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Apathy And Frustration..a Post Holiday Cocktail


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As a fellow mod to Nivek, I'm alarmed at your response. He rarely posts his big bold red messages, but each time he has, imo, it has been absolutely warranted.


Consider this:


No member on this site, to my knowledge (and I've been here since 2003), has ever demanded that another member review his previous posts -- everywhere -- in order to be qualified to comment in any particular thread. Yet that's essentially what you did.


No member on this site, to my knowledge, has ever made the fact of his numerous apologies a point of pride. Yet that's essentially what you did.


If you feel this site is important to you and has helped you, give it the respect and consideration you demand for yourself. This site is not your scratch pad for every and all un-reflected-upon series of words which happen to pop out of your head and onto the screen.

Hi There,

Let me just start off by introducing myself as Churee. I'm Nick's wife. I came on this thread because there was so much anger and frustration and sadness going around inthis house because of a rant that wasposted, so I came on myself because I believe in theres two sides to every story. And I have vowed to be honst and tell the truth of what I read no matter who is in the right or wrong. As Nicks wife My heart is telling me call names, be maean, hatefull but I willnot do this. I willonly be the me I know how to be and that is fair and open minded and calling them like i see them. So I am down toyour reply now. I read that you were alarmed at Nicks response to Nivek? I wrote to Nivek to and he had some valid points, what exactly were you alrmed at? I honestly dident see anything that could be considered more alarming then what Nivek himself had written , so please answer me that. You mentioned that since you have been here since 2003 that to your knowledge no member has ever demanded another member to read his previous thread.Well thae fact that you have never seen it happen does not mean there is no call for it in a certain circumstance. It just means you have never seen it. Also I no where saw that Nick demanded anything of the sort. Nick said, Dude seriously maybe you should read one of my earlier posts to know what your giveng me advice on. Thats not demanding. I believe you are correct that a member does not have to goback and read prior posts to give a comment. But Nick wasnt recieving a comment, he was recieving adcice and he kept trying to explain himself and when he could not thought this the easier course. To read one prior post. And to be honest from reading allof this if reading that one prior post would have stopped this i think it would have been worth it. I believe Nick believes this site has helped in in certain areas and aspects.I do believe he gives it prettyy much the samerespect it has given him. There are severalmembers he respects more then anyone would ever know, and even considers a few wise. But you are telling him to give the site respect? WHere is that comment to the guy making jokes about dead babies? Could you possibly tellmethat?And please understand I am in no way being rude to you.In the end you wrote this site is not your scratch pad for every and all un reflected upon series of words that happen to pop out of your head and onto the screen. In this topic you are surely correct that is why it is called a rant and was posted in the rants section.

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A hint though....all I was hoping for fromt he rant....was just a simple "I hear ya"...or a "Hope things work out better" or "Sorry the shit has hit the fan....it sucks for me too...hope we all make it".....I wasnt looking for a miracle.

Maybe it's asking for too much? Especially when you consider how easy it is to misunderstand each other, regardless how well spoke we are. Language has that little problem that it can't really capture exactly what we feel or think, so it's natural that people would misunderstand and even take steps and say things out of place, which means, you should have given as much tolerance and leeway as you're asking of everyone else. You can't get unless you also give. People can't show tolerance towards you unless you also show tolerance to them.


I just wasnt looking for a COMMIT SUICIDE or GET OVER IT response...thats all.

Right. Your OP was a bit unclear, so people misunderstood. Are they to be blamed for misunderstanding you? Or maybe some fault falls on you to not explain enough? Like my dad used to say: it takes two to make a fight. Blame goes both ways. The person who misunderstood could have spent a little more trying to get it right, and you could have spent more time writing it better.


Well, too bad you're leaving, but I do agree with other posters here that you probably won't find the answers and solutions you need for your complicated and terrible situation on this website.


Good luck to you Nick, and your wife Churee.

Hi There,

This is Nicks wife Churee. I do agree that both parties are to take blame. but I did se that Nick said sorry several times.I didnt see that from anyone else.Thank you so much for your well wishes. All though Nick may not come back, Im not sure yet. I am waiting to see how the majority of people are and so far to me most are good. Hope to hear from you again soon.


