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Goodbye Jesus

My Rant


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I have recently left xianity, and then I decided to be open about it, one of the most difficult things I face is these statements from my father and pretty much anyone who wants to talk to me about my beliefs in my Town here that is deep south Church Town,


anyway I just wanted to express some frustration lately, by what it seems to be a constant theme of comments,from father, former xian friends,


am sick of being told by the xian's that my life is going to be horrible and empty, and that this is only a season and that I will brake and being a hopeless wreck,

am sick of being told that am not strong enough to handle life and that its only a matter of time till something bigger then me is going to brake me and I will need god because am to weak,


am sick of being told all the wonders that god has done around me and in me but that I chose to blind myself and chose to ignore the seemingly obvious realty of the xian god,like I somehow know that the xian god is real but am just being a idiot and choosing to not see it, even though I tried so desperately to see this realty,


am sick of people in a rather angrily fashion telling me how I turned my back on god, when it was not that I turned my back on god, I would never turn my back on a real god but that I turned my back on there system,

am sick of every interpretation being the right one, every xian and denomination seems to know the way!


I feel like my life is in my hands now, that am going to be the major decision maker and that my walk in this world is going to be mainly defined by my choices, and that my failures are my own failures and that my own success is my own success and that nothing is following some script but that my life is currently dynamic and somewhat unpredictable, I can not say that my life won't fall apart but that it will be in my own hands to make the right choices and try to the best of my ability to be the best human I can be,


I recognize my limitations as I admit to being merely human but I won't accept that am in anyway supernaturally better or lower by mere beliefs or thoughts, because I don't believe in the supernatural, what you see is what you got, my body, my eyes, my brain, my heart that keeps the blood moving, that's who I am, not some lofty transparent spirit thing, if I loose my arm, I lost a part of me, if I loose my soul, I lost nothing, am not anything more then what you can see on a microscope, if you want to believe am more, then your going to have to imagine it,


I am human! I can fail but I can do great things and my life is not scripted into a oblivion of hell!

And that is my rant

Take care.

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I feel like my life is in my hands now


And that's the important thing, Arctic. It's the thing your detractors feel they must shake until it breaks, because it's they and their belief system which is threatened by your successful management of your own life -- not the other way around.


Hang in there!

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Good for you.


It's unfortunate you have to listen to their barrage of nonsense. I can't imagine how telling someone that their life will be crap, and indeed must be crap, will improve their life. "Break damn you! Break! You're not worth shit. Now embrace my message. Why won't you break?" And then if you actually do they can take comfort in the idea that this is actually a good thing.


Anyhow, keep your chin up. :)



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I understand. I think we're all sick of those things you mentioned.


anyone who wants to talk to me about my beliefs

Remember, they're talking about their beliefs, not yours. You don't share their belief because they haven't provided evidence that you should, and still aren't providing any. They're just attacking your lack of belief because it challenges the system they're vested in. I think deep down, most Christians have serious doubts. That's why they subject themselves to frequent indoctrination at the church of choice.


It gets easier.

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Am just sick of being bombed, its calm down since I left a few months ago but I still get this kind of stuff,


the hardest part right now is rebuilding my social structure, it was a rather heart braking to wonder why these people I spent 4 years with every week, 4 xian camps, hundreds of local events, helped in ministry, spending nights over with some of these friends, forming I thought such awesome relationships, and at the same time be involved and listening to them speak of the importance of saving souls and what not,


but then I leave making my change public, because I wanted them to understand where I was, and not 1 phone call from one person, that has been heart braking and am now just starting to get over it, and move on,


right now I just have felt unvalueable, but I have kept trying my hardest to stay balanced and positive, and build on new foundations,


something worth mentioning I have decided to move from this place am living in, for there is nothing to be apart of outside of church, I plan to move to Jacksonville FL by the end of the year, just anywhere where I can rebuild my life with opportunitys available.

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I'm over 50 years old now.


I discovered that early in life, many people experience loss of job, home, families, etc.. Success is not dependent upon being a Christian. I lost many friend due to illness at a young age. Health is not an attribute of being Christian. My life did not improve until I was in my 30s. Personal achievement comes to many in their mid life. I used to get letters from psychics telling me they will give me a secret to success, for a price. The secret is not found by psychics, or in the pages of the bible, the secret is patience and dependence upon yourself for success. Give yourself time to succeed! There is no truth to the psychic babble that you will fail if you leave the church.


The truth is, the church and group you left were supportive of you while you were of the hive-mind. Once you declared your independence, the Christian collective will not support you until you return to the hive-mind. So, if you own a business and they pull their support, then they can claim god wrecked your business because you left the collective. If you return to the hive-mind, then they will support your business and claim god lifted up your business and you succeeded. If you do not own a business, then those good church goin' folks will not hire you, if they own businesses or you may get fired for leaving their church. That, in my opinion, is what constitutes the 'Christian' in Christian businesses--blackmail.

