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Goodbye Jesus

Can Christianity Be True When The Bible Isn't?


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As most christians testify, if the bible is wrong, the whole thing falls apart.


Consider this: Jesus is not really the messiah according to all the supposed prophecies made about him. The supposed messiah was to be born of the seed of David. Jesus wasn't Joseph's son, and Mary wasn't related to David. Jesus is disqualified.



Game, set, and match.



In those days, people believed that only the male contributed the "substance" of the offspring. The seed, or "sperma" as it were. The female was merely the "soil" in which the offspring grew. Female bloodlines were unimportant, and would be for quite some time, practically up to modern day. (because men are way more important, as we know. We own everything and run religion. Cuz.) Mary's heritage would be irrelevant for this process. Since it's a virgin birth, like all the other ancient gods and demi-gods of that time period, then Joseph had nothing to do with it.


No bloodline, no prophecy fulfillment. And another problem in an endless line of Biblical contradictions.


Those are the facts. All the Christian can do is "spin" it.

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I came from a church where you were not allowed the luxury of disbelieving parts of the Bible. It was all true or it was false because it is "God's word" and God can't lie or make mistakes. Looking back on it, that's a good recipe for eventual deconversion. If I had been raised in a church where there were more options, I might still be in it.


Sure, they would waffle around a bit on the more outrageous passages and say they were written by men, but the whole of it was still inspired by God in some special way unknown since it was written.


With regard to the atonement, that was most important because it directly related to salvation, nevertheless you still had to believe the virgin birth and all the other crap too.

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