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because of people like pitchu and nivek


Pitchu...that was one of the best bullshit posts i have ever seen.


You mean to have us believe that not in 5 years have you seen somebody say "If you want to know my story, read my posts"???


PLay that tune to the guy that fell off the turnip truck...youre full of it.


AND YEAH I brought up some good I have done, after 11 years of being told I was pure evil and nothing I did was good, it was all filthy rags.....yeah I am mentioning it out of some newly found self respect, how dare you shit on it??? youre a crass and arrogant person, ive seen it in EVERY popst i have ever read from you.


Thanks for your pointing all that out though, what a spinster....you get high marks for that.


Good backing up your boy, Nivek threw a tantrum and you took his side...IM SHOCKED.


Of course if Nivek did it, it must be right...except you fail to address his actual statement, that I RIPPED INTO THE MAN...prove it with words...


Well you cant, because its bullshit, so instead you find a way to make me look bad, you should use your brains for a higher purpose and be a real MODERATOR, help people out, not put them down...MODERATE not INSTIGATE.


I thought you held that title so you could make good things happen here, you obviously used the floor to your own benefit and to back up your buddy...swell job...im sure the guests and new Ex-Cs around here are quite impressed at how you handled a division and all, No mention whatsoever of the wrongs done to me.


What a hypocrite, the lot of you that have leveled shit at me, not one of you has pointed any wrongs done to me...so hypocritical.......finally found a platform to use to your advantage....


Dont worry about closing the thread or any actions...Im audi 5000


Peace to all the cool people.. truy not to step in all the bullshit, it gets pretty deep!!!

Its Churee again,

At this point I think it just got completly out of control.Nick said some bad things, i know they were out of hurt but still. BUt some other people did the same to him.Really confussd not sure what to think. Really like this site, ive never encountered this.Please help

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Would I be out of line to say "I told you so?"


Yes, it would be. You're better than that.

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Would I be out of line to say "I told you so?" I mean, I'm going to say it anyway, I just want to be sure.


Drama queen with the best sob story this side of the limbless eunuch from India who blames others for failing to understand his hysterical rantings? I saw this particular board suicide coming months ago. Though I'll admit the offensives against Kevin and (especially) Pitchu caught me by surprise. Straight outta' fuckin' left field, those. Unsurprising when I stop to think about it, of course, but I didn't expect 'em at the time.


At any rate, assuming you're still lurking about and opt to read this post, Head, just know I'm glad to see you leaving and I hope the door hits you in the ass repeatedly and with plenty of force on the way out.


Gods, but I love being right.

His wife again,

except that your totally wrong. I get the eeling you get that alot. Again suicide was never mentioned . Now Im sure you can read so I know you figured this out. Im still waiting to see if your as mean and bad as 9 other people have warned me but I really am hoping your not.


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youre a crass and arrogant person, ive seen it in EVERY popst i have ever read from you.


I popst and popst and popst, yet I have had to wait five years for my popsts to be recognized for the above qualities which I have so assiduously striven to display.


Then my admirer leaves me... :(


Friends, please hold encouraging thoughts for poor, deserted pitchu.

Lol, sorry that one just made me laugh. I really couldnt help it. Ans please no it wasnt mean spiritede at all.


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Good luck to ya P, geez I leave the boards for one week and miss all the drama.


And Churee, if you still plan on sticking around don't worry about any of this negativity carrying over to you. Contentions between members are just that, between them.


Hate to see things go this way.

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Hi There,

This is Churee Nicks wife. I have to say WOW is exactly what I am thinking. That would be the one word for what I am thinking. I just came on here to find out what was goingon and Im just as lost as before. I have talked to you before. I hope we can talk again soon.


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I have to agree with Noob. Piracy, what you need is face to face, real life support and serious therapy. The internet is way, way too prone to misunderstandings, even with the usage of emoticons and clip art.


I hope you can find the help you need. I really do.

This is Nicks wife churee,


Thank you for your reply and comment.