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When I left xianity and started seeing it from a different perspective, it reminded me of the Matrix and Star Trek First Contact, The Borg,

to be honest it was awkward to be a minority like this when I first departed religion in such a religious place.

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[...] I am sick of being told that am not strong enough to handle life and that its only a matter of time till something bigger then me is going to brake me and I will need god because am to weak [...]


Always nice to see morontheists admit why they are in their respective cults :fdevil:


That said, welcome pal. Can't offer much of anything that others can't offer much better, but oh well, that's life I guess :unsure:

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Remember, they're talking about their beliefs, not yours. You don't share their belief because they haven't provided evidence that you should, and still aren't providing any. They're just attacking your lack of belief because it challenges the system they're vested in. I think deep down, most Christians have serious doubts. That's why they subject themselves to frequent indoctrination at the church of choice.


Exactly. Arctic, they don't attack "your beliefs", they attack their beliefs about what you (not) believe. I have yet to see a single morontheist who understands how atheists "tick". As usual with morontheists they don't know shit about anything outside the book they worship, and even that they hardly really know.


It would be hilarious if real people wouldn't get hurt by it :Hmm:

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Remember, they're talking about their beliefs, not yours. You don't share their belief because they haven't provided evidence that you should, and still aren't providing any. They're just attacking your lack of belief because it challenges the system they're vested in. I think deep down, most Christians have serious doubts. That's why they subject themselves to frequent indoctrination at the church of choice.


Exactly. Arctic, they don't attack "your beliefs", they attack their beliefs about what you (not) believe. I have yet to see a single morontheist who understands how atheists "tick". As usual with morontheists they don't know shit about anything outside the book they worship, and even that they hardly really know.


It would be hilarious if real people wouldn't get hurt by it :Hmm:


yes these seem to be a very common thing I have noticed, most don't believe in what I think as anything that can respected but that there beliefs are absolute truth and the only argument that can be respected as anything truthful,


am trying to think of the right way to put this, I have 1 xian friend who is still there for me and although he disagrees with me, he respects me and understands why I left religion while everyone else including my family up to this point seem to have no idea of why I left except inserting to me there shallow idea's


sometimes it appears that its more difficult for a xian to respect my beliefs as anything deep, because if they did then they would have to respect its depth and examine its logic and would have to take my arguments and issues seriously, but if they label me shallow then am easy to dismiss in there minds and fit in there chosen bible definition of some kind of evil,


although am moving forward regardless of what anyone thinks, its still something I think about alot at times.

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sometimes it appears that its more difficult for a xian to respect my beliefs as anything deep, because if they did then they would have to respect its depth and examine its logic and would have to take my arguments and issues seriously, but if they label me shallow then am easy to dismiss in there minds and fit in there chosen bible definition of some kind of evil,


Exactly. Morontheists need quick and easy explanations for everything, not to really understand the world (truth doesn't matter at all to them) but to keep themselves from thinking about the world. If they did, they might eventually realize what a piece of crap their cults are based on, and they can't have that.

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Am just sick of being bombed, its calm down since I left a few months ago but I still get this kind of stuff,


the hardest part right now is rebuilding my social structure, it was a rather heart braking to wonder why these people I spent 4 years with every week, 4 xian camps, hundreds of local events, helped in ministry, spending nights over with some of these friends, forming I thought such awesome relationships, and at the same time be involved and listening to them speak of the importance of saving souls and what not,


but then I leave making my change public, because I wanted them to understand where I was, and not 1 phone call from one person, that has been heart braking and am now just starting to get over it, and move on,


right now I just have felt unvalueable, but I have kept trying my hardest to stay balanced and positive, and build on new foundations,


something worth mentioning I have decided to move from this place am living in, for there is nothing to be apart of outside of church, I plan to move to Jacksonville FL by the end of the year, just anywhere where I can rebuild my life with opportunitys available.



I think you're doing the right thing by getting the fuck out of the Bible Belt. I don't know how any non-Christian could be happy in that area.

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where I live, there has to got to be at least 200 church's in this small city, about around 50k people live here I guess,


there seems to be a church every 3 miles, and where I live there is a church outside my window 50 feet away, with another church 30 feet away from that, a different denomination though,


but its mainly Baptist and Pentecostal, with a few different ones thrown in there,


there is no sports groups, 1 underfunded YMCA, 1 night club, and no groups except ones in church and mental health, we do have 2 colleges but there small community colleges and I don't go to college,


if your not apart of church, or college am not really sure what you can be apart of here, so that's why I want to go somewhere bigger at least.

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