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What Do Ya'll Do With The Bible You Use To Believe?


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As usual, I'm a little late to the party- so to speak. I find these odd questions, but I'll bite.


What do you do with the Bible you once believed that told about what happens to those who turn there back on God? What did you think about it when you did believe? Did you ever think you would leave Christianity?


I still have many copies of it. I inherited most of them from late family members. The covers are worn from a lot of use, but they are still readable. In fact, I still have the one my mother gave me after her last "born-again" experience. It was the one I read from cover to cover and highlighted things. I even used them in religious courses I've taken since high school. I still refer to them, esp when the religious are trying to quote scripture to me.


What did I think of them when I believed? Humm.... Well... Here's the deal. When my grandmother went batshit crazy after my grandfather died and refused to allow me to attend, stating, "I don't want any Black boy or Black baby at my husband's funeral" adding religion and alike... I used her own book against her. Song of Solomon, I think it was. Not only is it VERY smutty, but the Shulamite was "dark and lovely". One can only assume the Beloved was not. So not only do we have smut, but I believe we are seeing an "interracial" relationship there. Smut, smut, smut, nothing but the smut, yet there is no mention of some deity striking them down for anything. Humm....


And just WHO was Moses going to marry if he had not freed the slaves and left Egypt? Rewrite the story and you could very well have a Hebrew man marrying an Egyptian woman.


That is just one example, but I have other ways of using their vary book against them and that was when I was involved in Xianity and had not yet studied other mythologies, both past and present.


Did I ever think I would leave? I had not even pondered it, except I knew I was miserable, very miserable. However, I questioned it even as a child, so I'm not sure if I ever was an Xian, by some people's definition. I was in it, yet not exactly in it. However, I could cherry-pick along with the best of them.

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I'd find all this somewhat amusing if it wasn't so deadly serious to some people. Catholic background------we weren't taught the Bible per se. We were taught bits and pieces of it, that supported Catholic church doctrines. We learned our Christianity from the Baltimore Catechism, and prayer books and such. It wasn't until later in life, as I was de-converting, that I actually read one cover to cover. I still have it, and have used it on occasion as a reference when reading in this and other boards.



However, as someone else already mentioned, with all the online Bible material available these days the physical book has become somewhat redundant to a lot of people. I've been thinking of cutting the hardback covers off of it and dropping it into the recycling bin. I can't see wasting perfectly good recoverable, naturally renewable resources like paper from wood pulp.


And then there would be the satisfaction in knowing that it could benefit someone yet again-------by being recycled into the little specimen cups they use at my urologist's office.


As far as the dire warnings in it about apostasy---------fuck em. Hell is a purely human construct developed as a control mechanism to frighten the sheep into submission. You see Waves-------I never "accepted" Christianity---much less Catholicism in particular. It was issued to me as a child from the day I was old enough to understand spoken English (and in my case French too). Kind of like going in the Army, and they issue you a helmet, a rifle and 6 pairs of socks, and now shut up and get on with it. I never knew anything BUT Catholicism as a youngster, and didn't really have any exposure to anything else until I got to public high school.


I gather from your posts that you were not and are not a Catholic---is that correct? Because if not, then YOU are the one going to Hell according to what I was taught for 8 years in Catholic school. Only the mother church at Rome is the one and only TRUE church™ of Christ your savior. Hey just ask anyone in the Vatican-------they'll be more than happy to tell you so. Every body else is just every kind of wrong and full of shit.

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The only reason why I would use the bible for any purpose was to dismantle a fundie's "argument" if they tried to debate me. Oh, and it also makes good kindling.

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The Bible just a mythical/fantasy book just along the lines of Lord of the Rings expect people kill each other and hate each other because of it.


Oh Bible verses don't bother throwing at us, they are meaningless in a since but they do show how hypocritical Christians are and love to cherry pick.

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As usual, I'm a little late to the party- so to speak. I find these odd questions, but I'll bite.


What do you do with the Bible you once believed that told about what happens to those who turn there back on God? What did you think about it when you did believe? Did you ever think you would leave Christianity?