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I have to agree with Noob. Piracy, what you need is face to face, real life support and serious therapy. The internet is way, way too prone to misunderstandings, even with the usage of emoticons and clip art.


I hope you can find the help you need. I really do.

I've only jumped into this at this point. Honestly Piracy, and everyone else... for goodness sake. If we want peace and understanding.. start with yourself! Misunderstandings happen. I take responsibility for my actions in amending wrongs, and avoid with all effort to point the finger at another. Peace begins at home, not with another. You have the power. And its the exercise of that, that others will respond to. For god's sake, let it go... say your sorry for mistakes and SHOW you care to understand another. That's the only way to peace. It's the only way to your own. Understand?

Hi There,

First let me start off by introducing myself. I am Churee, Nicks wife. I wanted to tell you that I completly agree with you. Out of everyone on this site Nick has always said that he has had the most respect for you and that he considers you a wise man. Nick in the 1st few posts after the misunderstanding occured Nick did say he was sorry and tried numerous times to say sorry for this. No one else in the entire thread even attempted to do this. I just came on because Nick felt like he had been stabbed in the back. He posted a rant and just exspected, a hang in there or something. I do not think he will come back But I would like to stay. But I wanted you to know that he has always thought hightly of you and will always continue to do so.I happen o get up to tell Nick what your comment was because he respected you and he said you are the example of what a moderator should be. I hope we can talk again soon.


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Hi Churee,


I appreciate the fact that you are going out of your way to try and find understanding and to hopefully heal some wounds caused. I'm truly sorry that you and your husband are faced with so many problems in life.


Most of us here understand that misunderstandings can occur on message boards. The reason that Nick is not getting a lot of sympathy for his outbursts, however, has I think to do with the fact that he feels he has to punish those who do not understand his oft incoherent posts. He also has a big problem with those who happen to disagree with him.


I think that Nivek's analogy of a dog that bites out in fear fits our experience with Nick well.


The fact is the world has lots of sad stories. While we can empathize as human beings with your plight we cannot carry the burdens of the world on our shoulders. We will not as a community be used as punching bags for someone we don't know as they attempt to take out their frustrations.


Being dealt a bad hand in life does not give one the excuse for ranting and railing at any community member who commits the oh so horrible crime of just disagreeing with Nick. I certainly hope that you are not also a victim of his insulting behavior as it sounds like you have more than enough on your plate.


The simple fact is we are not Christians. We are not required to turn the other cheek when one side is constantly slapped.


I carefully considered this last statement, which needs to be qualified first. I do not say this with a sense of meanness but as a genuine hope that it will help even if it hurts to hear.


Nick may wish to examine himself and his reactions to others and consider the idea that many of the problems he faces in his life may in fact be caused by himself. Medical problems and other things are certainly not his fault but how one reacts to life's challenges has the keen ability to either smooth them over or make the road traveled even rockier than nature made it.


My best wishes and hopes to the both of you.

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Hello, Churee. You seem very conciliatory, which is good, because it means I don't have to be.


I don't think this particular thread is the place to offer indictments or arm-chair psych assessments of Piracy, especially considering that I don't think that Piracy was in the wrong in his initial exchange with Spiderwire. Don't quite know how or why that went south the way it did, but P wasn't out of his rights there as I see it.


That being said, while this thread seems like the worst place to analyze P's actions, what people have said about said actions elsewhere is not without merit. Particularly what Nivek just said in his most recent reply, though I would understand if you find his wording offensive. It has frequently been a hindrance to continued discourse, and I don't know if it's due to frequent misunderstandings or un-metered reaction to what gets said to him. Whatever the case, it is a recurring trend, and happens despite acknowledgment, or expressed desire to change.


Piracy is an alright guy, in the conversations I've had with him. But I also understand where everyone else is coming from, and for his sake, it takes more than saying he understands that there's a problem, to fix it. :)

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Would I be out of line to say "I told you so?"


Yes, it would be. You're better than that.

Hi There,

This is Churee, Nicks wife. Thank you for saying that to Woodsmoke. I really do hope in my heart that he is better than that. Hope to talk to you soon.


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Good luck to ya P, geez I leave the boards for one week and miss all the drama.


