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Goodbye Jesus

Time To Revive The Live Chat!


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I miss the Live Chat. Does anyone use it anymore? I know its popularity goes in waves and the shout box serves the same purpose to some degree, but I miss our little parties in the chat.


I'm going to start sitting in the chat when I'm online and see if anyone joins me.


Come and check it out. It's a bit more private than the shout box and you can get into meatier discussions.



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I see the live chat feed, but have no idea how to use it. It's probably obvious and easy, but I'm just missing it.

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Yes let's! I got some free time now and I miss our live chat talks.

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I see the live chat feed, but have no idea how to use it. It's probably obvious and easy, but I'm just missing it.


First you need Java, then click on live chat. Simple as that. If that doesn't work try a new browser. It never worked for me till I got Firefox.

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If you can show me how to use it. I would go too.

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Yeah, I miss the old live chat days too.

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