I still have many copies of it. I inherited most of them from late family members. The covers are worn from a lot of use, but they are still readable. In fact, I still have the one my mother gave me after her last "born-again" experience. It was the one I read from cover to cover and highlighted things. I even used them in religious courses I've taken since high school. I still refer to them, esp when the religious are trying to quote scripture to me.


What did I think of them when I believed? Humm.... Well... Here's the deal. When my grandmother went batshit crazy after my grandfather died and refused to allow me to attend, stating, "I don't want any Black boy or Black baby at my husband's funeral" adding religion and alike... I used her own book against her. Song of Solomon, I think it was. Not only is it VERY smutty, but the Shulamite was "dark and lovely". One can only assume the Beloved was not. So not only do we have smut, but I believe we are seeing an "interracial" relationship there. Smut, smut, smut, nothing but the smut, yet there is no mention of some deity striking them down for anything. Humm....


And just WHO was Moses going to marry if he had not freed the slaves and left Egypt? Rewrite the story and you could very well have a Hebrew man marrying an Egyptian woman.


That is just one example, but I have other ways of using their vary book against them and that was when I was involved in Xianity and had not yet studied other mythologies, both past and present.


Did I ever think I would leave? I had not even pondered it, except I knew I was miserable, very miserable. However, I questioned it even as a child, so I'm not sure if I ever was an Xian, by some people's definition. I was in it, yet not exactly in it. However, I could cherry-pick along with the best of them.


Ahh yes.....people can find anything they want to go looking for..... Often twisting it to their own destruction. Like a rocket can be a fun toy.....or a deadly one.....in the wrong hands.


Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


"Aye Captain, He's naya true Scotsman!"


You're so smart! You've discovered our secret. We are all pretending to be Ex-Christians. Yes, our Father Satan(PBUH) instructed us to try to fool you in this way. Ah, but you've the Spook on your side. NOT FAIR!


Listen everyone we are going to have to use the Pentagram on this one. Lets adjourn to the secret club forum and get the hex ready.

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


"Aye Captain, He's naya true Scotsman!"


You're so smart! You've discovered our secret. We are all pretending to be Ex-Christians. Yes, our Father Satan(PBUH) instructed us to try to fool you in this way. Ah, but you've the Spook on your side. NOT FAIR!




Ahhh.....so much love here!

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Ahhh.....so much love here!


Indeed, we love assholes to death.

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


"Aye Captain, He's naya true Scotsman!"


You're so smart! You've discovered our secret. We are all pretending to be Ex-Christians. Yes, our Father Satan(PBUH) instructed us to try to fool you in this way. Ah, but you've the Spook on your side. NOT FAIR!




Ahhh.....so much love here!


We just despise the lies--and the platitudes and convoluted logic used to defend them. We mostly pity the deluded.


That said, just how does one determine if someone is a "true christian" other than the poor schmuck living his entire life laboring under babble lies?

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


"Aye Captain, He's naya true Scotsman!"


You're so smart! You've discovered our secret. We are all pretending to be Ex-Christians. Yes, our Father Satan(PBUH) instructed us to try to fool you in this way. Ah, but you've the Spook on your side. NOT FAIR!




Ahhh.....so much love here!


We just despise the lies--and the platitudes and convoluted logic used to defend them. We mostly pity the deluded.


That said, just how does one determine if someone is a "true christian" other than the poor schmuck living his entire life laboring under babble lies?

Try to compare to one trying to release bitter poison and cheering as "another falls to join our ranks" of many an x christian. You of all people have yet to prove that your not going to go to hell and suffer the punishment that you once believed was prescribed to those who believed all the way and met the requirements of hebrews 6. Its like poster children screaming that everyone who is a Christian is wrong and condemning them to justify themselves. In fact most here would condemn God to justify themselves. Well proclaiming to be Wise they have proven the opposite. Many have fallen into this : 2 Peter 2. I don't doubt that many people have had bad "christian" experiences and escape those who are in error, but i do believe they have been caught in swelling words of emptiness, allured through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, lust of the eyes, pride of life and trapped once again. Though they got free from something....they have been caught in a net of another.....only this is not good at all. "For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning." Just becuase you had a bad experience doesn't mean God isn't real.

