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Government Involved In Healthcare? Can't Be Good!


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Seriously, I don't mean it to sound like some massive conspiracy theory. We're all well aware of the fact the fed can't tie its shoes without running it through half a dozen sub-committees and getting it wrong at least 3 times, and the only power Big Pharma is interested in is that of political lobbies and the greenback. There's no sinister force at work behind the scenes, but there doesn't have to be. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by reckless greed.

Yup. I think many of the problems can be attributed to group think. In social institutions and groups the individuals start to act according to common, or tacit agreements, of behavior. It's not necessarily anyone came up with "this is how we all should do it," but just that someone started doing X, and then the next person picked that up too and started doing X, and eventually when X*n is reached, it all collapses because X wasn't really such a good thing to do in a larger scale.


And this happens regardless of system or solution. What I see as a problem with a federal solution is something like this:


If we had a location with 10 different cities, and they all provided some kind of health care, but they all are city run. Lets say 3 of them are corrupt and work very poorly. At least there is an option to move to another city if you live in the wrong one. Even if perhaps you can't afford it at the moment, at least you are not stopped intentionally by someone to move.


But if all those 10 cities go together and have one institution to deal with all the health care. And lets say that one becomes corrupt. The no one has an option.


If it doesn't get corrupt, then we'd be the lucky few.


How do you fight total corruption? Another revolution? Or by avoiding giving the power to the top government to begin with? Neither option is perfect, but I think the second option is less messy.

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So my question is rather: can it be done in some other way? Is there any ideas of any other solution which could provide with similar results? And also, what is adequate care for a socialized health-care? Perhaps it would be wise to set limits on what kind of health-care is provided?



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Actually, despite what Vigile says, we Americans do have access to true "free market" healthcare.


It's called "getting on a plane to India." Just as good, a steep discount, a subcontinental holiday on top of it, and you still come out ahead. :grin:

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