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Say No To Socialism!


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Nice. It's difficult to shake the brainwashing we get from the media every day; but, like atheism, common sense prevails for those capable of thinking for themselves.

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Say No to Socialism!.jpg


Best Post of the day! +1 Woody!!!!!


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haha I read something similar but it was about liberalism (nicer sounding word I guess). My dad always asks ridiculous questions like: Do you think Obama was born in Kenya or are you a socialist? And I tell him: I'm a socialist. Omg he totally flipped out. I guess he didn't see the obvious problem with his original question. I think the meaning of the word "socialist" has mutated and different people think it means different things. Really confuses the issue for me.




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I'll have to save that for when my mother sends me another anti-socialism email.

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Excellent, Woody.

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That's good.

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That's amazing!! I bet those crazy folks at Ebaums World had no idea what to say to that!

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Professor B. de la Paz:

"I accept any rules you think you need for yourself. I will continue to live by my own."

"In terms of morals there is no such thing as a ‘state.’ Just men. Individuals. Each responsible for his own acts,"

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free, because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything that I do."


Public where public needed. Private everywhere else. Article shows need for huge pots of change and coin to improve lives and communities.


Author fails to point out that the Goobermint agencies that exist NOW ruling and regulating our lives were built with CONSENT off of the myriad smaller endeavors of unregulated actions of thousands of smaller things existing prior.


Article ass-u-mes that these Agencies somehow "exist" and "do good" out of thin air.


Again read up on the "social contract".


Socialism? Hardly.





What should be public?

The Free Liberal

by Fred E. Foldvary


"The proposition that markets succeed where governments fail applies

not just to totalitarian regimes but to any government intervention.

Governments can enhance the market by protecting property rights, but

when they go beyond that to interfere with honest and peaceful human

action, they make the economy worse. There is also the moral argument

that self-owning human beings have the natural right to do whatever

does not coercively harm others. There are some things that there

should only be one of. Most folks agree that we should only have one

military force, and it should be under the control of the people. The

commanding heights of government would also not be private -- the

supreme court, the legislature, and the chief. Everything else can be

voluntary and contractual, hence in the private sector." (08/12/09)



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Responsible to what or to whom? What does that look like?




Hell of a good question in this context.

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Professor B. de la Paz:

"I accept any rules you think you need for yourself. I will continue to live by my own."

"In terms of morals there is no such thing as a ‘state.’ Just men. Individuals. Each responsible for his own acts,"

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free, because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything that I do."


Responsible to what or to whom? What does that look like?




Dunno what that might mean to you Phanta.


The Professor was a practical anarchist in his context, found in RAH's "Moon is a Harsh Mistress".


What is hard on the mind about being responsible for one's own acts and actions?



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What is hard on the mind about being responsible for one's own acts and actions?


Well, that's kinda what her question laid out. What does this guy MEAN when he says "responsible"? Who does he consider himself responsible TO? If he's only responsible to himself... then isn't that pretty much meaningless in the context of a society?

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Read my quotes of de la Paz in #10.


Suspect that the "True Anarchist" in his thinking, and which I admire and try to emulate lets others know they are the final arbiter of their own lives and actions.


Folks are free to pass all the laws on their lives and actions they care to. Not so free to enforce them on me.


Continually returns to social contracts/compacts that we enter into and try to live with each other on.


I prefer that no one but myself speak for me. Preacher and Politicians not welcome to do so. Twisting the current social contract is a fervent hobby of mine.



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There must be a fantastic conversation going on here, but all I get is a damned black box in place of woodie's original post.



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There must be a fantastic conversation going on here, but all I get is a damned black box in place of woodie's original post.




Click on it. It's an image for which the thumbnail appears to have failed to generate.

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Related to OP and discussion thought appropriate:



Is fear of our government irrational?

Tibor's Space

by Tibor R. Machan


"Too often now when some people voice fear of the American government,

whether it is its policy involving Homeland Security or health care

reform, one is accused of being irrational or paranoid. It is that

familiar 'It can't happen here' syndrome at work. But there are good

reasons not to dismiss such concerns under current circumstances. When

society is considered a collective -- akin to a team, only not

voluntarily established like most sport teams are -- those who see

themselves as its leaders and charged with selecting the goals

everyone must pursue, can quite easily slip into a mode of thinking

that construes all opposition a form of betrayal." (08/13/09)



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There must be a fantastic conversation going on here, but all I get is a damned black box in place of woodie's original post.




I'm using Google Chrome, and the link only works for me about half the time. Maybe try a different browser?

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LOL, yup.


I always find it interesting how people are only barking about "socialism" NOW.


I've had more Goobermint crammed up my ass in the last 8 years under Boosh than I have before him.

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