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What Do Ya'll Do With The Bible You Use To Believe?


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What does the Bible say about you?

The Bible say I'm evil. I don't think I am, but your Bible--the one you believe in--claims that I am. You support what it says, hence you believe that too.


Do you believe in the Bible, Wave?


How would you know? You DON"T BELIEVE THE BIBLE. I love it that you think you are an authority on something you don't believe.

My question is if the Bible is an authority for YOU, not me. If it is an authority for YOU, that means you agree with what it says. And it use derogatory language against people like me, so by the fact that YOU believe what the Bible says, YOU are then supporting that derogatory view of ME. In other words, you are backing up a 2,000 slanderous lie about non-Christians.


You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...

It's not about interpretation, but raw, literal, reading.


Do you believe the Bible when it say that non-believers are fools? Yes, or no. (I can tell you're deflecting. Are you afraid of the outcome?)


Tell me....is what is says about you wrong? What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists....actualities.....what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.

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Tell me....is what is says about you wrong?

Is say the non-believer is a fool, evil, and immoral, and I reject those false assumptions.


You are a "True" Christian, and you obviously must believe what the Bible teaches.


So you are already backing up false assumptions about me as a person. And yet, you're surprised when anyone of us treat you bad.


What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists....actualities.....what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.


Ps 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

I reject that statement. It's your Bible. You believe this.


1Ti 1:9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,

I do not kill my father and mother, or murder anyone. It's a false assumption. You believe this. It's your "Holy" Book.


And here's a warning to YOU for chatting all this troll-crap here:

2Ti 2:16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.

Take heed to your own book.

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


Well, you aren't an Episcopalian Xian or you would not be demanding an answer nor would you even ask that question. I think I answered that somewhere in this mess. I never was born-again. I never played the game and fought the delusional and abusive brainwashing as best I could. My story is long, so I'll save you the details, but IF anyone twists the Bible to destruction, it is delusional Xians. You might be lucky and get honest answers out of someone like Bishop Spong or Fr Harpur though. If I had my druthers, and I do, I rather ask them theological question than you and I have. I didn't get to this point without any scholarly input. However, you are not scholar and I do not listen to the Jibber Gabber of apologists either, because they are full of sh**.

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Han, not only is it his Bible, he is trying to play mind games- specifically manipulation, fear, and control, but I think you already knew that. He is a TRUE Fundamgelical. I see them every day, a dime a dozen. Damn! Even my mother and her sister are Fundamgelicals. The quotes he is using is an attempt to at control, fear, and manipulation, oh and add guilt trip. I personally wouldn't mind if you gave him the boot. I would think it possible to fit what he is doing in any of the rules that gets a person booted.


Oh wait. This is the Lion's Den. Things are a little different here. OK turn up the heat on him. :fdevil:

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But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

No the problem is that you don't act as you really believe in your Bible. We just behave the way we behave, which is usually rather harsh against Christians (especially newcomers).


But you complain about us behaving bad, when that is exactly what you should expect.


So do you believe what the Bible say about us or not?


How would you know? You DON"T BELIEVE THE BIBLE. I love it that you think you are an authority on something you don't believe. You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...


QUESTION: Why do *you* (Waves) believe the babble?


PROBABLE ANSWER: Because it is the word of gawd (or some variation thereof).


Why do you believe it is the word of gawd?


PROBABLE ANSWER: Because the babble says so/because gawd told me so (or some variation thereof).


QUESTION: The kornran says it is the world of gawd/awfulah. Do you believe in the kornran? If not, why not?


PROBABLE ANSWER: I do not believe the kornran because it was written by heathens hundreds of years after the babble was written and awfulah is not gawd because only gawd is gawd, so it cannot be true (or some variation thereof).


Please, Waves, replace my probable answers with the ones you find most fitting. I eagerly await your response.

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I personally wouldn't mind if you gave him [Waves} the boot. I would think it possible to fit what he is doing in any of the rules that gets a person booted.


