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Goodbye Jesus

It Is Sad It Relly Is

Godly Warior

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Stay in this topic and don't start any new topics all over the board.


If you do, I'll send you packing.



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i dont get it you aint ignorin me cuz you here ritin on my thingy so you must not be ignorin me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JOKES ON YOU YO NOW!???

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sense im bein sensered cuz you dont like my athist jokes ima tell some athist jokes here so nock nock whos their athist athist who AAAAAARGH MY HEDS ON FIRE CAUSE A EVIL ROBUT JUST JAMED FIRE IN MY EARS AND I CANT SEE ENTHING BUT THE FIRE OF HELL AND I FELL IN A HOLE WITH BIG FIRES AND DEMUNS AND LITENING GOT ME RILL BAD AHHHHRG!!!


comidy jokes for yall howdya like it perty funny huh you now?

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Abbie Normal,


Did you ever see the movie "Young Frankenstein"? I'm afraid Marty Feldman gave the good doctor the wrong brain. He thought the name on the container said Abbie Normal, when it really said ABNORMAL. Sorry you were given the wrong brain....

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i have no idea what your talking about my name is jared whose abbit i aint no durn monster yall seem kinda off to me i dont get it you now?

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Abbie Normal,


You can't be the Jared who lost all that weight. He was articulate.

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let me iksplain somethin yto yall you think everthings fine rite now and mayby it sems like its fine when your at home with your porno smoakin drugs and stuff but some day soont it aint gonna be okay and then whatchoo gonna do then now huh you now? when the robut claw is arond your thoat and you cant breth none and you tring to sceram but you cant make no sond and you canyt evan call out for jeuss cuz the robut gots you and your all dopy from the porno drugs and aboma cant save you nether then waht you now? you gotta do somthing now you now befor its to late you now?

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that sond like a jew trick to me lady christanity been arond for a long log time like longer than chrismas even so i aint never gonna belive your jew lyes you now?


"Jew trick"? "Jew lies"? This dude's not Abbie Normal, he's freaking Borat. :lmao:

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Do you watch a lot of South park? Every time you mention Jews and robuts I think of Cartman defeating the Jew-bots in the episode about gay fish. Are you Cartman from South Park? He is more articulate than you but otherwise I am starting to see a connection here...

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i red in anoter part of the sight how there tryin to ban words i always thoght the frase chink in the armer was affensive to samarais but wht the hey you now? they aint got soles nether so who cares you now? i dont wach no tv nether so i dont now what show your talkin bout you now i dont now.

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Chinks ain't Japanese... they's Chinese Abbie.

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  • Super Moderator

I thought it was funny when it went over. The best one is the green one. Why can't it just be softer? It doesn't. No matter what they tried, the bus chewed it up. It's just crazy.


But what's the difference? Jesus ate the donuts, but it was awesome! Dahlias and tweezers everywhere but Chicago. It can't.


So thanks for the mud pies, lady. Wherever it bloats we can see, but over milk backs.


Well, not this time!

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K well, the robuts had me amused for a while. I am done now, bye bye Mr. godly warior :loser:

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japs are just anoter kinda chink, like theirs all kinda mexicans you now? soem mexicans are from porto rico and some are from agrentina you now wich is a contry in soth aferca you now? you got your chinks and thay mosly life on the ohter side of the world in places like rusha and canida you now then you got your sand nigros and there all from like grease or somthin and then the darkys are all from aferca and erope and the spics all come from like mexco and asia and thos kinda places where their aint no jesus you now?

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soem mexicans are from porto rico and some are from agrentina you now wich is a contry in soth aferca you now?


Actually, Mexicans are from Mexico...

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yeah some of them are from mexco but they come from all over to you now?

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Abbie Normal,

If you don't pull something funny out of your bag of tricks, you'll be talking to yourself. Not that you don't do that already...

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The novelty dissipated.

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im not shure what you mean but you now funny aint like sience you now and somtimes if you aint got a sence of humer then you dont get the joke you now like 2 athists walk into a bar and 1 orders a glass of bayby blood and he says to the oter athis man this is durn good bayby blood i bet it aint evan babtized and then the other athist face iksplodes and blod goes everwere and the other athists laghs and says I AINT BABTIZ$ED NETHER and then he caches fire and the hole bar full of athists and jew burns and gos to hell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHQA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 NOW THATS FUNNY YOU NOW?

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Sorry guys, but I had enough. He's out.

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Sorry guys, but I had enough. He's out.


prase jeuss. :HaHa:

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Its cool we we're done with him. I will always remember robuts though :HaHa:

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Robuts R'Us. -- I think that would be a good name for a store, whaddyathink?

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Robuts R'Us. -- I think that would be a good name for a store, whaddyathink?


I would so shop there! It would be especially great if there were laundry-doing robuts. Now that I'm at college I sure could use the spare time.

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