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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Love

Creepy Doll

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So the topic of Miss USA came up on a local politics board I am on. And of course, the snarky, gay bashing bitch xian woman who is forever bashing me on that board speaks highly of her. I respond by pointing out how Ms. Wholesome (a.k.a. Carrie Prejean) blatantly lied on FOTF this week about her nude pics, all while Dobson was singing her praises.


What does this bitch come back at me with?


Jealous? or do you want it and can't have it?

Anyway, how long ago were those pictures taken? Was 1 John 1:9 in your Bible when you said you were saved?


LOL! I did not attack her character or her personally in any way, and her response is to take a shot at me. Oh yeah, I'm feeling the love of jesus all right. This woman is so high and mighty... Constantly tells anyone who disagrees with that they need special education and remedial reading classes, and is just an all-around nasty person.


Gotta love fundies. Spreading the love wherever they go.

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Idiots flock to idiots. If someone can show me a scientist that has ever been on the Miss America pageant, then I might have a better opinion of the whole charade.

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Of course if Christians ever break any of their rules, then they're not perfect; just forgiven. But if gay people are being open and honest about themselves and simply want to live their own lives in peace, suddenly that's the worst thing in the world. So, apparently Christians can do whatever they want as long as they say sorry to Jesus later.

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Of course if Christians ever break any of their rules, then they're not perfect; just forgiven. But if gay people are being open and honest about themselves and simply want to live their own lives in peace, suddenly that's the worst thing in the world. So, apparently Christians can do whatever they want as long as they say sorry to Jesus later.


Or have decency to sin behind closed doors and feel guilt and shame about it. What pisses them off is not so much that gays sin, but that they don't care that they are. :shrug:

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