Oh wait. This is the Lion's Den. Things are a little different here. OK turn up the heat on him. :fdevil:


If we boot him out, then who would we have to tort.... play with?

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:lol: This is true. So turning up the heat isn't such a bad idea. devilbychoice.gif
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Tell me....is what is says about you wrong? What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists....actualities.....what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.


Who cares what it says? There are far more interesting works of fiction out there we can be discussing. Perhaps we can start with Foucault's Pendulum? Judging by the way you write I'm not sure you can fully comprehend what any book says though; well, maybe Dick and Jane.

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You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...Tell me....is what is says about you wrong? What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists


I think the word you are looking for is "jests." Is English your first language?


what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.


It says, among other things (fellow followers of the Most High Noodliness, please forgive me posting the writings of the unholy babble, but it was necessary to dispatch the evil among us):


Judge not, that ye be not judged.


For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?


Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


And most significantly for you, Waves:


Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?


And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


And as for "verse for verse," I have read it "verse for verse" and cover to cover many times over--and each time I read it, it made less sense and was less believable. Buying into the holy crap about translation errors, I learned Koine Greek and read the NT "verse for verse" and cover to cover in that language, stacks of lexicons and assorted mss at my elbow. Then I did the same with the Septuigent, and became even further convinced of the total depravity of the gawd represented in the passages; the ignorance of the superstitious, bronze age, goat herder authors; and the foolishness of any modern human who would believe the holy crap--and that included me at one time, but I grew out of it and learned better.


I am confident many of my fellow heathens and infidels here assembled share similar scholarly backgrounds.


So, sonny-boy, do not come around here spouting bullshit about "understanding," "interpretation" (the word you are looking for here is "translation"), and not doing our "homework." If you want to have a battle of wits, make damn sure you have enough ammunition--which you clearly don't.


και γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν και η αληθεια ελευθερωσει υμας

(Kai gnosthey ton aletheon, kai e aletheia eluberosei umaz. -- Care to "interpret" this for us?)


Tell us the meaning of "the LXX."


Tell us the nuances that differentiate the Alland-Nestle text and the Codex Sinaticus. And enthrall us with your insights into the sect that is fond of the Diaglot.


Oh, please, WavesForFun, enlighten us ignorant, gawdless heathens.

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What do you do with the Bible you once believed that told about what happens to those who turn there back on God? What did you think about it when you did believe? Did you ever think you would leave Christianity?

I've quickly scanned over the 5 pages of this and figure, what the hell, I'll play too. But I'll play nice because you seem very young. I don't mind a little light snacking now and then. ;)


To answer your question, you would have to understand how I think. I don't see this as turning my back on God. I believe differently about things than I did. It's not turning my back on something "I believe in".


Threats of hell, fear of God, etc are seen by me to be products of an earlier imagination and are not words reflecting any sort of reality beyond a cultural context. They hold no power over me, because I understand their nature.


You however... they do hold power over you because you fail to understand their nature. You however are a slave to them. You are a slave to fear. So for fair turn about, what do you do with these verses? Do you use them in ways that frees you? Or are you stuck, fearful to dare have a thought that some God might smash you into jelly beneath his foot if you dare think a thought outside orthodoxy?


Who is free, and who is the slave? Who is on a path to "heaven", and whose is on a road to hell? From my perspective, it's not us that is stuck in hell.

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You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...Tell me....is what is says about you wrong? What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists


I think the word you are looking for is "jests." Is English your first language?


what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.


It says, among other things (fellow followers of the Most High Noodliness, please forgive me posting the writings of the unholy babble, but it was necessary to dispatch the evil among us):


Judge not, that ye be not judged.


For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?


Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


And most significantly for you, Waves:


Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?


