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Liberal Xianity, And Other Some Other Stuff


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Ok. I know this might sound strange, but I am actually trying to find a liberal christian church in these parts (Fort Worth, TX). It is a very long and complicated story, but I will try to sum it briefly. I have posted here a few times, usually about the same old stuff about how to make a marriage work when one has becom a re-born again xian (if their is such a thing), and the other one is an atheist. Religion was not a big issue when we met and dated. Only after children came along did we decide to go to church. We went to a Baptist church and he loved it and I tried to. So, now I am at my wits end trying to get him to at least go to a less fundy church for the sake of the kids. He takes them every other week to his church and I take them to do fun stuff on the sundays they don't go. So, I don't even know if liberal xians exist around here. I went to a UU for a while and liked it, but it wasn't worth the problems it was causing. He finally said that he would try a different chuch, if I was serious about going every week (yuck), and it has to be a church that believes in the literal interpretation of the bible. I think that is where I will have problems. So I am just throwing it out there. Maybe there's some church out there that states that but is acually more liberal in practice? Am I crazy to think that such a place exists?


Off topic, catharsis coming: It's not that I have a problem with his personal beliefs. It's more the fact that he's so serious about my going to hell and that I might be taking the kids with me. I'm getting tired of being the one with the "problem" that needs to be fixed. He is starting in with the christese language. God has been putting this and that on his heart. They pray for me a lot. His family is now aware of my lack of belief, and they couldn't be happier that he has decided to continue in their Baptist tradition. They are very godly and made a few comments to me over christmas. I think they were probing to see if I would talk about what my hubby tells them. So, any advice or thoughts on...

1.Liberal xians in ft.worth that might be tolerable for me and acceptable for my husband

2. Being married to a very active sunday school teacher in a southern baptist church

3.Super-religious in-laws who are very concerned that the kids aren't in church every week

4.Drugs to take to numb the pain (kidding)


Thank you! I don't post a lot, but I read many of your posts. This site has been my little friend through much of the last year.

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This is why I don't post much. Things just don't seem to come out right.

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I don't think there are churches that are liberal yet take the Bible literally. You might try to find a church that is not "liberal" but rather moderate. I'm thinking of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), UCC (United Church of Christ), United Methodists, and some Presbyterian churches. You might also look into an Alliance Baptist church; these are former Southern Baptists who separated from the SBC; they are generally moderate and liberal on social issues. See here: http://www.allianceofbaptists.org/learn/about Here's a congregation in Dallas: http://www.churchinthecliff.org/

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Hi HappyB4,


I happen to know a pastor (online only, never actually met him) who preaches in Fort Worth. He isn't a bigot (he knows I'm an atheist but respects both me and a mutual acquaintance who is gay) and doesn't support GWB, so I guess he leans liberal in some respects (he actually labels himself as an independent politically). Since he believes that creationism should be considered science despite my attempts to demonstrate otherwise, he might take the bible more literally than I would expect from someone who likes Star Trek. On that note, it's important that you counteract such nonsense ideas by making sure they understand the basics of the scientific method, as well as teaching them to think critically overall.


It sounds like my online acquaintance's church is small and poor, but they try to help the community as much as they can. Overall, they sound like good people.


I'll send you a private message with a link to his contact information. I don't come to ex-C every day, in case you reply and I don't respond right away.

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I don't think there are churches that are liberal yet take the Bible literally. You might try to find a church that is not "liberal" but rather moderate. I'm thinking of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), UCC (United Church of Christ), United Methodists, and some Presbyterian churches. You might also look into an Alliance Baptist church; these are former Southern Baptists who separated from the SBC; they are generally moderate and liberal on social issues. See here: http://www.allianceofbaptists.org/learn/about Here's a congregation in Dallas: http://www.churchinthecliff.org/


I was raised Evangelical Lutheran and I can say they are anything but liberal. The best way to describe my upbringing was "catholick-lite with a hefty dose of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell". It wasn't so much the church services that were this way, but the Sunday and day schools. I went there for regular school too, and the teachers and the curriculum they taught was very much indeed a literal interpretation of the bible. Luther's motto was "sola scriptura" only the scriptures. I was told that Feminism is wrong because Eve deceived Adam, that rock music was Satanic (even xtian bands like Stryper) wearing all black will send me to hell, etc. etc. etc.


If you want your kids to grow up to be sane, emotionally grounded adults, I would keep them far away from any church at all, but most definitely never send them to a ELCA church!

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I don't think there are churches that are liberal yet take the Bible literally. You might try to find a church that is not "liberal" but rather moderate. I'm thinking of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), UCC (United Church of Christ), United Methodists, and some Presbyterian churches. You might also look into an Alliance Baptist church; these are former Southern Baptists who separated from the SBC; they are generally moderate and liberal on social issues. See here: http://www.allianceofbaptists.org/learn/about Here's a congregation in Dallas: http://www.churchinthecliff.org/



Thank you. I looked at the link you sent. That is kind of what I was thinking about. Is this similar to Jimmy Carter's New Baptist Covenant? That is what sparked my interest in finding a more liberal church. Unfortunately, Dallas is too far of a drive for us. I do think I could stomache this version of christianity a little better.


We tried a Methodist around here, we may try another. He says he didn't get anything out of it. Said it was boring. I think he likes a good show. Anyway, I'm trying real hard not to be bitter, but it's not working so well.


There is a Lutheran church near us. Messiah Lutheran. I looked it up, and from the website, it seemed Catholic. They have a lot of rituals. But, my friend grew up in a Lutheran that was not like that at all. I am open to anything, though.

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I don't think there are churches that are liberal yet take the Bible literally. You might try to find a church that is not "liberal" but rather moderate. I'm thinking of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), UCC (United Church of Christ), United Methodists, and some Presbyterian churches. You might also look into an Alliance Baptist church; these are former Southern Baptists who separated from the SBC; they are generally moderate and liberal on social issues. See here: http://www.allianceofbaptists.org/learn/about Here's a congregation in Dallas: http://www.churchinthecliff.org/


I was raised Evangelical Lutheran and I can say they are anything but liberal. The best way to describe my upbringing was "catholick-lite with a hefty dose of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell". It wasn't so much the church services that were this way, but the Sunday and day schools. I went there for regular school too, and the teachers and the curriculum they taught was very much indeed a literal interpretation of the bible. Luther's motto was "sola scriptura" only the scriptures. I was told that Feminism is wrong because Eve deceived Adam, that rock music was Satanic (even xtian bands like Stryper) wearing all black will send me to hell, etc. etc. etc.


If you want your kids to grow up to be sane, emotionally grounded adults, I would keep them far away from any church at all, but most definitely never send them to a ELCA church!



I wish I could keep them away from church. That is just not an option. I do want them to be educated about religion because it is such a big part of our society today. I am definately going the science route. I'm trying not to push it too hard right now. The kids are young. We watch a lot of discovery kids and get National Geographic for kids. I pointed out last night how much the chimpanzees hands looked like a persons. We were watching one of those Planet Earth shows. They are really good. Anyway...thanks for the advice!

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