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Excellent, well, I guess I should start off with what is currently ongoing, but i'll explain the backstory behind it first.




This lead to a brand new enlightened path for me that created an insatiable hunger for more knowlege of science and everything related to it. After searching for what I specifically wanted to study dive head-on into, after 2 years of taking time off from school after highschool to figure out what I want to study, I came to the decision I wanted to enter the field of medicine and science. Henceforth, that was my goal, and it was a complete 180 degree turn from what my original interests were coming out of highschool. However, my background knowlege on such things, though it was growing, was not yet what I required to enter these studies in university, and this is where my uncle began to play an immensely important role in the grand scheme of this.


I thought the Bible was supposed to teach tolerance? Hah!

I am a physician. If I can give any advice about what to do, how to do it, what to expect or what's "on the other side", let me know.



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I am a physician. If I can give any advice about what to do, how to do it, what to expect or what's "on the other side", let me know.




Thanks, my friend. How long did it take you to complete all your studies and did you specialize in anything in particular?

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I am a physician. If I can give any advice about what to do, how to do it, what to expect or what's "on the other side", let me know.




Thanks, my friend. How long did it take you to complete all your studies and did you specialize in anything in particular?

After college, four years of medical school, then internship and residency.


You get paid during internship and residency, so it's not a total financial loss. Internship is one year, and residency depends on the specialty but ranges from about 3 for Family Practice to 7 or 8 for neurosurgery or orthopedics. I am a urologist and it took my about 5 years.


The military will want your soul, but they do pay a lot more than any civilian residency, and if you sell your soul to them in medical school, they will pay for that too. In exchange, Hell for many, many years. Well, perhaps I exaggerate a bit, but it meant postponing private practice and much of life.

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After college, four years of medical school, then internship and residency.


You get paid during internship and residency, so it's not a total financial loss. Internship is one year, and residency depends on the specialty but ranges from about 3 for Family Practice to 7 or 8 for neurosurgery or orthopedics. I am a urologist and it took my about 5 years.


The military will want your soul, but they do pay a lot more than any civilian residency, and if you sell your soul to them in medical school, they will pay for that too. In exchange, Hell for many, many years. Well, perhaps I exaggerate a bit, but it meant postponing private practice and much of life.


Yes, that's why I didn't go the military route while I was still in (and even lately i've been wondering about it), because in total, you'd be in the military fulltime for 12 years (maybe more). Over here in the Canadian forces, i'd have to go to RMC (Royal Military College) for as long as it would take there, and then AFTER studies I would have to serve 6 years. 12 years is too much, especially, as you said private practice (or any other route I would like to go other than what the military posts you at) is anathema until you leave.


Internship and residency is after med school, so you are not paid during med school, correct?

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Internship and residency is after med school, so you are not paid during med school, correct?

Right. Med School is on you, but there are a few scholarships that are not too difficult to get. You just need to know where to look. The only ones I got were for tuition, though, and that (for me) was only a few hundred dollars. The big expenses are living expenses and books.


Of course, most med students just go deeply into debt, and I had my share of debt to pay off.


I'll tell you this: The experience was tremendous. It was fun, challenging and rewarding even when I didn't get paid.


Many doctors are discouraging people from going into medicine, but if you accept that you are in there to benefit others, then you will be more than satisfied to have cast your bread upon the waters. For me, it's still a mission of sorts; just not a mission from God.

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That's horrible about what your parents have done to you, Dan, and I agree with others it's best to move out as soon as possible. And here I thought my dad was bad. I wasn't Messianic Jew, I was a member of the conservative Church Of Christ (the one with no musical instruments) but my dad often hits my mother when she does something he doesn't like, threatens to beat her and throw her out of the house, and throws plates to her though the plate never hits her. One time when we were eating at the table, he threw a knife at her although it missed her and just barely missed me. But my parents can never get a divorce because they consider divorce to be a sin in all cases expect for adultery and even if you divorce, you can never remarry because for some reason, that's also counted as adultery. At this point religion is the only thing keeping our family together but your dad sounds a lot worse than mine. Can you possibly move in with your uncle you mentioned before that you were close to until you can find a job? Or if you can't move in with him, can you move to a college where they have college dorms that you can stay in?

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...my dad often hits my mother when she does something he doesn't like, threatens to beat her and throw her out of the house, and throws plates to her though the plate never hits her. One time when we were eating at the table, he threw a knife at her although it missed her and just barely missed me. But my parents can never get a divorce because they consider divorce to be a sin in all cases expect for adultery and even if you divorce, you can never remarry because for some reason, that's also counted as adultery. At this point religion is the only thing keeping our family together but your dad sounds a lot worse than mine.


I dunno, but throwing knives at people seems pretty damn bad to me! Your dad needs some serious help! My father was a bit overbearing, but he never did that kind of crap.

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That's horrible about what your parents have done to you, Dan, and I agree with others it's best to move out as soon as possible. And here I thought my dad was bad. I wasn't Messianic Jew, I was a member of the conservative Church Of Christ (the one with no musical instruments) but my dad often hits my mother when she does something he doesn't like, threatens to beat her and throw her out of the house, and throws plates to her though the plate never hits her. One time when we were eating at the table, he threw a knife at her although it missed her and just barely missed me. But my parents can never get a divorce because they consider divorce to be a sin in all cases expect for adultery and even if you divorce, you can never remarry because for some reason, that's also counted as adultery. At this point religion is the only thing keeping our family together but your dad sounds a lot worse than mine. Can you possibly move in with your uncle you mentioned before that you were close to until you can find a job? Or if you can't move in with him, can you move to a college where they have college dorms that you can stay in?



My father never pulled anything physical on me past the age of 10 (before 10 I got spankings, the belt, etc). If he ever layed a hand on me or threatened to beat me, he would get a knuckle sandwich from me in return - and I may just take his head off. But that's the problem with emotional/mental abuse... you can't really strike back in self defense, but it hurts you just as much if not more.


Does that mean, however, that your dad is worse than mine? I think they are pretty much the same, just in different contexts. Your father uses physical abuse; mine uses emotional abuse. But the common factor is that the abuse is at the same extreme level respectively.


Yes, I could move in with my uncle - infact, I was planning on doing that but I think moving into residence at the university would be a better idea, which I am considering. Just need to fix that job problem, lol.

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