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Goodbye Jesus

Aren't We Better Than This?


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Bumping a dying thread :P



The way I See it, there are two kinds of Christianity. One form places high importance on the teachings of Jesus himself and focuses its sermons to the parts of the bible that actually are decent, and does not believe in a literal hell or any of the silly laws of the old testament / considers the story of eden and the flood to be parables at best. This form focuses on the simple rules "love thy neighbor", "Do unto others" ect. ect. . While this form of xianity is cherry picking and doesn't make a lot of sense when you look at it seriously, for the most part it is respectable and does not encourage its members to deny science and vote against gay marriage as if gays will somehow take over the world and claim it for satan if they are allowed a piece of paper that allows them to be together. I hope one day all churches are like this.


The other form of xianity is the form that teaches its members to consider all that is unchristian as evil and takes the idea that people will burn forever for not thinking the same way as they do as absolute truth. This form also encourages "magical thinking" taking the existence of demons, psychic powers, and the lot as a very real phenomena that causes disease and fervently denying scientific explanations to the contrary. They spread idiotic lies ( IE creation science ) which causes the flock to believe that everyone who doesn't agree with them is part of some dark conspiracy in the scientific community that satan uses to "test our faith". And worst of all, the churches in America that consider the Iraq war as a "mission from god" holy shit ! Do they honestly not realize that such a claim essentially makes them no better then the terrorists were fighting ?!?!? This form of Christianity...I will be blunt...IS FUCKING STUPID and I absolutely REFUSE to grant it any sort of respect. I don't give a flying fuck if our culture tries to pretend that this kind of us vs them mentality is just as worthy as respect as other religions ( Like philosophical buddhism or wicca ) that teach its members to think for themselves and respect life and dignity, I REFUSE to pretend with them. Fuck fundamentalist churches. They have been a bane on human society for centuries and have been a bane on my personal life as well as my friends lives for the decades we have lived.




Problem is, this black and white perspective doesn't exist. While most churches do lean to one side or the other, very few are 100% one way. Its because of this that its hard for those of us who have been hurt by this religion to focus where we fire our flaming arrows when on the internet. When someone claims they are a christian and wants to convert people to Jeeeesus in my mind it basically means they have about a 40/60 chance of being a total fuckwit. While I try not to fire until I am sure of my targets fucktardedness, I cant honestly say that my hand doesn't at least twitch a little.

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Problem is, this black and white perspective doesn't exist. While most churches do lean to one side or the other, very few are 100% one way. Its because of this that its hard for those of us who have been hurt by this religion to focus where we fire our flaming arrows when on the internet. When someone claims they are a christian and wants to convert people to Jeeeesus in my mind it basically means they have about a 40/60 chance of being a total fuckwit. While I try not to fire until I am sure of my targets fucktardedness, I cant honestly say that my hand doesn't at least twitch a little.


For the most part, it's the fuckwit type who bother upset our lives by telling us their special brand of hell is so much better than the brand we got from their neighbour down the road. The "nice" Christians who don't have a hell to relegate us to have no need for such sales pitch.


I realize that's an over-simplification.....

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I think much of this depends on personal goals. But I do find it interesting that those who espouse the goal of defeating or eradicating Christianity also often harbor so much anger, vitriol, and whatnot. I think such attitudes only fuel the convictions of Christians. In my opinion if one’s goal is to eradicate Christianity then it is far more effective to employ calm, cool, and sometimes even kind, arguments. What is needed is not an attitude that one’s desires are being thwarted, but rather a peaceful resolve that victory has already been achieved.

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