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Goodbye Jesus

Haha! Take That, Xtians!


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Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution


Ha! Hear that, creationists? That's the sound of the walls of your fantasy collapsing all around you! You are doomed, xtians. You might aswell believe the sun doesn't go down in the evening! It still goes down every night, no matter what you believe!

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Goodbye Jesus
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Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution


Ha! Hear that, creationists? That's the sound of the walls of your fantasy collapsing all around you! You are doomed, xtians. You might aswell believe the sun doesn't go down in the evening! It still goes down every night, no matter what you believe!

Saw the national news report this evening. Of course, you realize the debble just put those bones in Germany to confuse the heathens. Believers of the TRUTHTM know better.
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Saw the national news report this evening. Of course, you realize the debble just put those bones in Germany to confuse the heathens. Believers of the TRUTHTM know better.


Good point. But as science advances, their excuses will go deeper and deeper on the bullshit end of the deal and eventually, more and more people will go "Fuck this, this is too ridiculous even for ME to believe!" Which begs the question: exactly where lies the bullshit flashpoint for religious people?

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While I agree this is a fantastic find and another blow to creationists, I also think PZ Myers brings up a good point in his Pharyngula blog. http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/

She's beautiful and interesting and important, but I do have to take exception to the surprisingly frantic news coverage I'm seeing. She's being called the "missing link in human evolution", which is annoying. The whole "missing link" category is a bit of journalistic trumpery: almost every fossil could be called a link, and it feeds the simplistic notion that there could be a single definitive bridge between ancient and modern species. There isn't: there is the slow shift of whole populations which can branch and diverge. It's also inappropriate to tag this discovery to human evolution. She's 47 million years old; she's also a missing link in chimp evolution, or rhesus monkey evolution. She's got wider significance than just her relationship to our narrow line. When Laelaps says, "I have the feeling that this fossil, while spectacular, is being oversold," I think he's being spectacularly understated. Wilkins also knocks down the whole "missing link" label. The hype is bad news, not because Ida is unimportant, but because it detracts from the larger body of the fossil record — I doubt that the media will be able to muster as much excitement from whatever new fossil gets published in Nature or Science next week, no matter how significant it may be. Go ahead and be excited by this find, I know I am. Just remember to be excited tomorrow and the day after and the day after that, because this is perfectly normal science, and it will go on.
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Yes, just tricks of the devil to lead people astray. Pay no attention to those tools of SATAN!

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Technically, there really is no "THE" missing link. Missing links are simply gaps in fossil records between species that are evolved from a common ancestor. They are really just another term for transitional fossils - meaning that they aren't always missing. Known transitionals for which there are fossil records\evidence for are still called "missing links". Xians and ignoramuses ( like the corporate media ) just take the definition out of context to blow it up as if "THE missing link" is some huge singular piece of evidence that holds all the cards to whether or not the theory of evolution holds any water which biologist assume exists due to being corrupted by Satan.

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The comments on the article pretty much sum up the xian response. They don't get it. There is no fossil, no "creature" of any sort, that would convince them. All things were made as-is. A half-man/half-ape fossil wouldn't be a "transitional" fossil but the remains of a specially created half-man/half-ape.


Nothing "transitions." All things are what they are and what they always were. No amount of bones and words will change that perception.



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It appears that this find has been over hyped.

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Hell, even Google has gotten in on the act. Have you seen their main page today?

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Hell, even Google has gotten in on the act. Have you seen their main page today?

That's weird... I didn't expect Google to ever have missed a link! And how can you ever click on a link that is missing? Well, just another mystery.

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Hell, even Google has gotten in on the act. Have you seen their main page today?

That's weird... I didn't expect Google to ever have missed a link! And how can you ever click on a link that is missing? Well, just another mystery.


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Oh come on! You KNOW the Xians aren't gonna buy this.

You could produce EVERY skeleton from father to son all the way from this monkey/lemur thing right down to their own grandfather & they's STILL find some way to rationalize it away. That's what their commitment to Christ entails - continue to believe No. Matter. What. Because any doubt is a deception sent by Satan. Personally, if I die & find out that I'm wrong & Jesus IS real & all that... I'm gonna be REALLY interested to hear his explanation of how all those fossils got there & how we so completely misinterpreted everything.

