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What Did You Do With Your Bible After Leaving?


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My father has like 5 bibles. One is huge and he gets it out to fight those evil darwinists in emails.

theres a bible behind me open to a page behind me on my fathers desk. Its unsettling.

Sometimes, late at night, do you hear it growling at you?

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Fuckin' A, Mom and Dad!



Fuckin' A indeed! The parentals rock!


I also studied at Moody and have a Scofield. I wonder if there is an emerging trend . . .

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What did I do with my bible? Which one? I just did a quick count and have about 35, many in other languages, most just different versions, and some versions that are rather rare. I even have a couple of old ones from the Watchtower, prior to them altering their doctrines. I figure I'll hang on to all of them for now. I wouldn't want to have them go back into distribution anywhere, so I doubt Ill try to sell them or give them away. Then there are the Xian books. Gobs and gobs of those. I keep them for reference at this point, though I thought about freeing up about 8 shelves of book space. I don't believe ANY of it anymore, but it is useful some days to sit and ponder how much time, energy, passion, and money has been absorbed by religion. The ancient temples, the cathedrals, mega churches, the missionary journeys, the inquisitions, the twin towers, the books... millions and millions of books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, TV shows. I was responsible for sending out many thousands of CDs of preaching all over the world. Maybe I can find a way to undo that damage.


I think this forum is more important than just a meeting place. It represents freedom, self-direction, and humans that are escaping this ancient tradition of religion that has squandered so many resources and lives.

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Toilet Paper Bible. Epic, I should have done that.


After I de-converted, I kind of just locked the bible(s) away for a couple years. Just threw them in the back of the closet and threw all kinds of crap over-top of it: Books, Sleeping Bags, Backpacks, etc. I found it again when I was cleaning out the area. I took it and threw it in a garbage bag, along with at least 10 of those tiny New Testament bibles that people on the streets throw at you on Halloween Trick or Treat night, and I mean "Throw" quite literally.


I recall one year when I was maybe 9 or 10, my dad told the people at a house in town more than once that we didn't want one (They were handing out bibles rather than candy, the bastards), so they followed us a block down the road, and threw it into my basket from a distance. I thought about burning them, but we don't have a fire pit, and it's illegal to burn garbage where I'm at, so they're laying somewhere in a Garbage Dump outside of town, resting in piece.


I also plan on doing the same to any other bibles I find around the house, or get thrown at me. Of course, if they get thrown at me, they're getting thrown back next time.

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I have one around here somewhere. Several actually. A couple may be in the trunk of the car. I typically use biblegateway.com anymore if I have a reason to look at scripture. I also have a hebrew old testament and greek new testament.


I also have an english copy of the Koran and a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh. I put them all on about equal par now. Great for historical and literary reference, but poor for basing your life on.

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I have two bibles in my house. One is a $10 Wal-Mart NIV bible that I bought simply for highlighting all the shit and absurdity I find as I read it (I've had it since January and I'm not even done with Genesis yet :shrug:). I plan on keeping it to show any fundies if and when I tell them about my de-conversion. I also have another one that I take to church since I'm still "in the closet" so to speak. I'll probably wind up trashing that one.


But I went through my house a few years ago and took up every superfluous bible that wasn't a family heirloom (my grandfather has a few Mason bibles, for example) and burned them all in my fire pit last winter. It was a glorious feeling, and I wish I had more bibles to burn. They burn real slow, it's great to get the wood started.


I'm currently debating whether I should steal all my baptism stuff from my mom and burn all that stuff too. I'm sure she wouldn't notice it for years, if at all. I want to erase all evidence I was ever involved in that death cult.


I like your burning idea, Marty. I've actually been thinking about doing that for awhile now. I was cleaning out my room at home a couple of weeks ago and I consolidated everything that reminded me of my xtian past- mostly books, papers, and clothes- all into a giant tupperware container. I plan on burning it all as soon as I get a chance.

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There's about 4 bibles in my house. Two belong to my younger sister. One is mine, it's a KJV red-letter. It's buried somewhere in the black hole/quagmire that is my bedroom. Or perhaps in the attic/storage place somewhere. My parents' bible is massively fucked up because one Sunday my mom stuck it in the backseat of her car and left the windows open while she was driving. I think she finally got it out of the car though, then again I haven't been in her car much lately now that I have one. No Bible in my car though.

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What did you do with your actual bible after leaving Christianity?

My bible cover is made out of leather. Being vegan, I have considered burning it or burying it, out of respect for the animal that had to die to cover "god's word". I also might keep it for use in future debates.


I have a wood burning stove, and I have often thought of getting a supply or stack of Bibles to keep next to it so I could occasionally throw one in. I never have followed through on that plan though as I still have a fundy wife. Not sure it would heal anything but I have fantasized about burning some. By the end of my time in the faith my Bibles were so worn, and dispersed anyways.

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I shredded it. It was wonderfully therapeutic. At one point, the shredder overheated, so I grabbed some scissors until the shredder was fine again.

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It was wonderfully therapeutic.

Didn't it feel great? That's one thing I probably should have mentioned. When I burned my bible,


It felt fucking GREAT!!!


When I did it, there was actually a very ritualistic aspect to the action. By that point, I knew how deeply the indoctrination went, and that it was specifically designed to go right past my conscious mind down into my deep unconscious and take root there. So burning it was a way for me to say to that part of myself, "This is shit. I'm absolutely not kidding! This damned thing is completely as toxic as small pox contaminated bed clothes and should be handled the same way for the same reasons!"


Since that time, I've gotten plenty of indications from that deep part of me which amount to it saying, "Okee-doke! Message received!"


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Welllllll, I had more than one bible, and many books, I got a trash bag and threw them all out into the trash. I did not want to give them away, donate, because I did not want to inflict any of the bullshit upon anyone else. However, I kept one main bible I used and it is stuffed in a closet somewhere. I really went gung ho and removed anything around my home that had any bible verses on, all reading material and chucked it all. Overall I do not regret doing this and felt a sense of freedom, but for nostalgiac reasons, I sort of regret throwing out a new testament book that was given to me 30 plus years ago when I got confirmed. So just for sentimental reasons I wish I hadn't chucked out that one.

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Well... Mine are family heirlooms. That is, I inherited them after various relatives died. Funny thing. They said they read the Bible cover to cover, but there are no notes or highlighting. The one given to me shortly after I was 14, I have it highlighted, notes in margins, etc etc. I even used it for my religious classes. Yet their Bibles that I inherited after they died, look like they are new and never been used. I don't think they ever actually read the damn thing.

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I don't think they ever actually read the damn thing.

I'm shocked! Shocked!

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I don't think they ever actually read the damn thing.

I'm shocked! Shocked!


My mother could quote ‘convenient’ passages from the Bible all the time, and I never saw her open a bible in her life.


I never found those passages when I finally opened it.

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