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Goodbye Jesus

Yeah I'm A Christian, So What?

Guest plastic_mouse18

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He was logged in today and looked at the thread, and it doesn't seem like (as far as I can tell) he is a member having fun, but I want to let everyone know that we do not appreciate if someone play tricks on us or pretend to be a Christian, while they're not, just for lulz, just like we don't like it when a Christian come and pretend to be a non-believer just to get in and play mind-tricks. So for everyone to know: If this is a member posing as Christian, just for fun, then we suggest the person stop it right now. It creates too much unnecessary drama.


We can leave this topic open, just in case BlueCheese-Rat is coming Back (hey, that rhymes!), but don't get your hopes up. He show clear signs of a Troll.

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I noticed in the past sometimes, that the continual talking after the driveby tends to lure them back. For the sake of our amusement, maybe it will work this time too.



Maybe if we sacrifice some udon noodles to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, they'll come back? Ramen!
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I only hope that if the OP came back and read the replies, they reflected on their own inappropriate behavior and comments.

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Guest Net Eng
We can leave this topic open, just in case BlueCheese-Rat is coming Back (hey, that rhymes!), but don't get your hopes up. He show clear signs of a Troll.


From the mouse's profile


"I gave everything to Jesus, including my brain."


Kinda sums it up...

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From the mouse's profile


"I gave everything to Jesus, including my brain."


Kinda sums it up...

Dude, I gave him that title! :HaHa:


Instead of banning him, or blocking him, I gave him a fitting label. :)

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From the mouse's profile


"I gave everything to Jesus, including my brain."


Kinda sums it up...

Dude, I gave him that title! :HaHa:


Instead of banning him, or blocking him, I gave him a fitting label. :)


That is why you are the Super Mod!!!!! :wicked:

Great stuff..

Two thumbs up from Paladin!




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Guest Net Eng
From the mouse's profile


"I gave everything to Jesus, including my brain."


Kinda sums it up...

Dude, I gave him that title! :HaHa:


Instead of banning him, or blocking him, I gave him a fitting label. :)




Well played Han. A much better deal than I've seen at some nameless xian forums (such as Christian Forums.com oops I said the name).


If you ever come back Mouse please note that on Christian Forums.com I had to reply 10 times before I could post a topic. Here you can post/reply on the first time here.


I wonder which group is more afraid of the other?? ;)

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And what's funny is that it's not really derogatory either. The Christian is supposed to give up his brain. He's supposed to be like a child, and accept everything by blind faith, and stop the endless discussions with the wise of the world. So, it's funny, but yet, it's perfectly true.

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Han, you're theperfect smartass...three thumbs up!!


So its you that calls me "strong minded" lol????? It used to be "questioner"

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Han, you're theperfect smartass...three thumbs up!!


So its you that calls me "strong minded" lol????? It used to be "questioner"

Nope. In the case of regular members (non Christians), the system is automatic. For a certain count of posts, you automatically upgrades to something else. At 500 (I think) it stops, and your profile allows you to edit it yourself.


Only in the case of crazy Christian trolls do we go in and have a little fun with their label. They deserve it. And besides, they want persecution, so they should be happy that we do. :fdevil:

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Han, you're theperfect smartass...three thumbs up!!


So its you that calls me "strong minded" lol????? It used to be "questioner"

Nope. In the case of regular members (non Christians), the system is automatic. For a certain count of posts, you automatically upgrades to something else. At 500 (I think) it stops, and your profile allows you to edit it yourself.


Only in the case of crazy Christian trolls do we go in and have a little fun with their label. They deserve it. And besides, they want persecution, so they should be happy that we do. :fdevil:

Well dammit, at my current level of non-production it's gonna take me almost four years to get to 500! Are you sure it's that high to self-edit?

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Well played Han. A much better deal than I've seen at some nameless xian forums (such as Christian Forums.com oops I said the name).

Oh no! Now you'll receive the holy spirit!



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I smell a troll. And a one-shot troll, at that.


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Guest Net Eng
Well played Han. A much better deal than I've seen at some nameless xian forums (such as Christian Forums.com oops I said the name).

Oh no! Now you'll receive the holy spirit!





...and oddly enough I haven't heard a word... :fdevil:

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Guest Aspentroll

I think "Mouse's ass" or what ever he called himself, was just looking for the men's room. He came in,

took a shit and left. Didn't wash his hands though.

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Hey Folks, either the dude was one of us having a bit of a lark or he took the "Fuck Off" quite literally and beat feet to the door...you have been talking to each other for the last 2 or 3 pages...LOL - Heimdall :yellow:



Heimdall! You're still here!! Hello!


Remember when I used to say raunchy stuff to christians that came here preaching? Now I just enjoy everyone elses (is elses a word?) posting.