And Churee, if you still plan on sticking around don't worry about any of this negativity carrying over to you. Contentions between members are just that, between them.


Hate to see things go this way.

Hi There,

I'll be sticking around for awhile and Nick can always talk to you through my name. Im piracys lady. Thank you for your help.

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I respect that you consider yourself a lady. I hope you will respect that I consider myself a woman. And, just so you know a little about the woman posting to you, I'm 66-years-old, with five grandchildren. I have two grown birth daughters and, a generation later, a grown son and daughter who are birth-siblings whom my husband and I adopted when they were six and seven and who had been in the foster system for four years. They knew tragedy. They'd had a lot of it in their young lives, believe me. But one of the things we, as parents, insisted upon is that they build good character, no matter their anguish or the crimes perpetrated against them, because we believed that without it they had no hope of dealing with their well-earned anger, grief and sorrow.


Good character has many manifestations, I think, among which are basic manners. If one of our kids had to spend each day apologizing 12 or 36 times, our normal reaction, I think, as caring parents would be to ask, "What is it you're doing that requires this multitude of apologies? Isn't it better to put a stop to whatever you're doing or saying than to repeatedly apologize? Do you think consistent apologizing wipes the slate clean of consistent bad behavior?" And if they were called on their taking pride in this manic apology spree, what, in their character, would allow them to say, "...YEAH I brought up some good I had done..." ? Apologizing should be rare because offensive behavior should be rare. Apology is not an act of heroism.


Good character means truth-telling. One of the fortunate (or unfortunate) aspects of the internet is that what people write is there to be referred to. If our kids had repeatedly demanded that another person research their story before offering comment to them and then, when they were called on it, claimed they'd actually said, "If you want to know my story, read my posts," they would have had consequences for lying to us. (Yet this is exactly what Piracy did. Go back and try to find the words "If you want to" in any of his assaultive demands of Spiderwire.)


So, could I overlook the occasional bullying outburst or disrespectful sulkiness or a time of feeling low and accusative from one of my kids? Of course I could. But these, too, must be fairly rare for good character to be intact.


I fear that Piracy has lousy character, Churee, and that all of your terrible, heartbreaking life-problems are further magnified, not helped, by the kind of character he's developed through his life. I don't believe that what I've witnessed from him these past weeks is aberrative behavior brought on by multiple tragedies. I've known people with multiple tragedies, and have raised two of them, and I say -- for what it's worth -- take it or leave it -- this is an issue of character.


There's more...


As a woman, I've been in too many relationships with men where I've enabled their bad character. I've apologized for them, tried to smooth things over with people they've offended, justified their words and actions in a thousand different ways, tried (unsuccessfully) to coax or guide them into behaving better, and been the repository for their inhumane ill will. I suffered for it and worst of all, my birth daughters had to suffer the consequences of my believing my own behavior came from love and loyalty instead of from a lack of conviction about my own worth (and theirs) as human beings who deserved better treatment.


I'm sure you'd tell me there's no comparison between what I just described and what goes on between you and Piracy. I often told women who told me of their similar experiences that there was no comparison. So I know. I don't expect you to be anything but angry and outraged at this post of mine.


Please know that I wish healing and happiness for you, Churee.

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By the way, re: your earlier post to me in defense of Piracy, this forum is called "Rants and Replies," not "Projectile Vomiting and Dodging." :)

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I wasn't going to get involved in this because God knows I've made an ass of myself on this board a bunch over the years.


But what the hell, here we go!


I don't see anything wrong with the OP. I mean even in the title it says that its a rant. And in this rant there is talk of ending it all. But soon after you get someone doing the "well then just do it!" shtick. Wasn't it not long ago that we had a thread on this very thing? I don't think he deserved that response at all, and his subsequent behavior was mostly a reaction against that callous post. I'm sorry for offending here, but its an asshole thing to say to someone. Its a situation where the old adage of "if you can't say something nice then STFU" is applicable.

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I wasn't going to get involved in this because God knows I've made an ass of myself on this board a bunch over the years.


But what the hell, here we go!


