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The "christian" Bookstore


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Unbelievable Bible Sale!!!

At least it was truth in advertising, for once.

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They are a moneymaker like any niche business, like a gaming shop, indy bookstore, comic store, etc. I mean, yes, they tend to have a higher-than-usual amount of American Taliban there, but no place is perfect. They fleece their customers, but then again, isn't that kind of the point of a store?



And I know it will bring what is left of my good-taste into question, but I always liked the Precious Moment's figures. I have a real weak spot for the so-cute-and-sweet-it-puts-diabetics-into-comas. Also, my Grandmother really liked collecting them.

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They are a moneymaker like any niche business, like a gaming shop, indy bookstore, comic store, etc. I mean, yes, they tend to have a higher-than-usual amount of American Taliban there, but no place is perfect. They fleece their customers, but then again, isn't that kind of the point of a store?



And I know it will bring what is left of my good-taste into question, but I always liked the Precious Moment's figures. I have a real weak spot for the so-cute-and-sweet-it-puts-diabetics-into-comas. Also, my Grandmother really liked collecting them.


keep a hold of them, they're now worth a little bit of money since it's no longer made. trust me there are christian women who will sacrifice their little kid or grand kid or even a church member's kid just to get one of those things.

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If you've ever been to harvest christian fellowship in riverside, ca, their bookstore is like this wannabe barnes & noble complete with a coffee/juice bar and overpriced bottled water and sandwiches. There's even a big outdoor screen nearby so you can watch the service from the patio whilst you sip your frappacino. I hate thinking about it now. So much about that church just emulated pop culture and they put their own kooky spin on it. I imagine a lot of megachurches have taken on the wannabe b&n now. Your megachurch simply isn't COOL if you don't have a coffee shop/bookstore.

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I've been in a Christian bookstore, both as a patron in the past, and recently against my will as part of an errand.


It's a surreal experience, walking into one. As I said the Christian media industry is built upon making mostly harmless stuff that can be consumed by people who can't watch or read certain things because the pastor said it was a sin.


I could expand on this, but I could be wrong.

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There is a local bookstore I like that is a mostly Christian one, though they have a lot of other titles too; most of their Christian books are of the Episcopal, Lutheran, and Catholic variety. Its an interesting contrast to the stores I used to haunt.

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I've been in a Christian bookstore, both as a patron in the past, and recently against my will as part of an errand.


It's a surreal experience, walking into one. As I said the Christian media industry is built upon making mostly harmless stuff that can be consumed by people who can't watch or read certain things because the pastor said it was a sin.


I could expand on this, but I could be wrong.


no you're right, but we also carried books by "fox news idiots" and former republican senators, the only one i didn't see was any bill o'reily book which made me thankful.

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Then there's a Christian bookstore at a local strip mall which I only window shop at. Once I noticed many of the non crucifix shaped pendants on display in the window were actually pagan symbols, and when I told a friend ( another Catholic friend) with me what the symbols were we both had a good laugh as I remember a Wiccan anthropology professor who wore such symbols on her jewelery a few years before. My Catholic friend this time even pointed out that she has never seen anyone wearing those types of symbols as pendants at her church, so why even buy one if the store has no idea what they actually mean.


Like a pentagram/pentacle and ankh? I have heard Christians justify wearing an ankh because they claim that Egyptian Christians associated it with the crucifix.

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I used to go to Christian bookstores a lot. I rarely bought books there, though. I would browse the apologetics and theology sections, but order what I wanted from Christian Book Distributors, unless the bookstore had a really good sale.


I spent more time in the bookstores sampling music, though. I would sometimes buy new CDs there, but I would often wait for the demo CDs to go in the "bargain basement" section, which is where I shopped first.


One thing that really got to me was going into a Christian bookstore and seeing them STILL trying to sell off their stock of Y2K books in the bargain section throughout 2000 and even into early 2001! Did they really think anyone would buy that stuff then? LOL!


After I left the faith (I started doubting in 2002 and became full-blown skeptic during 2003), I did go back a few times to one Christian bookstore, but it felt rather weird walking though the store and knowing that all that shit was based on lies, lies, lies. And the people swallow it in droves!


Unbelievable Bible Sale!!!


Quoted for accuracy. Man, I wish I had seen that one! LOL!

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Christian bookstore? Stores can be saved too now and have eternal life? Amazing. I wonder if Christian companies are resurrected after they are liquidated?

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Christian bookstore? Stores can be saved too now and have eternal life? Amazing. I wonder if Christian companies are resurrected after they are liquidated?



I've wondered about that, too! Just about every time I hear about some "Christian business" in any context, some back corner of my mind wonders about the theological implications. Did the company take an alter call? Did it walk the sawdust trail with tears in it's eyes? Just how does a board of directors combine the soul-searching of repentance with Robert's Rules of Order? If the company prays, does someone take minutes?


And what about mergers? How does a Christian company go about establishing it's gender so as not to "become one flesh" with a same-gender company? This is important!


But I suppose it's as reasonable (or unreasonable) as a corporation claiming that any effort to establish outside controls on how many hundreds of millions of dollars it spends to buy a Congress creature (Be the first on Wall Street to own a complete set!) so that it can legally dump hundreds of tons of toxic waste in a slum is an infringement on it's right to free speech.


If a corporation is a person, and money is speech, then why shouldn't that person be able to be saved by the blood of Jesus?


It all makes perfect sense, as long as you're massively drunk.


And it wouldn't be the first time I've seen spooky parallels between business law and Christian theology.

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