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Grrrr. I Hate That Time Of The Month


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It's definitely not normal to wear a super absorbency tampon for 4 hours and still look like you weren't using anything at all... <_<


For some reason she won't take me to a doctor. She says it'll take several months anyway, but my period has never been regular (as in, it's never come every month, and occasionally I go 3-4 months without a period). Some periods are so bad that I pass out if I don't eat anything, some are just extremely painful that I can't do anything, and others are just so heavy I have to wear pads with the most absorbent tampon I can find. I don't think it'll suddenly correct itself after 4 years of being screwed up in the first place. I don't know if it's insurance or what (the family's insurance SUCKS!) but I'm tired of dealing with all of this. I've seriously considered skipping school for the first day or two of my period.


At least this time around I have ibuprofen instead of aspirin, which screws with my asthma.

Here's one thing that may get her to take you in:


Severe pain with a period, including severe blood loss, is linked to not being able to have a child and other things.


Pelvic Health: Is Severe Pain Really Normal?


*Especially* if nothing is done about it. Also if your period is starting to affect your life, to the point where you are missing school/work, that is usually a sign you need to go in.


Planned Parenthood, as much as Christians hate it, does help low-income people. Also if you are under 18, you should be under your parent's health insurance -- if not, there are government programs for kids (generally as long as you are under 21) your parents can check into to get you covered. If I were a parent and my kid told me that their period was that bad, I would have taken them to the doctor ASAP.


Severe blood loss is not normal, I have a friend who had the same issue and she said birth control was the only thing that helped. But there may be other treatments. A doctor would know for sure.

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It's definitely not normal to wear a super absorbency tampon for 4 hours and still look like you weren't using anything at all... <_<


For some reason she won't take me to a doctor. She says it'll take several months anyway, but my period has never been regular (as in, it's never come every month, and occasionally I go 3-4 months without a period). Some periods are so bad that I pass out if I don't eat anything, some are just extremely painful that I can't do anything, and others are just so heavy I have to wear pads with the most absorbent tampon I can find. I don't think it'll suddenly correct itself after 4 years of being screwed up in the first place. I don't know if it's insurance or what (the family's insurance SUCKS!) but I'm tired of dealing with all of this. I've seriously considered skipping school for the first day or two of my period.


At least this time around I have ibuprofen instead of aspirin, which screws with my asthma.

Here's one thing that may get her to take you in:


Severe pain with a period, including severe blood loss, is linked to not being able to have a child and other things.


Pelvic Health: Is Severe Pain Really Normal?


*Especially* if nothing is done about it. Also if your period is starting to affect your life, to the point where you are missing school/work, that is usually a sign you need to go in.


Planned Parenthood, as much as Christians hate it, does help low-income people. Also if you are under 18, you should be under your parent's health insurance -- if not, there are government programs for kids (generally as long as you are under 21) your parents can check into to get you covered. If I were a parent and my kid told me that their period was that bad, I would have taken them to the doctor ASAP.


Severe blood loss is not normal, I have a friend who had the same issue and she said birth control was the only thing that helped. But there may be other treatments. A doctor would know for sure.

I should probably get on birth control... it'll help with the periods and I should probably start thinking about it anyway now that I'm 17. I'd go to Planned Parenthood, but that's 40 minutes away. I keep telling my mom about it but for some reason she just won't take me to a doctor.


Fortunately this time around it's not as painful, but unfortunately it's even heavier than last time. :(

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Since I've quit the pill and got myself a IUD I've become a "Real Woman" again. I seriously think I have an iron deficiency :grin:


Sorry lurking guys if this is to girly. (Then stop lurking! :) )

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It's definitely not normal to wear a super absorbency tampon for 4 hours and still look like you weren't using anything at all... <_<


For some reason she won't take me to a doctor. She says it'll take several months anyway, but my period has never been regular (as in, it's never come every month, and occasionally I go 3-4 months without a period). Some periods are so bad that I pass out if I don't eat anything, some are just extremely painful that I can't do anything, and others are just so heavy I have to wear pads with the most absorbent tampon I can find. I don't think it'll suddenly correct itself after 4 years of being screwed up in the first place. I don't know if it's insurance or what (the family's insurance SUCKS!) but I'm tired of dealing with all of this. I've seriously considered skipping school for the first day or two of my period.


At least this time around I have ibuprofen instead of aspirin, which screws with my asthma.

I should probably get on birth control... it'll help with the periods and I should probably start thinking about it anyway now that I'm 17. I'd go to Planned Parenthood, but that's 40 minutes away. I keep telling my mom about it but for some reason she just won't take me to a doctor.


Fortunately this time around it's not as painful, but unfortunately it's even heavier than last time. :(


Yeah, you REALLY, REALLY need to get that checked. You should be at least somewhat regular by now, and you SHOULDN'T be bleeding that much or be in that much pain. I already described some of the symptoms you did above, but I didn't mention the months I was doing the same as you, wearing overnight pads and tampons together, all the time, and still leaking. I washed my second phone (I lost the first in a blocked drainage canal during hurricane clean up at the zoo) because I lost a clot the size of my thumb, so that plus leaking all over my light-colored shorts in the middle of the zoo kind of freaked me out and I forgot it was in my pocket by the time I got home. Doesn't mean you have the same thing I do, but you definitely do have something going on. At least you've realized it earlier than I did. The BC would most likely help , but it's better if you can find out what's going on in case it's something super serious. Not that I would mean anything to her or most people :P you can tell her I said you really need to go to the doctor ASAP.

