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Goodbye Jesus

Is My Step Father A Jerk Or Is It Just Me?


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My Step father is in turth the number one thing keeping me frome exploring anything new. Humaninsm, Buddhism, Hiduism, Unitarism and even liberal Christainty.


I live with the guy so I cant avoid him but from day one I met him hes bin on my ass about what relgion I belive. I faced daily vierbal herassments from him after being acused of being of as he called it a "Bible Based Christian" again and again. Then after I rejected it he stared to do the same thing to me about being an atheist. (Which he is been doing to my little brother.) Then when he learn what my views in Christainty really were when I was Christain and gets it in his head that I was never Bible Based and actully agree with a big chunk of his views, he never apologiese. Infact he made it clear he is not sorry for his behavoir. So now I want to explore other world religon but he seem hell bent on dumbing everything down (Inculding atheism but that one is back fiering on him). Its seems he only us to be like him and excepte the Jefferson bible (althought he is behaving much like an contol freak Fundametislt Christain him self over it) I literaly cant go anware new, meet people of other groupes and be open about what I turly think. If I do he will be on me daily out to make feel like crap regaudless of what is. I did not have any problems with Liberal Christainty untill I met him and that the part the makes me the most angery. He think of him self of not being like the religous right when he really just as bigoted, judge metal, intorant, and a jerk.




I dont know what to do. I cant leave but boy I think I might actully hate this guy.

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Goodbye Jesus

Sounds a bit like my boss. Has his completely own brand of Xianity and thinks that everyone in the world is an idiot.


A good friend pointed out that hate and criticism like that is often inspired by fear. Fear of what? Who knows. Maybe just that life isn't what they think it is or that they're really only special and brilliant in their own eyes.


Have you asked him why he's afraid of taking a look at other possibilities?

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Secret research! Or my old favorite in grade school "I'm doing a project for class"

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I did not have any problems with Liberal Christainty untill I met him and that the part the makes me the most angery. He think of him self of not being like the religous right when he really just as bigoted, judge metal, intorant, and a jerk.


Well, he's not Liberal in any sense of the word from what you say.

As far as dealing with him.

There's really only two ways to deal with someone like that.

1. Go covert & do your research on the down low

2. Call him on his behavior, and in a calm, collected, well thought out manner, tell him how he's making you feel and how you feel that his behavior feels just as bigoted & intolerant as the religious right because of it. And see what happens.


Obviously #1 is a lot easier.

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How much longer do you have living with him? If it's not TOO much longer until you can escape, the easiest thing to do might be just to wait until then.

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I wouldn't recommend calling him on his behavior until you are away from him. When you can approach him from the position of another adult that he has to respect as an adult (at very least legally) you have a much better chance of talking. And an exit route if it goes south. You obviously can access this site, so I suggest that you look at the other religions you are interested in. If there is a unitarian church in the area and you can get away for a moment, that would kind of be a one-stop shop for talking to people from various religious backgrounds.

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I am adult, I just have no place els to live nor can I affored my own place. To make things harder I cant drive. So I stuck with this ass hole.

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Since you are an adult, I would suggest taking steps to get away from him. Get your driver's license if you don't have it. If you had your license but lost it, do whatever you have to in order to get it back.


Get a job and pinch pennies until you can move away. Also, if you are working, you'll be out of his sight for at least a few hours a day.


If you cannot find a paying job right now, volunteering is better than nothing because you can often find job opportunities by making friends volunteering, and you will be out of the house and away from your step father. He surely wouldn't have a problem with you doing some kind of charity work. Also, since you don't have a car, there should at least be something you can do that is on the local bus route.


If nothing else, go house to house and see if you can shovel snow (or mow the lawn, depending on where you live) for a few dollars, so you can keep busy until the job market gets better in your area. You might even be able to use one of those people for a job reference later on.


Also, as for research, you could tell your step father you need to go to the library to use its resources to find a job. Research religion while you're there (and getting a job, too).

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