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Oh come on! You KNOW the Xians aren't gonna buy this.

You could produce EVERY skeleton from father to son all the way from this monkey/lemur thing right down to their own grandfather & they's STILL find some way to rationalize it away. That's what their commitment to Christ entails - continue to believe No. Matter. What. Because any doubt is a deception sent by Satan. Personally, if I die & find out that I'm wrong & Jesus IS real & all that... I'm gonna be REALLY interested to hear his explanation of how all those fossils got there & how we so completely misinterpreted everything.


Thor is the one true god, you know? He even has his own comic book!

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Oh come on! You KNOW the Xians aren't gonna buy this.

You could produce EVERY skeleton from father to son all the way from this monkey/lemur thing right down to their own grandfather & they's STILL find some way to rationalize it away. That's what their commitment to Christ entails - continue to believe No. Matter. What.

Weetie I thought this was hilarious. I think you're probably right.


Oh, and I like that you used the word "entail". It has become one of my favorite words.

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Personally, if I die & find out that I'm wrong & Jesus IS real & all that... I'm gonna be REALLY interested to hear his explanation of how all those fossils got there & how we so completely misinterpreted everything.


I'd be too busy shitting my pants at the realization that I was about to be cast into eternal hellfire.

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Personally, if I die & find out that I'm wrong & Jesus IS real & all that... I'm gonna be REALLY interested to hear his explanation of how all those fossils got there & how we so completely misinterpreted everything.


I'd be too busy shitting my pants at the realization that I was about to be cast into eternal hellfire.



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Personally, if I die & find out that I'm wrong & Jesus IS real & all that... I'm gonna be REALLY interested to hear his explanation of how all those fossils got there & how we so completely misinterpreted everything.


I'd be too busy shitting my pants at the realization that I was about to be cast into eternal hellfire.


You know what they say: "Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company!" :P

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You know what they say: "Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company!" :P

It's gonna be a hell of a BBQ.

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I saw this on the news with my christian parents next to me. They were laughing their heads off.

My father picked up a cupcake and said

"oooh yeeeah and if I leave this cupcake here for a thousand years it will evolve into a chocolate cake!"


no really said that.

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"oooh yeeeah and if I leave this cupcake here for a thousand years it will evolve into a chocolate cake!"

It's like the video I saw once with this guy "proving" evolution to be wrong, by opening a peanut-butter jar to look for intelligent life evolving from it.


My brother ones said that gravity really doesn't exist, but Jesus holds it all together.

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"oooh yeeeah and if I leave this cupcake here for a thousand years it will evolve into a chocolate cake!"

It's like the video I saw once with this guy "proving" evolution to be wrong, by opening a peanut-butter jar to look for intelligent life evolving from it.


My brother ones said that gravity really doesn't exist, but Jesus holds it all together.



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Jesus "The Graviton" Christ.

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The 'missing link' does not refer to 'holes in the fossil record', but rather the common ancestor we share with the Great Apes that directly links us and our closest 'relatives' together. Which has apparently now been found. .'The Missing Link'. referred to a very specific hole in the record that was unfilled before this discovery.


The idea that it refers to 'holes in the record' is a common misconception that's been spread around by Creationist to confuse and invalidate the issue. They would be called 'missing links' if this was the case.


So, no, the existing 'holes' in the fossil record do not lessen the significance of this find if it's true. In fact, the human evolutionary path is remarkably complete, especially now.


i do agree it's been overblown, but this is a bit more than just another section filled out. It's something to put in a very large hole that had nothing in it before.


It is a serious blow to Creationists, more than a find in any other area of human evolution would have been.

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You know what they say: "Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company!" :P

It's gonna be a hell of a BBQ.


No, no. They say "it's hot as hell", so IMO, Hell for the climate. :D I love it hot!

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The link that's really missing is somewhere in the Creationists' brain.

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