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Ex Christians Reasons For Leaving Christianity


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Waves, here's some reading material I love to suggest to Fundamgelicals, esp since they can't get their heads out of religious crap!


Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism by John Shelby Spong (a retired Episcopal Bishop)


Resurrection: Myth or Reality Spong again


Born of a Woman Spong


The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur (retired Canadian Anglican priest)


The Reason Driven Life by Robert Price (former Southern Baptist minister, attends the Episcopal Church, was part of the Jesus Seminar, and is a Religious Humanist (an atheist/agnostic))


I have more for you after you get done with those. I have some less religious than that, but that is about as religious as you get by way of reading material from me. However, those books may lead you out of your delusions, because... Man! You need help! But I'll let you take baby steps.

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O come now...who are you kidding....


I..... what? :Doh:


What part of my post sounded like a joke? Is proper grammar a joke to you? Proper communication is important.


I don't see what you find so funny about me asking you write at above a 5th grade level. Is it really that hard to spell check your posts at a minimum?


BTW, you never answered my question.

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You already judged yourself un-worthy of the blood of the cross....the very Bible you use to believe judges you. You already are condemned. No judgment needed. Do I judge with my own judgment? Or is it the judgment passed long ago on people just like you that spoke of the people to come who you are...and the many more that will follow? So tell me, do I judge you? Or does the very Bible you say you use to believe, judge you?


Oh shit, we've been dissed by empty words and vapid sentiment of a semi literate. I feel so used. :HappyCry:

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Except one thing... The Bible cannot judge. It has no brain. Humans judge people and apparently Waves has tried and convicted us with no solid grounds. :rolleyes: However, what he says doesn't mean much, because he believes an inanimate object can do thing.

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It took me a few minutes to find it, but after hanging around here for 3 years, I have finally put someone on "Ignore". There is no point in talking to someone who refuses to answer other posters questions, or simply refuses to even try to form any kind of coherent arguments about anything.


Waves if you bother to read this post at all, you need to ask yourself only one question. Who are you trying to convince of anything----us?---------------------------------


or You?



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What is the reason or reasons why you left the Christian faith? This is for research so please feel free to expound with as many reasons as it takes to explain your personal story of why.


I could go back and read old posts but would rather have it fresh.



7 pages to scan over on this one. Wow. Are you helped by any of the responses?


I'll go ahead and just offer mine, since it's "fresh". :) In a nutshell I left because I don't believe you and those you follow in tow behind have anything that works for human beings, beyond keeping them in a tight little box where they can share the illusion of feeling "safe". The news is, it's not safe. Its a prison. I left because I outgrew the need for the illusion of security. It was "security" at the expense of my heart, my mind, and my spirit.


Christianity, whatever it once may have been was replaced by a religion, of which you today now kid your own self that it gives you salvation. I didn't "turn my back on God". I outgrew the need for a religious system that promises answers, which are illusions only accepted by an act that they call faith, but is instead a willful forfeiture of ones own eyesight. Blind leading blind.....


And now, fair turnabout... what are your reasons for giving up on yourself? Have you ever lived a healthy life walking on your own as a whole, happy person - all within yourself without drugs, or religion?

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What is the reason or reasons why you left the Christian faith? This is for research so please feel free to expound with as many reasons as it takes to explain your personal story of why.


I could go back and read old posts but would rather have it fresh.



7 pages to scan over on this one. Wow. Are you helped by any of the responses?


I'll go ahead and just offer mine, since it's "fresh". :) In a nutshell I left because I don't believe you and those you follow in tow behind have anything that works for human beings, beyond keeping them in a tight little box where they can share the illusion of feeling "safe". The news is, it's not safe. Its a prison. I left because I outgrew the need for the illusion of security. It was "security" at the expense of my heart, my mind, and my spirit.


Christianity, whatever it once may have been was replaced by a religion, of which you today now kid your own self that it gives you salvation. I didn't "turn my back on God". I outgrew the need for a religious system that promises answers, which are illusions only accepted by an act that they call faith, but is instead a willful forfeiture of ones own eyesight. Blind leading blind.....