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Since I've quit the pill and got myself a IUD I've become a "Real Woman" again. I seriously think I have an iron deficiency :grin:


Sorry lurking guys if this is to girly. (Then stop lurking! :) )


I take iron supplements at that time of the month. They seem to help with fatigue.

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Should I be glad that I'm still living with my parents...?




I have all the sae symptoms, Ame. It sucks, and apparently my mother thinks it's normal. I don't think being in so much pain you can't move, then once the pain does let up (even a little) having to make a very fast (and dizzy) rush to the medicine cabinet for Tylenol and then nearly collapsing again in pain is supposed to be normal.


Yeah I don't think it's normal. :(


I would at least get it looked at if you can possibly afford to. I've read up on it...it's linked to some very not fun things.


Yeah, it is most definitely NOT normal. Vendredie, I can't believe your mom would say that. I would hope she would be a bit more concerned.

It's definitely not normal to wear a super absorbency tampon for 4 hours and still look like you weren't using anything at all... <_<


For some reason she won't take me to a doctor. She says it'll take several months anyway, but my period has never been regular (as in, it's never come every month, and occasionally I go 3-4 months without a period). Some periods are so bad that I pass out if I don't eat anything, some are just extremely painful that I can't do anything, and others are just so heavy I have to wear pads with the most absorbent tampon I can find. I don't think it'll suddenly correct itself after 4 years of being screwed up in the first place. I don't know if it's insurance or what (the family's insurance SUCKS!) but I'm tired of dealing with all of this. I've seriously considered skipping school for the first day or two of my period.


At least this time around I have ibuprofen instead of aspirin, which screws with my asthma.


Extreme pain, heavy, and irregular after more than 3 years? One of those symptoms on its own should be enough to warrant/require a visit to the doctor. If you Mom won't let you go for the period, would you be able to get her to let you go in for a regular yearly check-up? If you are still in high school (I think you are), you might want to talk to the school nurse. S/he may be willing to write a letter to you parents explaining that you NEED to see a doctor.


Birth control would most likely help with all of these symptoms.








I've never been fond of that time of the month, but I starting to really miss it now. I haven't had a period since October. My gyn put me on a ten day regimen of progestin (she didn't want to at first because there's a chance of it messing up my fertility -- but then I was finally able to impress upon her that I do NOT want children). I had my last one today which means a period should start anytime between four days ago and tomorrow. I'm worried that I might not get a period at all which will mean more blood tests (I get the thyroid result on Tuesday), and they always have to get it from my hands! Okay, I'm done complaining now.

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If you are still in high school (I think you are), you might want to talk to the school nurse.

That's actually a really good idea. Tend to forget they're even there having been out of that sort of school for so long. S/he should definitely know enough to recognize a problem, considering all us laypeople can :P.


I've never been fond of that time of the month, but I starting to really miss it now. I haven't had a period since October. My gyn put me on a ten day regimen of progestin (she didn't want to at first because there's a chance of it messing up my fertility -- but then I was finally able to impress upon her that I do NOT want children). I had my last one today which means a period should start anytime between four days ago and tomorrow. I'm worried that I might not get a period at all which will mean more blood tests (I get the thyroid result on Tuesday), and they always have to get it from my hands! Okay, I'm done complaining now.

I prefer they go in my hand anyway (once I found out that's actually a possibility; wish I knew that when I was 12), but if you do need the tests, and they find the problem, then it's completely worth it :P.

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how long does it take to make a gyno appointment?


It's really why my mom won't take me to see the doctor, because it's going to be several months before I can even see one anyway, according to her...

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It shouldn't take very long to make a gyno appointment. It will, of course, depend on your doctor's office and their procedures. Personally, I would just call the office, ask to make a gyno appointment, and then let your mom know that you've got an appointment coming up on such-and-such day.

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how long does it take to make a gyno appointment?


It's really why my mom won't take me to see the doctor, because it's going to be several months before I can even see one anyway, according to her...

Lovely excuse. If it's really going to take that long that's all the more reason to make the appointment NOW. If you go in to see your regular doctor it shouldn't take that long at all, maybe a few weeks. If s/he thinks you need to see a specialist, getting that appointment may or may not take very long (not long in my own experience for doctors of several types). Suppose it depends on your area though.

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Ah yes my monthly visit has arrived too. I remember when I first started I had one every 2 weeks so I had to take a tablet for it which wasn't fun since I didn't know at the time how to swallow tablets so I had to have it between slices of bread and have it crushed up in a drink. It wasn't the pill by the way since I would've been too young as I was 11/12 at the time.


Vendredie: if your mum is worried about you being put on the pill then tell her it was actually made to help women with bad periods but the fact that it stops you from getting pregnant was a side effect.


Anyway I hope everyone feels better soon and maybe this Dolly Parton song will make ya smile at least http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KOrzHMEBgi8

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Well I didn't start having semi-regular periods until I was 16 and like my mother am starting menopause at 44. Of course my Dr doesn't think so yet because I still get my period. It's not regular although better since I was on the pill for 6 months to fix it. I've had a tubal ligation so getting on the pill was entirely to regulate my periods. Now I have them, have cramps and headaches, and hot flashes and night sweats too. They are worse while I'm having my period. I'm told this can happen for 10 years or more and eventually the period will go away. It sucks to be a female.

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