I don't see anything wrong with the OP. I mean even in the title it says that its a rant. And in this rant there is talk of ending it all. But soon after you get someone doing the "well then just do it!" shtick. Wasn't it not long ago that we had a thread on this very thing? I don't think he deserved that response at all, and his subsequent behavior was mostly a reaction against that callous post. I'm sorry for offending here, but its an asshole thing to say to someone. Its a situation where the old adage of "if you can't say something nice then STFU" is applicable.


The responses he got here were very likely a carry over to his past behavior NF. He may not have deserved anything in this thread, but he has a history of going off on those who disagree with him and then traversing into long winded rants intended on punishing them for the same.

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I don't have anything useful to add. Just noticed you were from Hemet (I was born and raised there) and thought I'd say 'hi.' :wave:



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Nightflight, you know I value your opinion, so I went back to read what you refer to as the callous post. In red, below, is what you're referring to. In green is every kind of encouraging word. I see this as an attempt to jar someone, to shake and wake them up, to get them motivated to go on.


It might not be the style or method which you or I would choose, but I hope you'll agree that anybody giving these words a fair chance at a reading would see the intent and wouldn't tear into the writer, tooth and nail.



Well!!! Welcome to life! Welcome to the fucking meat grinder. That's probably not what you wanted to hear, but there it is.


So... are you gonna quit? If you are, then make it happen. Get it over with. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.


I'm thinking you're not at that stage. So this begs the question: WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? Are you going to keep trying or not? If not, see the last statement. Get it over with. Get it done. But if you're willing to keep trying, then try with all of your might. I think you can make it. Hell, maybe that's just me, but isn't it worth it to try? To exhaust every effort in attempting to make it? I gotta say that, yes, it is. Look back on your past. Has everything been wine and roses? If it has, then I can well understand why you're feeling like you are. But if it hasn't... then you know that good days follow bad days. Bad days happen even when you're trying your hardest. So today sucks. I know that feeling!!! I promise you that I do! But there's tomorrow... and it could be damn good. In fact, I can tell you that if you hold out long enough, tomorrow IS good. It doesn't seem like it sometimes, but, I'll be damned if it isn't.


Hang in there. Do what you gotta do. Stick with it. Tomorrow is a new day. If you're ready to cash in your chips, then get it done. But if there is the slightest bit of doubt about that and there is the inkling that it might get better... well, then I'd have to say that you need to hang in there. It's worth a shot, isn't it? Of course it is!


Don't throw in the towel just yet. You don't know what's around the bend.


Best of luck to you.

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I wasn't going to get involved in this because God knows I've made an ass of myself on this board a bunch over the years.


But what the hell, here we go!


I don't see anything wrong with the OP. I mean even in the title it says that its a rant. And in this rant there is talk of ending it all. But soon after you get someone doing the "well then just do it!" shtick. Wasn't it not long ago that we had a thread on this very thing? I don't think he deserved that response at all, and his subsequent behavior was mostly a reaction against that callous post. I'm sorry for offending here, but its an asshole thing to say to someone. Its a situation where the old adage of "if you can't say something nice then STFU" is applicable.


The responses he got here were very likely a carry over to his past behavior NF. He may not have deserved anything in this thread, but he has a history of going off on those who disagree with him and then traversing into long winded rants intended on punishing them for the same.



Oops, didn't know all that!

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Nightflight, you know I value your opinion, so I went back to read what you refer to as the callous post. In red, below, is what you're referring to. In green is every kind of encouraging word. I see this as an attempt to jar someone, to shake and wake them up, to get them motivated to go on.


It might not be the style or method which you or I would choose, but I hope you'll agree that anybody giving these words a fair chance at a reading would see the intent and wouldn't tear into the writer, tooth and nail.



Well!!! Welcome to life! Welcome to the fucking meat grinder. That's probably not what you wanted to hear, but there it is.


So... are you gonna quit? If you are, then make it happen. Get it over with. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.