And now, fair turnabout... what are your reasons for giving up on yourself? Have you ever lived a healthy life walking on your own as a whole, happy person - all within yourself without drugs, or religion?

Those are great reasons for leaving. In short duke, you quite.

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Born again-See John 3


Stuck it out... See Revelations


Faithful-See the ......uhhh....uh.....the whole Bible.....but Hebrews 11 will do.


You are a stupid troll.


Are you claiming intelligence?

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Are you claiming intelligence?


Then you don't deny you are a troll? This is my last communication with you. You are simply here to insult us and stir up trouble.

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Waves, quoting from the Bible is a waste of time. Your time, and ours. We don't consider it a valid source of information or authority.

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Doubt. The strong force of the dark. The powerful tool of the devil. The energy which God can't overcome. The thing which takes people captive, and not even prayer can break.


Poor God, what should he--with the biggest stick--do?


Well give the guy credit. He's one of the few who come here who actually got it right. Most of them think we were hurt by the church. Doubt is a much more accurate portrayal.


So Waves, why is doubt such a great crime? It's quite natural and prudent to be doubtful of extraordinary claims don't you think?


Doubt is no crime to those who wash there hands in unbelief. On the surface doubt would seem very harmless.


Doubt as some may know....doubting God is a sin.

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Waves, quoting from the Bible is a waste of time. Your time, and ours. We don't consider it a valid source of information or authority.


Good. Then you shouldn't worry.

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Are you claiming intelligence?


Then you don't deny you are a troll? This is my last communication with you. You are simply here to insult us and stir up trouble.

Is that a promise?

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Never said you didn't have good reasons. Go back and look at what i wrote....never said you never had a reason. o my.......intell here is lacking.....boost the moral..... YOUR doing great keep it up!


I find it funny that you make fun of our intelligence, (try writing whole words) when you seem incapable of writing coherently.


It doesn't take that much work to write complete sentences. Why should we be forced to decode your posts just because you are too lazy to write properly?



Yes I do admit, I am often quick and hasty in my replies and do not take the proper measures and procedures for writing perfect English, error free, for all to read. I will, at such great protest of me not doing so, attempt to correct that problem. However, I will request that you bare with me as I am prone to typo's of sorts. But as it has been professionally proven you can spell any word wrong, and if you have the first and last letters where they are suppose to be, people can figure it out.

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Waves, quoting from the Bible is a waste of time. Your time, and ours. We don't consider it a valid source of information or authority.


Good. Then you shouldn't worry.


I'm not worried for Myself, because I know that the Bible is steaming pig crap written by power-hungry bastards.


I am worried for all the young kids who are indoctrinated into Christianity before they're old enough to see it for the BS that it is. There are children on this planet, right here and right now, who think that they must debase themselves before an invisible being who knows their every thought.


Who think that they must say "yes" to human sacrifice, or be condemned to eternal torture.


It's them that I fight for, and if I could fucking burn the faith right out of your brain at this very instant, I would do it without the slightest hesitation and without a hint of remorse.


May their tears burn through the foundations of your faith.

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What is the reason or reasons why you left the Christian faith? This is for research so please feel free to expound with as many reasons as it takes to explain your personal story of why.


I could go back and read old posts but would rather have it fresh.



7 pages to scan over on this one. Wow. Are you helped by any of the responses?


I'll go ahead and just offer mine, since it's "fresh". :) In a nutshell I left because I don't believe you and those you follow in tow behind have anything that works for human beings, beyond keeping them in a tight little box where they can share the illusion of feeling "safe". The news is, it's not safe. Its a prison. I left because I outgrew the need for the illusion of security. It was "security" at the expense of my heart, my mind, and my spirit.