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...Just becuase you had a bad experience doesn't mean God isn't real.


On the other hand it doesn't prove that God is real either.


However, if there were no Benevolent God then one would expect to see a world of chaotic evil -- sort of like the one we live in.


But lets pretend that Yahweh is for the sake of argument.


Given that Yahweh told Ezekiel that each man could save himself (Chapter 18) and that no man dies for another man's sin, what would be the purpose of the Christ as you understand him?

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.

How would we know? How would I know? How would I be certain that I was or was not a "true" born again? What is the sign or measurement to prove that I was? Is the only sign that I still must be an arrogant, selfish asshat who consider everyone else pretty stupid and useless? Oh... wait...


Ahhh.....so much love here!

So.. what the HELL did you expect? Did you truly expect love from us? If we were nice and gave you a hug when you came in here, then wouldn't it prove your Bible was wrong? Doesn't your Holy Wood declare all heathens to be sinners, evil, bastard, and incapable of love? And yet you expect us to show love to you? Isn't the treatment you're getting exactly what you expect (or should expect) from us? So be merry and rejoice, because you're Holy Babble has been proven right, in the fact that we don't love jerks!

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


I was saved at least three or four times that I can remember. I remember the first time I got saved, I was two years old. I was sitting under my parents' kitchen table at the time. I even remember the conversation that my mom had with me about how to get saved and whether I wanted to or not. I was also baptized as an infant and confirmed into the Methodist church at around 10-11 years of age. At one point, I was considering becoming a missionary. That was before I deconverted. Of course, I got saved so many times because I could never buy into it, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't saved. There are people on this site who are former pastors. Many people on this site were dedicated to xianity. We just started thinking for ourselves and we pulled away.

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I was never born-again. I was just dragged along for the ride, but I do not believe for a minute that being "born-again" means anything. However, in the Episcopal Church, I was a license lay minister.

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You of all people have yet to prove that your not going to go to hell and suffer the punishment that you once believed was prescribed to those who believed all the way and met the requirements of hebrews 6.

The very fact that you willingly worship a hypothetical god that would create a hell and send people there makes you either a coward or a smug and self-righteous S.O.B. pretending to be a "concerned citizen." Pick one. Heck, pick *both* if you want. The honourable thing is to stand up and denounce the Hell myth, regardless of the personal consequences.


Well proclaiming to be Wise they have proven the opposite. Many have fallen into this... {snip meaningless quotation from silly book}

Unsupported assertion.


I don't doubt that many people have had bad "christian" experiences and escape those who are in error, but i do believe they have been caught in swelling words of emptiness, allured through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, lust of the eyes, pride of life and trapped once again.

Out-and-out slander... Or is this projection, Waves? Is this really your idea of the life of an ex-Christian? It certainly isn't ours.


Just becuase you had a bad experience doesn't mean God isn't real.

Just because you don't believe I'm a goddess doesn't mean I'm not.


(Oh, and by the way, I have *never* been "born again" and have *never* said the Sinner's Prayer. I saw through Christianity when I was seven years old.)

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QUOTE (WAVESFORFUN @ May 25 2009, 06:14 PM) *

Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


If you have paid the slightest attention to my posts, you would know that I was born into a Roman Catholic family. According to the Vatican, I got it right the first time. No need for doing it again.

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QUOTE (WAVESFORFUN @ May 25 2009, 06:14 PM) *

Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.


If you have paid the slightest attention to my posts, you would know that I was born into a Roman Catholic family. According to the Vatican, I got it right the first time. No need for doing it again.


See John 3. Roman Catholics really don't believe all the Bible....Roman catholic religion.....yuck.....you got out i assume.....good job.....

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Again....How many wree actually Born again Christians? That What I would really like to know. How man of the so called deconverted ......were really Born again.

How would we know? How would I know? How would I be certain that I was or was not a "true" born again? What is the sign or measurement to prove that I was? Is the only sign that I still must be an arrogant, selfish asshat who consider everyone else pretty stupid and useless? Oh... wait...


Ahhh.....so much love here!

