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Goodbye Jesus

#%(l%$(l# Old *(%$&#@# Mad


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So I'm sitting in my usual watering hole munching a blueberry muffin and knocking back a cup a Black Velvet. The hole, a couple of blocks from the college, gets a good many of these college chicks that get a latte and a carrot and open their laptops to work on their nuclear physics or something. So this nice young thing wanders up to the cream counter to fix her coffee. She wears this pair of pants that look like sweat pants only they weren't. The cloth was thin and fit her backside like a glove. She might just as well have forgotten the pants all together for all the difference they made. She kind of shifts from side to side while fixing the coffee giving a good impression of how things might work, if I were able to work them. She glances over her shoulder with a sweet smile and walks out the door. Damn why do they do that? I ain't exactly cute and haven't been for decades.


Meanwhile all this show, sort of a mini college coffee house lap dance, is making no impression at all on my Cheney, if you get my drift. Why the hell didn't this sort of thing happen back 30 years ago when Cheney was working day and night?

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All hail Murphy's law... :shrug:

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:lmao: You poor bastard. I distinctly remember a gal over at the college wearing pants like those the other day (basically T-shirt material)...


and I feel your pain.


I can't compete with you in the age department, Chef. But I HAVE noticed over the past 9 years that ever since I've been married, the number of gals expressing interest in me has increased ten-fold (which doesn't amount to anything spectacular as interested gals BEFORE I was married were few and far between). I'm happily married, and I mean to stay that way... so my highly effective strategery is to play dumb.


But I do ask myself why the hell this sort of thing didn't come along 10-15 years ago.


And, really- I know the answer. But ya'll don't want to read some nauseatingly-sweet tribute to how my Supreme Commandress has changed me. :wub:

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I would have said, 'Hey, did you know that in sexual intercourse most laws of physics apply? I can show you the ones that do not!' or 'Wanna see my thesis?'

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I think it is because there is a common misconception that older men are more mature and better in the bed--they survived this long, they must be doing something right, and some girls/women just naturally flirt with everyone, even if they don't find them attractive.

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