Christianity, whatever it once may have been was replaced by a religion, of which you today now kid your own self that it gives you salvation. I didn't "turn my back on God". I outgrew the need for a religious system that promises answers, which are illusions only accepted by an act that they call faith, but is instead a willful forfeiture of ones own eyesight. Blind leading blind.....


And now, fair turnabout... what are your reasons for giving up on yourself? Have you ever lived a healthy life walking on your own as a whole, happy person - all within yourself without drugs, or religion?

Those are great reasons for leaving. In short duke, you quite.

Then are you saying you can appreciate my reasons for leaving? That you wouldn't slight anyone else who outgrew it and left for the reasons I did?


I should clarify something though. I don't care for the word "quit". It really wasn't quitting, in what that word can suggest. Outgrew is the better word. You see, I don't discount what I gain with it. Just like leaving home from my parents, I didn't "quit" them. I outgrew being under them. There are some good things I brought with me that had been helpful for me, but the rest was holding me back from becoming a whole, healthy, happy, person who embraced life and mind and spirit. Freedom to be an adult. That's not "quitting". It's continuing beyond it.


Make sense?

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To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share. What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.

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P.S. Waves, I'll ask you as a moderator of this forum to please keep your posts here in the Lion's Den, or in the Colleseum if you are interested in serious discussion. The shoutbox and other forums are for Ex Christians and violating the rules of the forum can result in temporary suspension of posting privileges. Please try to respect the rules here and you will be allowed to participate in this forum.


I'm asking nicely....

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To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share.

Well, that's false. I don't have a lack of belief, or faith. I just don't have it in the way the system you are in imagines it needs to conform to. I found the off-brand of Christian religion you're in to be intellectually and spiritually invalid for me, and for many people who have a spirit that wants wings, rather than what was presented as "faith". My faith, made me look beyond what the dusty old priests imagined in their dark caves of dim imaginations.


What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.

Seriously, you want a serious discussion about this? I'm your daisy...


Just say when. :)

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To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share.

Well, that's false. I don't have a lack of belief, or faith. I just don't have it in the way the system you are in. I found it to be intellectually and spiritually invalid for me, and for many people who have a spirit that wants wings, rather than what was presented as "faith". My faith, made me look beyond what the dusty old priests imagined in their dark caves of dim imaginations.


What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.

Seriously, you want a serious discussion about this? I'm your daisy...


Just say when. :)


Okay, Do you Believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Is Jesus God? Is all of the Bible true and valid for today? Do you believe what the Bible says?


I doubt it. cool pun though.

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To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share. What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.


WHAT? It's not DNA. I have no clue how you came up with it being DNA. Please do some real research before you call it DNA.


And who's definition of Xian are you using? Wesley's? Calvin's? Anglican? Catholic? Anabaptist? Baptist? C of G? A of G? You have not clue what the word Christian means! You only have one concept of it and have been deluded with that concept which IMO is vile and vulgar. Who are you to say Bishop Robinson of the Episcopal Church U.S.A. is not a Christian? Who are to say Spong is not a Xian? Who are you to say I never was a Xian? YOU SIR, ARE JUDGING! And you have no right. It is not your place to judge. You do not know what the origin of Christianity was. The Gnostics were just as much Xian as the Essences, Docestists, Cathars, Evermerists, Nazarenes, and many other Pre-Xian history and Post Xian history.


Again, might I point out to you, you never once took on my challenge to you. You have no leg to stand on because you have no knowledge of the subject matter. There were as many different sects of Xianity prior to Roman Xianity as there were after the Reformation and none of them agreed anymore than today's sects do. So until you educate yourself about Christianity, I suggest you very careful about judging others. I was just as much an Xian as anyone here before I left. I just happen to follow a different theological stance than Evangelicals before I left. Not only are you ignorant, you're offensive!

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P.S. Waves, I'll ask you as a moderator of this forum to please keep your posts here in the Lion's Den, or in the Colleseum if you are interested in serious discussion. The shoutbox and other forums are for Ex Christians and violating the rules of the forum can result in temporary suspension of posting privileges. Please try to respect the rules here and you will be allowed to participate in this forum.


