Godly Warrior is Stupid Frickin Athiest. This person must be bored...

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Cmon guys! He was obviously satyrical! ...



Hmmm? It was obvious from the start that he was just a joker (whose jokes were not particularly funny), but I saw no reference to him being a mythical woodland creature having goat parts or being a lecher. And I certainly don't think he's a butterfly "of the family Satyridae, having brown wings marked with eyelike spots," but one never knows.


Oh well, I hope he is more entertaining in his next incarnation as a "stupid frickin atheist," or whatever.

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sense im bein sensered cuz you dont like my athist jokes ima tell some athist jokes here so nock nock whos their athist athist who AAAAAARGH MY HEDS ON FIRE CAUSE A EVIL ROBUT JUST JAMED FIRE IN MY EARS AND I CANT SEE ENTHING BUT THE FIRE OF HELL AND I FELL IN A HOLE WITH BIG FIRES AND DEMUNS AND LITENING GOT ME RILL BAD AHHHHRG!!!


comidy jokes for yall howdya like it perty funny huh you now?


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The Holy Spirit brought me back to the site again! Hope everyone is doing well.. I was an old stubborn Christian who came here many years ago and then finally saw the light. It cost me my marriage and my friends, but at least I have my sanity.


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Hey there Kevin. Welcome back.

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The Holy Spirit brought me back to the site again! Hope everyone is doing well.. I was an old stubborn Christian who came here many years ago and then finally saw the light. It cost me my marriage and my friends, but at least I have my sanity.


Kevin! Yea! How are you? I took some time off too. Man, it's so good to "see" you again!!

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Kevin's Back!


Nice to see you've found your way back. Sorry if this thread was the first you've visited...


Hey! That wasn't you was it? You weren't trying to pull a fast one were you?

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Thanks guys. Wow how time flies! Not sure what I'm doing here. Just wanted to say hello I guess. Although it's always nice to come here and see christians trying to do the impossible and defend their faith.


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