And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


And as for "verse for verse," I have read it "verse for verse" and cover to cover many times over--and each time I read it, it made less sense and was less believable. Buying into the holy crap about translation errors, I learned Koine Greek and read the NT "verse for verse" and cover to cover in that language, stacks of lexicons and assorted mss at my elbow. Then I did the same with the Septuigent, and became even further convinced of the total depravity of the gawd represented in the passages; the ignorance of the superstitious, bronze age, goat herder authors; and the foolishness of any modern human who would believe the holy crap--and that included me at one time, but I grew out of it and learned better.


I am confident many of my fellow heathens and infidels here assembled share similar scholarly backgrounds.


So, sonny-boy, do not come around here spouting bullshit about "understanding," "interpretation" (the word you are looking for here is "translation"), and not doing our "homework." If you want to have a battle of wits, make damn sure you have enough ammunition--which you clearly don't.


και γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν και η αληθεια ελευθερωσει υμας

(Kai gnosthey ton aletheon, kai e aletheia eluberosei umaz. -- Care to "interpret" this for us?)


Tell us the meaning of "the LXX."


Tell us the nuances that differentiate the Alland-Nestle text and the Codex Sinaticus. And enthrall us with your insights into the sect that is fond of the Diaglot.


Oh, please, WavesForFun, enlighten us ignorant, gawdless heathens.

you mean judge not less you be condemned......boy if your gonna quote something....at least do your home work first......good job though. You and Most Anti Christ peopple use that....to try to hide behind.

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You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...Tell me....is what is says about you wrong? What does it say about you? What does the Bible directly no....jists


I think the word you are looking for is "jests." Is English your first language?


what does it say....and yes i believe what it says....but you still haven't gone verse for verse of what is says.....don't call me lazy and then not do your home work for the readers.


It says, among other things (fellow followers of the Most High Noodliness, please forgive me posting the writings of the unholy babble, but it was necessary to dispatch the evil among us):


Judge not, that ye be not judged.


For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?


Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


And most significantly for you, Waves:


Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?


And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


And as for "verse for verse," I have read it "verse for verse" and cover to cover many times over--and each time I read it, it made less sense and was less believable. Buying into the holy crap about translation errors, I learned Koine Greek and read the NT "verse for verse" and cover to cover in that language, stacks of lexicons and assorted mss at my elbow. Then I did the same with the Septuigent, and became even further convinced of the total depravity of the gawd represented in the passages; the ignorance of the superstitious, bronze age, goat herder authors; and the foolishness of any modern human who would believe the holy crap--and that included me at one time, but I grew out of it and learned better.


I am confident many of my fellow heathens and infidels here assembled share similar scholarly backgrounds.


So, sonny-boy, do not come around here spouting bullshit about "understanding," "interpretation" (the word you are looking for here is "translation"), and not doing our "homework." If you want to have a battle of wits, make damn sure you have enough ammunition--which you clearly don't.


και γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν και η αληθεια ελευθερωσει υμας

(Kai gnosthey ton aletheon, kai e aletheia eluberosei umaz. -- Care to "interpret" this for us?)


Tell us the meaning of "the LXX."


Tell us the nuances that differentiate the Alland-Nestle text and the Codex Sinaticus. And enthrall us with your insights into the sect that is fond of the Diaglot.


Oh, please, WavesForFun, enlighten us ignorant, gawdless heathens.

you mean judge not less you be condemned......boy if your gonna quote something....at least do your home work first......good job though. You and Most Anti Christ peopple use that....to try to hide behind.

Bot I better do my home work....lol.... Condemn not less you be judged......there we go....lol

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you mean judge not less you be condemned......boy if your gonna quote something....at least do your home work first......good job though. You and Most Anti Christ peopple use that....to try to hide behind.


Oh ye of little knowledge (and apparently intellect), follow your own "homework" mantra and you will find that the verses I provided are exactly as presented.


King James Version: Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

New American Standard Bible: ""Do not judge so that you will not be judged."

And you, our brilliant babble babbler, have confused two different verses.


King James Version: Luke 6:37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven..."

New American Standard Bible: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."