I'm asking nicely....



ahhhh...containment....I understand. :)

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To bring everyone up to date. My research(own personal off the cuff reasons) , has brought me to the conclusion that doubt and unbelief are the DNA that all x christian people share. What ever causes these people to come to this point in their lives, is as broad as the human race in that everyone has their own unique story leading up to why. However these stories do share there own certain homogeneity, they are at best mixed, as human emotion and drama of life has shaken and stirred them to be. I have found that not everyone fit the criteria of actually being a Christian by its meaning of origin.

Many of you believe that I'm here to "win" some of you over. I refute that. It is your life and your choice. I do advocate everyone making a fully informed choice and that they are assured they were doing it correctly in the first place.


WHAT? It's not DNA. I have no clue how you came up with it being DNA. Please do some real research before you call it DNA.


And who's definition of Xian are you using? Wesley's? Calvin's? Anglican? Catholic? Anabaptist? Baptist? C of G? A of G? You have not clue what the word Christian means! You only have one concept of it and have been deluded with that concept which IMO is vile and vulgar. Who are you to say Bishop Robinson of the Episcopal Church U.S.A. is not a Christian? Who are to say Spong is not a Xian? Who are you to say I never was a Xian? YOU SIR, ARE JUDGING! And you have no right. It is not your place to judge. You do not know what the origin of Christianity was. The Gnostics were just as much Xian as the Essences, Docestists, Cathars, Evermerists, Nazarenes, and many other Pre-Xian history and Post Xian history.


Again, might I point out to you, you never once took on my challenge to you. You have no leg to stand on because you have no knowledge of the subject matter. There were as many different sects of Xianity prior to Roman Xianity as there were after the Reformation and none of them agreed anymore than today's sects do. So until you educate yourself about Christianity, I suggest you very careful about judging others. I was just as much an Xian as anyone here before I left. I just happen to follow a different theological stance than Evangelicals before I left. Not only are you ignorant, you're offensive!





25Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.


27During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.






  /ˈkrɪstʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kris-chuhn] Show IPA


1. of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: a Christian faith.

2. of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ: Spain is a Christian country.

3. of or pertaining to Christians: many Christian deaths in the Crusades.

4. exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike: She displayed true Christian charity.

5. decent; respectable: They gave him a good Christian burial.

6. human; not brutal; humane: Such behavior isn't Christian.


7. a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity.

8. a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ: He died like a true Christian.

9. a member of any of certain Protestant churches, as the Disciples of Christ and the Plymouth Brethren.

10. the hero of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.

11. a male given name.


1250–1300; < L Chrīstiānus < Gk Chrīstiānós, equiv. to Chrīst(ós) Christ + -iānos < L -iānus -ian; r. ME, OE cristen < L, as above

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  /ˈkrɪstʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kris-chuhn] Show IPA


Charlie, 1916–42, U.S. jazz guitarist.

Christian IX


1818–1906, king of Denmark 1863–1906.

Christian X


1870–1947, king of Denmark 1912–47.

Dictionary.com Unabridged

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

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Chris·tian (krĭs'chən)



1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.

3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.

4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.

5. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.




1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.



[Middle English Cristen, from Old English cristen, from Latin Chrīstiānus, from Chrīstus, Christ; see Christ.]

Chris'tian·ly adj. & adv.

Christian, Charlie 1916-1942.

American jazz guitarist and blues singer. One of the first to amplify the guitar, he influenced its emergence as a solo instrument in jazz.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Chris"tian\, n. [L. christianus, Gr. ?; cf. AS. cristen. See Christ.]


1. One who believes, or professes or is assumed to believe, in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him; especially, one whose inward and outward life is conformed to the doctrines of Christ.


The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. --Acts xi. 26.


2. One born in a Christian country or of Christian parents, and who has not definitely becomes an adherent of an opposing system.


