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'all Terrorists Are Darwinists'


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Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya) is one of Turkey's major proponents of creationism and he believes Darwin's theory of evolution is the Devil's work. In a SPIEGEL ONLINE interview, he explains how he plans to defeat Darwinism.


Ken Ham would be so proud.

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So... So when the terrorists flew the planes into the Twin Towers, shouting "Allah ahkbar", they really meant "Hail Darwin?"


For these kinds of people, black is white, and white is black.

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For these kinds of people, black is white, and white is black.


Han, your reasoning makes way too much sense. :lol2: :HappyCry:

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Han, your reasoning makes way too much sense.

It's easy. Just think the opposite to religious people! :HaHa:

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Yes, I am a terrorist. :rolleyes: Isn't our next attack point all the malls of America? I forgot.

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