And in Koine Greek


μη κρινετε ινα μη κριθητε

(Mathew 27:1)


μη κρινετε και ου μη κριθητε μη καταδικαζετε και ου μη καταδικασθητε απολυετε και απολυθησεσθε

(Luke 6:37)


You, Waves, are either impossibly ignorant, irretrievably stupid, or a blatant troll. Either way, I've no more time for you unless you get honest and stop being an insipid asshole. Barring that, go perform an impossible sex act on yourself.

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He's right Waves. He is quoting them exactly and that is what your book says. He's even got the Greek down too- which I have right in front of me double checking for myself. There is nothing like a REAL education. Too bad not everyone gets one. (Except he needs to drop the "2" before the 7 for it is Matthew 7:1 in Greek, not 27:1)

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He's right Waves. He is quoting them exactly and that is what your book says. He's even got the Greek down too- which I have right in front of me double checking for myself. There is nothing like a REAL education. Too bad not everyone gets one. (Except he needs to drop the "2" before the 7 for it is Matthew 7:1 in Greek, not 27:1)


To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share. What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.

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you mean judge not less you be condemned......boy if your gonna quote something....at least do your home work first......good job though. You and Most Anti Christ peopple use that....to try to hide behind.


Oh ye of little knowledge (and apparently intellect), follow your own "homework" mantra and you will find that the verses I provided are exactly as presented.


King James Version: Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

New American Standard Bible: ""Do not judge so that you will not be judged."

And you, our brilliant babble babbler, have confused two different verses.


King James Version: Luke 6:37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven..."

New American Standard Bible: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."

And in Koine Greek


μη κρινετε ινα μη κριθητε

(Mathew 27:1)


μη κρινετε και ου μη κριθητε μη καταδικαζετε και ου μη καταδικασθητε απολυετε και απολυθησεσθε

(Luke 6:37)


You, Waves, are either impossibly ignorant, irretrievably stupid, or a blatant troll. Either way, I've no more time for you unless you get honest and stop being an insipid asshole. Barring that, go perform an impossible sex act on yourself.


O my.....You really haven't read your Bible....Have you not heard that we will judge angels? And Yes...Its is Condemn not that you be not judged.

Nelson 334 Mthew 7:1

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O my.....You really haven't read your Bible....Have you not heard that we will judge angels? And Yes...Its is Condemn not that you be not judged.

Nelson 334 Mthew 7:1


I believe he has read a lot more than you have. It seems to me you are favouring one translation over another and nitpicking. Not all translations are the same. Condemn and judge really are not much different though.

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O my.....You really haven't read your Bible....Have you not heard that we will judge angels? And Yes...Its is Condemn not that you be not judged.

Nelson 334 Mthew 7:1


I believe he has read a lot more than you have. It seems to me you are favouring one translation over another and nitpicking. Not all translations are the same. Condemn and judge really are not much different though.


Okay then...since you wish to cherry pick about judging... lol...cherry pick....look at that...i'm using some of your(general) lingo...lol



What else does it say about judging?

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Well, according to your book, you are not the one who is suppose to judge 2Ti 4:1. So let's just entertain you thought for a moment... IF you are not suppose to be the one who judges, yet you are judging, what would your god say concerning what you are doing? Do you think you can measure up to your own judgments? Although not in the Bible, all that is said in the Creeds is taken directly from canon (The Bible): The Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed both say that "He will come again to judge the quick and the dead" (living and the dead). Again, you have no right to sit there and judge anyone- unless you are not going by your own book, which... wouldn't that mean you aren't in keeping with your definition of Xian? Technically, you fit the definition of hypocrite. I never did like hypocrites.

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Well, according to your book, you are not the one who is suppose to judge 2Ti 4:1. So let's just entertain you thought for a moment... IF you are not suppose to be the one who judges, yet you are judging, what would your god say concerning what you are doing? Do you think you can measure up to your own judgments? Although not in the Bible, all that is said in the Creeds is taken directly from canon (The Bible): The Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed both say that "He will come again to judge the quick and the dead" (living and the dead). Again, you have no right to sit there and judge anyone- unless you are not going by your own book, which... wouldn't that mean you aren't in keeping with your definition of Xian? Technically, you fit the definition of hypocrite. I never did like hypocrites.