3. (Eccl.) (a) One of a Christian denomination which rejects human creeds as bases of fellowship, and sectarian names. They are congregational in church government, and baptize by immersion. They are also called Disciples of Christ, and Campbellites. (B) One of a sect (called Christian Connection) of open-communion immersionists. The Bible is their only authoritative rule of faith and practice.


Note: In this sense, often pronounced, but not by the members of the sects, kr[=i]s"chan.



Chris"tian\, a. 1. Pertaining to Christ or his religion; as, Christian people.


3. Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as, a Christian court. --Blackstone.


4. Characteristic of Christian people; civilized; kind; kindly; gentle; beneficent.


The graceful tact; the Christian art. --Tennyson.


Christian Commission. See under Commission.


Christian court. Same as Ecclesiastical court.


Christian era, the present era, commencing with the birth of Christ. It is supposed that owing to an error of a monk (Dionysius Exiguus, d. about 556) employed to calculate the era, its commencement was fixed three or four years too late, so that 1890 should be 1893 or 1894.


Christian name, the name given in baptism, as distinct from the family name, or surname.



Chris"tian\, a.


Christian Endeavor, Young People's Society of. In various Protestant churches, a society of young people organized in each individual church to do Christian work; also, the whole body of such organizations, which are united in a corporation called the United Society of Christian Endeavor, organized in 1885. The parent society was founded in 1881 at Portland, Maine, by Rev. Francis E. Clark, a Congregational minister. Christian Era \Christian

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

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Language Translation for : Christian

Spanish: cristiano,

German: der, *die Christ(in),

Japanese: キリスト教信者

More Translations »




A follower or disciple of Jesus; someone who believes Jesus is the Christ or Messiah. The New Testament mentions that the followers of Jesus were first called Christians within a few years after his death.




A follower of Jesus and his teachings. Christian is also a descriptive term for the institutions and practices of Christianity.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition

Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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O.E. cristen, from L. Christianus, from Gk. christianos, from Christos (see Christ). First used in Antioch, according to Acts xi.25-26. Christianity "the religion of Christ," is from c.1303. Christian Science is from 1863.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

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the name given by the Greeks or Romans, probably in reproach, to the followers of Jesus. It was first used at Antioch. The names by which the disciples were known among themselves were "brethren," "the faithful," "elect," "saints," "believers." But as distinguishing them from the multitude without, the name "Christian" came into use, and was universally accepted. This name occurs but three times in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16).

Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

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  /ˈkrɪstʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kris-chuhn] Show IPA



Your definition does not exclude Episcopalians or even those I listed above either. Sorry, but you still loose and are still offensive.

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Seriously, you want a serious discussion about this? I'm your daisy...


Just say when. :)


Okay, Do you Believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Is Jesus God? Is all of the Bible true and valid for today? Do you believe what the Bible says?


I doubt it. cool pun though.

First, define God. If you mean do I believe God is what you most likely believe, then no. I don't imagine a reality of some external, independent being with an independent mind and will outside of humans. And as far as the Bible being the Word of God, some people, you in this case, imagine the "word of God" to mean a literal dictation of this external, independent being. I can't accept that on a number of levels. Not only for the fact it doesn't fit the "God model" as you would have it because it has earmarks of human inconsistency written all over it, but the fact that it lacks any sort of "divine hand" in not only its transmission, but its preservation, translations, clarity, etc.


But if you define God as something else, then it "could" be called the "word of God" with an entirely differernt meaning. It's all in how one looks at it.


Is Jesus God? It depends if that symbol has meaning. Then yes. In a literal reality, time and space - outside human reality, the reality humans create for themselves to navigate in, then of course not. Jesus the Christ is a human reality. It's a matter of relevance... to your next question..


Is ALL the Bible true and valid for today? Depends. It may have relevance as a historical artifact. But as far as having relevance for societal models, certainly not all of it. Would you suggest bringing back slavery? ;) I hope not.


Do I believe what the Bible says? Sure. I believe it says what people believed. I believe that.


So where are you going with this?

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