I'm thinking you're not at that stage. So this begs the question: WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? Are you going to keep trying or not? If not, see the last statement. Get it over with. Get it done. But if you're willing to keep trying, then try with all of your might. I think you can make it. Hell, maybe that's just me, but isn't it worth it to try? To exhaust every effort in attempting to make it? I gotta say that, yes, it is. Look back on your past. Has everything been wine and roses? If it has, then I can well understand why you're feeling like you are. But if it hasn't... then you know that good days follow bad days. Bad days happen even when you're trying your hardest. So today sucks. I know that feeling!!! I promise you that I do! But there's tomorrow... and it could be damn good. In fact, I can tell you that if you hold out long enough, tomorrow IS good. It doesn't seem like it sometimes, but, I'll be damned if it isn't.


Hang in there. Do what you gotta do. Stick with it. Tomorrow is a new day. If you're ready to cash in your chips, then get it done. But if there is the slightest bit of doubt about that and there is the inkling that it might get better... well, then I'd have to say that you need to hang in there. It's worth a shot, isn't it? Of course it is!


Don't throw in the towel just yet. You don't know what's around the bend.


Best of luck to you.


Ok, I reread the post, and yes, its not nearly as bad as I thought. Reading this again: Hang in there. Do what you gotta do. Stick with it. Tomorrow is a new day. If you're ready to cash in your chips, then get it done. But if there is the slightest bit of doubt about that and there is the inkling that it might get better... well, then I'd have to say that you need to hang in there. It's worth a shot, isn't it? Of course it is! shows me that the writer was not as I thought he was.


So once again, I make an @ss of me, due to not listening and/or scanning. Sorry people, don't STFU, TTFU!

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The responses he got here were very likely a carry over to his past behavior NF. He may not have deserved anything in this thread, but he has a history of going off on those who disagree with him and then traversing into long winded rants intended on punishing them for the same.

Oops, didn't know all that!

Yup, I think that's a big part of what happened here. Piracy has been going off against several old-time members, including several moderators, because he misunderstood or misread their responses. He also demanded several times that people only kept the topic within parameters he decided, and he made those demands in quite aggressive manner. This has been building up, and this thread was just the top of the iceberg. (And you didn't make an ass of yourself. :grin:)



On a side note, I agree with Pitchu, if someone has a problem they have to constantly ask forgiveness for, and this problem is a matter of behavior, then the person should be made aware of it and perhaps start working on resolving that issue. Anger problems is not necessarily a biological handicap, but a behavioral problem which can be fixed with therapy--which is of the kind we can't offer here. My opinion is that Piracy needs help, and a form of help we can't provide. Where he could get it, is beyond me, but he do need it. I think Kevin's illustration of the mad dog, is quite head on. Each time Piracy started a thread, I was waiting for something or someone's post to make him blow up. I expected it pretty much every time because it was so predictable. However, I don't think Piracy's anger problem can't be fixed. I believe he has a stress syndrome. The situation is so difficult that he can't handle it, and he gets a tunnel vision where he constantly misinterpret the finer details of what people say, and since I've been there myself several times I can recognize this. I can also see the anger coming from this, because I had the same problem before too. It can be fixed.

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Hi There,

This is Nicks wife Churee.

Yes, I know that. :)


I do agree that both parties are to take blame. but I did se that Nick said sorry several times.I didnt see that from anyone else.

True, but Nick has been doing this several times already. I think, he and I has been in two, or maybe three, bouts already and each time it started when he completely misunderstood what I said. His anger comes from the stress he feels, and the same with his inability to see the fine details in what people say. And this will continue create problems for him. He needs to start to be aware of this problem so he can start working on it. He won't change unless he can admit that this is a problem, and I think that he somewhat do know already. But he needs to work on this. I suspect a lot of his anger comes from that he's angry about his life and his situation. The things that are happening to you guys are outside of his control, and he long and dream of being able to get a control over it and fix it, but he can't, and it comes out as anger. Unfortunately that anger won't help him, and it even can make it harder for him to get any control. If he wants to have the slightest chance in fixing your and his life, he has to start working on that anger problem, and also on that tunnel vision. And the reason is that, lets say a situation occurred where there was an answer for your family to get back on track and for you to get your health back, but that situation is missed because Nick couldn't see it, or he scared the people away who could help him, this would mean you guys would loose more just because of his inability to handle this stress. I know it's a lot to ask for, but it's a fact, you guys are not helped with his anger or tunnel vision. In my case, I dealt with it on my own, and I got a handle on it without any professional help, and maybe Nick can do that too. But he can only do it if he knows that he has to fix it. Do you see what I'm saying here?


