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Goodbye Jesus

An Athiest Not At Peace, Part 2 - Doomsday


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Do you think the moon landing was faked? Do you believe that space aliens are living in underground bunkers in Nevada? Are you also a fan of Nostradamus and Sylvia Browne? Think the Tooth Fairy is real?


Not much of a jump from giving credence to what's been mentioned so far.


The present pope is truly a burning fire of zeal for the restoration of all things to Christ.

Does that refer to the piece of shit currently wearing the Pope suit? That Nazi fuck? That defender of pedophiles?


This St. Malachy guy, is he as good at predictions as Jeanne Dixon? The newspaper horoscopes? I guess not, because he's off the mark in identifying the current Pope as a "burning fire of zeal for the restoration of all things to Christ."


Please, before reading anything else, pick up some books on critical thinking.

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I think Phanta may be the first true prophet I've encountered.


Nice job, P!

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I guess that the "De labore solis" Pope could have been chosen partially because he was born on the day of a Solar Eclipse, so that they could say the prophecy would be fulfilled. But what about when he died on the night of a partial solar eclipse?


I just hate calling these things coincidences, it just seems like a cop out, to me. I like logical explanations, I guess. Can someone help me out?

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I just hate calling these things coincidences

Then don't. :-D Nobody minds if you believe in conspiracies or gods or miracles. And nobody wants you to be an atheist. I know a lot of atheists who can't think critically. ;-) You have to make up your own mind! It's the only thing that makes sense. Buy the books that are recommended. Get out of here, and read!

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The night I was born, there was a mysterious fog throughout the area; odd for that time of year. The power even went out just before I was delivered. Then an hour after my birth there was a slight earth tremor/quake that rolled through the area. Most strange.


And I think that Mars wss partially eclipsing Venus at the time...or was it Uranus ??????

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Here's something to consider, especially if further reading and discussion does not give you any relief:


If your brain keeps generating fear, despite your logical thoughts, you may have developed a kind of phobia. Phobias have an annoying way of being impervious to rational thought. Since the fear keeps coming, your brain is prompted to keep searching to understand the threat, and it promotes a habit of obsessing.


The cure for phobias (and for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is to let yourself be afraid, to feel the fear and resist your tendency to keep searching "in case" you've missed something. You eventually habituate to the fear stimulus and can go on and live your life, focused on the things that are truly important to you, instead of on a bunch of nonsense that scares that pants off of you.


Read about exposure therapy. You can theoretically do this on your own, but a cognitive-behavioral therapist could help a lot. It would go something like this: Surround yourself with the scariest images, writings, anything that generates your fear of doomsday, then challenge yourself to stay focused on the thoughts of doom until the fear peaks and then subsides. While you are doing exposure exercises, you would do nothing to try to reduce the fear. You would practice the exercises several times a day for a bunch of days until the thoughts no longer generate the same fear. Voila! Free at last!


Something to consider...


What he or she just said right here above. That's it. You need to read his post above again. You've got a runaway brain. Fear makes it all seem real, and just enough 'logic' sound to it confirms it all! But its all a fantasy trip of the mind.


It's right there in the post above that you will find your answers to all this. It's the 'explanation' you're looking for.

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In the words of Norwegian band A-Ha... Cry wooolf ooooooooh, no need to worry now....


The end of the world has been eminent for 2000 years nows. Remember even Paul believed he was in the end times, but how wrong was he? You can take comfort in the fact that 100% of all doomsday predictions so far have turned out to be completely and utterly wrong. If anyone does turn out to be right it will be by sheer coincedence.

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Thanks, those are good suggestions. It does sound like a phobia, though I think I'm too chicken to try exposure therapy.

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