So.. what the HELL did you expect? Did you truly expect love from us? If we were nice and gave you a hug when you came in here, then wouldn't it prove your Bible was wrong? Doesn't your Holy Wood declare all heathens to be sinners, evil, bastard, and incapable of love? And yet you expect us to show love to you? Isn't the treatment you're getting exactly what you expect (or should expect) from us? So be merry and rejoice, because you're Holy Babble has been proven right, in the fact that we don't love jerks!



Jerks? Now I'm a jerk.....i feel like this has turned into pree school.....shoudl i say " I kow you are so what am I" lol relax....if none of it bothered you....and you really didn't believe .....you wouldn't care.... but....you resort to name calling.......Good job!

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Jerks? Now I'm a jerk.....i feel like this has turned into pree school.....shoudl i say " I kow you are so what am I" lol relax....if none of it bothered you....and you really didn't believe .....you wouldn't care.... but....you resort to name calling.......Good job!

And so what? The Bible you believe in call us fools, does it not? Or do you believe the Bible is wrong? The Bible also call us liars, is it wrong? So if you believe the Bible, then you already got a document making accusations and name-calling against us already. I haven't heard you say anything to the contrary or claim that you only believe parts of the Bible. So what is it? Is the Bible true, and you support the name calling it does towards us, or is it wrong?

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Jerks? Now I'm a jerk.....i feel like this has turned into pree school.....shoudl i say " I kow you are so what am I" lol relax....if none of it bothered you....and you really didn't believe .....you wouldn't care.... but....you resort to name calling.......Good job!

And so what? The Bible you believe in call us fools, does it not? Or do you believe the Bible is wrong? The Bible also call us liars, is it wrong? So if you believe the Bible, then you already got a document making accusations and name-calling against us already. I haven't heard you say anything to the contrary or claim that you only believe parts of the Bible. So what is it? Is the Bible true, and you support the name calling it does towards us, or is it wrong?

But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

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But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

No the problem is that you don't act as you really believe in your Bible. We just behave the way we behave, which is usually rather harsh against Christians (especially newcomers).


But you complain about us behaving bad, when that is exactly what you should expect.


So do you believe what the Bible say about us or not?

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But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

No the problem is that you don't act as you really believe in your Bible. We just behave the way we behave, which is usually rather harsh against Christians (especially newcomers).


But you complain about us behaving bad, when that is exactly what you should expect.


So do you believe what the Bible say about us or not?


Especially self righteous asshole new Christians that don't know enough manners to keep from shitting on carpet the moment they walk in.

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But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

No the problem is that you don't act as you really believe in your Bible. We just behave the way we behave, which is usually rather harsh against Christians (especially newcomers).


But you complain about us behaving bad, when that is exactly what you should expect.


So do you believe what the Bible say about us or not?


What does the Bible say about you?

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But How would you know? You don't believe the bible.....You condemn yourselves.

No the problem is that you don't act as you really believe in your Bible. We just behave the way we behave, which is usually rather harsh against Christians (especially newcomers).


But you complain about us behaving bad, when that is exactly what you should expect.


So do you believe what the Bible say about us or not?


How would you know? You DON"T BELIEVE THE BIBLE. I love it that you think you are an authority on something you don't believe. You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...

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What does the Bible say about you?

The Bible say I'm evil. I don't think I am, but your Bible--the one you believe in--claims that I am. You support what it says, hence you believe that too.


Do you believe in the Bible, Wave?


How would you know? You DON"T BELIEVE THE BIBLE. I love it that you think you are an authority on something you don't believe.

My question is if the Bible is an authority for YOU, not me. If it is an authority for YOU, that means you agree with what it says. And it use derogatory language against people like me, so by the fact that YOU believe what the Bible says, YOU are then supporting that derogatory view of ME. In other words, you are backing up a 2,000 slanderous lie about non-Christians.


You can't even understand it. And you would tell me its interpretations? Wow...... and they called me self righteous...

It's not about interpretation, but raw, literal, reading.


Do you believe the Bible when it say that non-believers are fools? Yes, or no. (I can tell you're deflecting. Are you afraid of the outcome?)

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