Thank you so much for your well wishes. All though Nick may not come back, Im not sure yet. I am waiting to see how the majority of people are and so far to me most are good. Hope to hear from you again soon.


I think it's better for him if he stays of for a bit longer, no offense, it's for his best. Like I said above, he needs to start working on these problems a bit first, and then he can come back. If he can come back and perhaps rebuild some of the bridges he managed to burn the last couple of weeks, it would show strength and willingness on his part to become something more and better than he is now. Not saying that he hasn't done a great job saving you all these years, because I can see he's been doing a good job, but he needs to become even more than what he is. Trust me, he has to, and I believe he can if he wants to.

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I do feel a bit bad for the guy. Having to live inside that mixed up head of his and all. The drama I can live without.


Gettin' on Kev's bad side was probably a given, but Pitchu too? That took some doing.

I probably should, but I just can't bring myself to care. From where I sit, Head is just "some guy on the internet." The fact he apparently has serious psychological issues (anger management not least among them) really only serves to make me glad that's all he is. I can't imagine having to deal with that every day in meatspace. As you said, too much drama.


Would I be out of line to say "I told you so?"


Yes, it would be. You're better than that.

Aw shucks, doc. Ya rilly know ha ta make a feller feel speshul.


You may be right, of course, but you're not supposed to go blabbing it about in any case. I've got a reputation to uphold.


His wife again,

except that your totally wrong. I get the eeling you get that alot. Again suicide was never mentioned . Now Im sure you can read so I know you figured this out. Im still waiting to see if your as mean and bad as 9 other people have warned me but I really am hoping your not.


9 other people? Damn. I'm not sure whether to be flattered at all the endorsements or disappointed I didn't get more.


Two posts in, and you're already insinuating I'm "totally wrong" a lot. Again, I'm not sure whether to be flattered or upset. You seem to have a measure of your husband's charm about you.


I don't recall ever saying anything about suicide. That was stated by the others who didn't yet know any better and actually read/responded to one of Nick's hysterical rants. I knew it was just a matter of time 'til he blew up again, so I just came in, grabbed myself a good seat and a bag of popcorn and waited for the fireworks. Not his best show, unfortunately, but I thought it a fitting finale.


For the record, I would rather proudly describe myself as a cynical old bastard in a young man's body. My heart is a shriveled and pitted little lump of greasy black sludge, with a sense of humor colored to match. I won't be bothered to put up with those who can't be bothered to make an honest attempt at sociable communication, which is why your husband and I rather quickly established a mutual dislike for each other.


Doc seems to believe I'm better than that, so there's one vote for Woody's dormant humanity. There are probably others around would tell you the same, though I should hope these vile and pernicious rumors of my being a "good person" haven't spread too far. As I said, I've a reputation to uphold.


To be fair to Doc and any others who may think better of me than that, they're at least right in that I usually behave better than I have here. Thing is, I've an unpleasant history with your husband same as everyone else. As I said previously, I was the first person to earn a spot on his ignore list. Near as I can tell, this was because I had the audacity to misunderstand some of his hysterical, grammar-void, text-block rants, and the further audacity to actually disagree with others. Yes, I also made a comment about dead baby jokes, but at the time I had no idea you'd lost several children (surprise! It's not common practice on the 'net to go back and read every post a member has made in order to learn his life story. If you want others to know something about you, tell them.), so his subsequent attacks on that point weren't very well received on my end either. All that in conjunction with the fact this is the internet pretty well led me to just write him off as not worth my time.


Perhaps you're different, and perhaps your husband can be convinced to come back and try again, acting like a half-competent social organism this time. I don't really care. As I told Vigile above, Nick is nothing more to me than "some guy on the internet." I've known enough of those in my time as a netizen to know, if we don't seem to share some common interest, I'm probably not losing out on anything by simply ignoring him.

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