:ukliam2: MJ

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Now I just enjoy everyone elses (is elses a word?) posting.


Just needs an apostrophe: else's :P

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I smell a troll. And a one-shot troll, at that.

I was trying to figure out how to assign that image as the avatar too. Just to really, really, point out he was a troll. :grin:



And Bush Country, sorry, those are the rules. :(

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I was trying to figure out how to assign that image as the avatar too. Just to really, really, point out he was a troll. :grin:


LOL, go for it. I grabbed it off some article about trolls somewhere.

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...and oddly enough I haven't heard a word...

How very mysterious.



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And Bush Country, sorry, those are the rules. :(


Oh, I'm not complaining. I read on here all the time, just don't post very often. So it will take forever! :Hmm:

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Awwwww... Mousie baby, come back. Was looking forward to some hot textual foreplay. :(

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Ok, looks like Plastic mouse has ran off scared like a... well a mouse! Oh what the Hell. I'll bite anyway.


For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of?

Us scared? :lol: We are the ones that decided to challenge the crap we read in the bible and the bullshit preached to us by church leaders. For many of us to take that step out of the comfortable Christian delusion was a very brave one. It takes a lot of guts to tell fellow Christians you are no longer a Christian. For many it is a heartbreaking thing to have to go through, but we had the guts to do it. And because of it we are better people. Would you have the guts to challenge your church leaders? Would you dare question the bible? Would you dare challenge God? I think not. So who is the one who is scared?


You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe?

Most Christians I knew seemed like decent people. Deluded, but decent. People like yourself though aren't so nice and I doubt we could even consider you a "true Christian" anyway. Chances are you are not a Christian at all and you are just trying to make Christians look bad. It's sad that there are so many like you on the Net.


You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again.

Hate? A very strong word. How can you hate some person you don't even know? But I don't blame people for getting pissed off at proselytizers like yourself. For many of us we have had that crap all our lives. Why would we want more of it? This is a website to come to to avoid that sort of crap. Do you go to church so that you can have atheists come in and try to deconvert you?

What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?

I'm not sure I know of any Christian that has been banned from here. I guess there are the odd few, but I'd safely say that the majority of Christians who have come through here have left not through being banned, but have fled with their tails between their legs when they find their beliefs challenged beyond what they can come up with bullshit to defend. No doubt you will be (and probably already are) one of these such Christians. Oh yes young Skywalker, I can sense much fear in you. Scared?


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??

Many of us have been Christians for many many years and we are well aware of the fear tactics employed to keep people in the faith. We have had to break free from those bonds. So sorry but your tactics are not going to work. Using Pascal's Wager is not going to impress anyone here. What is a real concern for many of us here are people like yourself who think that people should be persuaded to join the Christian delusion. To worship a genocidal deity who employs eternal torture on those who are simply unable to believe; A horrible being whose blood lust is so great he requires human sacrifice to enable himself to wash away sin. Why should others be suckered into your delusion just because you believe it?


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything.

Maybe not, but many of us were in the Christian delusion for many years. Some their whole lives and they have learnt just what a crock it all is. They have found the bible can't be relied upon and that the bible God does not keep his promises.


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.

How does someone decide to have faith in something they don't believe in? Get real. You either believe or you don't. You can't force yourself to believe something. Try forcing yourself to believe you can fly and then jump of a 30 story building. Bet you can't. You however are either here to gain converts or to stir. Perhaps you want to earn brownie points with your lord by drawing one or more of us back to the delusion. Maybe you want us to hate Christians more? Or perhaps you want to suffer for Christ and then be able to go back to a Christian message board and claim you were presecuted here. You will no doubt feel very smug and self-righteous and you will endorse the incorrect steriotypes you and your fellow Christians have on unbelievers.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:

Have you actually looked through many of the threads here? If so, you'd see there is lots of discussion even with Christians about Christianity. Over the 2-3 years I've been here I have not seen anyone try to be God except for Christians. They seem to think that by claiming they are God's spokepeople that somehow what they say carries weight. Whatever. You definitely won't see any ex-

Christians trying to speak for God.

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Heimdall! You're still here!! Hello!

Like the Christian God, I am here when you least expect it...LOL...actually I pop in on ocassion just to keep Hans Solo straight and yes I remember, we all do that on ocassion...I used to use the emoticons qute effectively in humiliating our Cultist friends...ExC still has the best emoticons of all the many forums that I visit....Heimdall :yellow:

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Nah, I don't think he was one of the regulars posing as an xtian. Usually when that is done, they come back and reply for about 20 pages, and then eventually 'fess up or get outed.


I do agree with the others that WHBT (We Have Been Trolled).

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