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Goodbye Jesus

Ok, Big Question, What Is The Meaning Of Life?


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I really don't know the meaning to life. What is the meaning of the life of a snail?


All I do know is that I want to live the best life I can right now and help others do the same. I am going to do that tonight by going to see a band, drinking a beer, and perhaps finding a lady to dance with.


Can I have an amen?


amen, awomen, adoggies, akitties etc :lmao:


i agree!! as the t.i. song chorus states: just live your life.

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To go with this question - what is the meaning of death? For you cannot have one without the other. On a large scale an individual life means nothing, even the most influential ones cannot even begin to make a dent in the seemingly infinite universe. On a small scale each action and inaction we take creates ripples in the lives around us and we are effected by ripples of others (as well as inanimate forces and probability etc). For instance, in a second, I can kill an ant crawling across my arm. His 'life' to me meant nothing but I ended it. To him, maybe it meant something (ants don't seem particularly life-like) but to the rest of the world it changes nothing. We are animals, but we are a bit different in that we have these brains and can think about this question - what is the purpose of life? That is significant in and of itself. We can learn about the world we live in - we can change it and hopefully we can change it back again. We can invent weapons that can destroy us all, but we also have created enchanting music, inspiring art and intellectually challenging scientific discoveries. Life, death, - they are two sides of the same particles just rearranged. Everything is constantly changing, but nothing is ever gained or lost.


For you personally, your consciousness is something to take advantage of - if for no other reason than selfish ones. Your mind and body are what allow you to experience the world, to see and hear and feel, to orgasm, to climb a mountain, to sing a favorite song, to hold a newborn child. Embrace all you can because you can and because there are no guarantees. As far as we can determine, consciousness ends with the death of the brain. Take advantage of the time you have with it. But I take some comfort in knowing that every piece of me has always existed and will always exist. Right now I am a collection of cells that make of a single body out of a race of beings that live interdependently with all the organisms on the planet that exists as a part of a solar system inside of a galaxy that makes up a portion of the universe. A single molecule of oxygen in my blood stream is a part of me right now, soon exhaled as carbon dioxide. My skin will replenish itself within a few days. As a molecule of oxygen is to me, so I am to the planet. And on and on.


Forgive me if this rambled into something nonsensical - I am now quite exhausted.

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I really don't know the meaning to life. What is the meaning of the life of a snail?


All I do know is that I want to live the best life I can right now and help others do the same. I am going to do that tonight by going to see a band, drinking a beer, and perhaps finding a lady to dance with.


Can I have an amen?


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What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of death? Each is the celebration of life, one is by living it and the other makes room for new life. Life is what you make of it. Either it has some meaning or it does not. you do not have to be famous or even own a business, just do something you enjoy to do that brings you or someone happiness.

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I know the meaning of life...


But I’m not going to tell you what it is.


I do too. Perhaps we should open a PayPal account and charge $199.95 for the answer.

I used to know, but I forgot. 47?


Anyway, I decided to make my own meaning, live, laugh, love and learn. And life can be beautiful even with the bumps and bruises.

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Death is simply the return to the state of non-existence from where we came; as such, it has no meaning; it's simply the consequence of being fortunate enough to be alive. As such, I often say, don't worry about death; it'll take care of itself. You just need to worry about living your life.

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The question is flawed in many ways.


- It presupposes a "meaning" to human life.


- It conflates "meaning" with "purpose."


- It fails to contextualize "meaning."


What is the meaning of a rose? Is the meaning of a rose the same as a purpose? Does the rose perhaps have multiple meanings, depending on the observer?


Life is pretty good for most of us. Some have it harder than others, but rarely do people decide they'd rather not live. Isn't life enough in and of itself without having to have some deeper meaning?

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"Your Life is What You Make It, Unless Stuff That is Out of Your Control Screws It Up. Also, You Might Just Get Lucky Without Trying."


I think I'll have that needle-pointed and hang it above the mantle!

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"Your Life is What You Make It, Unless Stuff That is Out of Your Control Screws It Up. Also, You Might Just Get Lucky Without Trying."


I think I'll have that needle-pointed and hang it above the mantle!


As a fan of slightly depressing inspirational posters I approve of this message.

You may be joking, but I think I WILL needlepoint this. I'll hang it next to my computer. Maybe with an appropriate lolcat...

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