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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Done With The Other Forum.


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This has been going on for a while now, whoever's been watching. I go to another forum where spamming and having a good time is encouraged, however there is a "bitching" thread.


Well I tend to post a lot in the Bitching thread, and lately none of my posts have even had replies. I don't expect every post to have a reply, but seriously, when I complain about how hard math is (they are helping me out, which is good because I'm failing chemistry pretty hard) nobody says anything, when I complain about how horrible the trip to Durham was nobody said anything... when I said I was leaving for Durham nobody said anything. I'm one of the more well-known posters on that forum too, there's only 20 regular posters. Yeah, what the fuck? There was just no acknowledgment at all of the post, no "good-bye", no "enjoy your trip", not even a "kiss my ass and stay in Durham". Then when I need help with something-- my stomach has been giving me a LOT of problems lately- there's no reply!


To make things worse another well-known poster, Polly, is clinically depressed and has PTSD. She also has no health insurance because she's unemployed and can't find a job. One guy tells her to get help. Another chick says to get help at church, and I jump in not because I'm an Angry Atheist , but because church counseling (from what I've seen) does much more harm than good (in my experience). I never once told her to stay away from churches period, I never told her NOT to go, I told her to be aware of what she was getting into. The guy who told Polly to get a doctor just started attacking me, saying I was discouraging her from getting any kind of help (where the hell did that come from?) and that I was bashing Christians at the same time. I'm trying to help, not trying to stop her from getting help!


I'm tired of constantly being attacked on that forum when I either try to help or try to get help. I've gotten far better advice here anyway. Fuck GM, I'm staying here, I'm not going back there, not for a long time.

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Geez...I hope somebody replies to this thread...



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This has been going on for a while now, whoever's been watching. I go to another forum where spamming and having a good time is encouraged, however there is a "bitching" thread.


Well I tend to post a lot in the Bitching thread, and lately none of my posts have even had replies. I don't expect every post to have a reply, but seriously, when I complain about how hard math is (they are helping me out, which is good because I'm failing chemistry pretty hard) nobody says anything, when I complain about how horrible the trip to Durham was nobody said anything... when I said I was leaving for Durham nobody said anything. I'm one of the more well-known posters on that forum too, there's only 20 regular posters. Yeah, what the fuck? There was just no acknowledgment at all of the post, no "good-bye", no "enjoy your trip", not even a "kiss my ass and stay in Durham". Then when I need help with something-- my stomach has been giving me a LOT of problems lately- there's no reply!


To make things worse another well-known poster, Polly, is clinically depressed and has PTSD. She also has no health insurance because she's unemployed and can't find a job. One guy tells her to get help. Another chick says to get help at church, and I jump in not because I'm an Angry Atheist ™, but because church counseling (from what I've seen) does much more harm than good (in my experience). I never once told her to stay away from churches period, I never told her NOT to go, I told her to be aware of what she was getting into. The guy who told Polly to get a doctor just started attacking me, saying I was discouraging her from getting any kind of help (where the hell did that come from?) and that I was bashing Christians at the same time. I'm trying to help, not trying to stop her from getting help!


I'm tired of constantly being attacked on that forum when I either try to help or try to get help. I've gotten far better advice here anyway. Fuck GM, I'm staying here, I'm not going back there, not for a long time.


We're nicer anyways. You can bitch to us!



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haha! It's much more fun here anyway. I can't do some of the things here that I can do over there (because spamming isn't allowed here, whereas the other forum was made for that prupose).


I just have a huge problem with being ignored, normally I get ignored so often in "real life" that I tend to come across as an attention whore online.

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Sometimes people don't read the threads here. Last week I put something in a thread that I know should have gotten a reply and I just figure no one read it. Sometimes we just want to hear ourselves talk, or see ourselves post, so to speak, er, so to write... Anyway, this is not the place to get loads and loads of attention, but that's not what it's about, is it? IS IT? Hmmm... not sure... Christians get all the attention here, anyway, because they often make themselves such good targets!

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You can definitely bitch here! :)

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We've roped in another youth by PRETENDING to be nice, even without god. Bwahaha!!! Now let's go perform some satanic rituals and eat some more babies. :fdevil:

  • Haha 1
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Bitch away hon!


And yes, people SUCK!!!! A lot! Just tell them to fuck off and hang here.

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I just have a huge problem with being ignored, normally I get ignored so often in "real life" that I tend to come across as an attention whore online.


Ven, dear, I so know what you're talking about here... :banghead:


If I had a single Euro for every time I'm talking to someone, often about a quite important topic, and at the slightest diversion my chat partner completely forgets that I'm there... :Hmm:

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Spamming encouraged ? What forum was that anyway ? Gaia or some shit ?

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To make things worse another well-known poster, Polly, is clinically depressed and has PTSD. She also has no health insurance because she's unemployed and can't find a job. One guy tells her to get help. Another chick says to get help at church, and I jump in not because I'm an Angry Atheist ™, but because church counseling (from what I've seen) does much more harm than good (in my experience). I never once told her to stay away from churches period, I never told her NOT to go, I told her to be aware of what she was getting into. The guy who told Polly to get a doctor just started attacking me, saying I was discouraging her from getting any kind of help (where the hell did that come from?) and that I was bashing Christians at the same time. I'm trying to help, not trying to stop her from getting help!

Here's what I think may have happened here:


I'm guessing that the Guy who told Polly to get a doctor was also a Christian. Though he was advocating for Polly to seek professional help, he probably did not appreciate it when you said that the methods of his religion were ineffective. Even though he wasn't suggesting them, probably assuming that a doctor would be more useful, it's likely that he still believed that church help would be better than no help.


I'm not saying that you were wrong or that you should go back to the forum or anything. I was just thinking about what might have caused the confrontation.


Anyway, that's my two cents; now I'll just go back to ignoring you! :HaHa:

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