O.....And wisdom will die with you....




The Bible....already judges you. You are already condemned. So where is the judgment call? Can you judge something that is already condemned? can you kill something that is already dead? You judge yourself. I went through this already.

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He's right Waves. He is quoting them exactly and that is what your book says. He's even got the Greek down too- which I have right in front of me double checking for myself. There is nothing like a REAL education. Too bad not everyone gets one. (Except he needs to drop the "2" before the 7 for it is Matthew 7:1 in Greek, not 27:1)


To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share. What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.


I most definitely have made a more informed choice than you have. I've actually educated myself. I wanted to educate myself. I chose to educate myself. I do not see much education in what you say about science or religion. What I see is a lot of delusional statements that have no educational basis. I seriously doubt you even know what I was talking about concerning pre and post Xian sects. I don't even think you know what the list of groups I mentioned were even. The only thing you know is what you have been spoon fed. You have not done any real scholarly research of your own. I seriously doubt you even know where the first two chapters of Genesis originated and it was not from some deity either. Did you know there is a story where Adam had a wife before Eve? I did not expect you did. It is a Hebrew story and her name was Lilith. You know absolutely nothing concerning mythology (and I'm including Xianity).

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The Bible....already judges you. You are already condemned. So where is the judgment call? Can you judge something that is already condemned? can you kill something that is already dead? You judge yourself. I went through this already.


Yeah. And a story book is suppose to scare me? The Coffin Texts are basically the same thing! And BTW, an inanimate object cannot do anything. The Bible is JUST a book, an inanimate object that can't do anything. It was written and inspired by humans and is NOT the inerrant word of God. In reality, it is humans who do what you say and it was not I who judge myself. It was you who judged everyone here. It never ceases to amaze me as to what humans do and then try to not take responsibility for the things they do. They project their actions on something that can't do a damn thing. Such irresponsibility really gets on my nerves and Fundamgelicals are notorious for it. That and psychological abuse. Since you prefer to play psychological mind games, instead of having a REAL intellectual and educated debate (which you don't even seem to have anywhere near what I have in my pinky), we are done. I do not play abusive psychological mind games. I don't even hang around with abusers, which is exactly what you are doing and refusing to own up to it, probably because it was done to you all your life and you don't know any differently. I pity you. Maybe one day you will learn what you are doing is wrong and take responsibility for your actions.


When you are ready to have an actual educated discussion, instead of irresponsible stupidity and mind games, I'll be here.

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The Bible....already judges you. You are already condemned. So where is the judgment call? Can you judge something that is already condemned? can you kill something that is already dead? You judge yourself. I went through this already.


Yeah. And a story book is suppose to scare me? The Coffin Texts are basically the same thing! And BTW, an inanimate object cannot do anything. The Bible is JUST a book, an inanimate object that can't do anything. It was written and inspired by humans and is NOT the inerrant word of God. In reality, it is humans who do what you say and it was not I who judge myself. It was you who judged everyone here. It never ceases to amaze me as to what humans do and then try to not take responsibility for the things they do. They project their actions on something that can't do a damn thing. Such irresponsibility really gets on my nerves and Fundamgelicals are notorious for it. That and psychological abuse. Since you prefer to play psychological mind games, instead of having a REAL intellectual and educated debate (which you don't even seem to have anywhere near what I have in my pinky), we are done. I do not play abusive psychological mind games. I don't even hang around with abusers, which is exactly what you are doing and refusing to own up to it, probably because it was done to you all your life and you don't know any differently. I pity you. Maybe one day you will learn what you are doing is wrong and take responsibility for your actions.


When you are ready to have an actual educated discussion, instead of irresponsible stupidity and mind games, I'll be here.


O come now...I won't debate you out side of what the Bible says....so don't bother with waiting.

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