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Goodbye Jesus

Yeah I'm A Christian, So What?

Guest plastic_mouse18

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Ohhhh... we've got a feisty one.


*Gives plastic_mouse a big sloppy welcome kiss with a side of deep tounge*


Love ya too. ;)


*nipple pinches*

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What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really??

If you had actually read these forums, you may have noticed that reading the bible, reading apologetics (as well as arguments of skeptics), collecting information, and THINKING is an oft heard theme around here: many or most of us have been there, and I've certainly heard it said (and happen to agree) that plunging into the bible is one of the best ways to start a person on the road to deconversion.


Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others?

Get real! This is a forum where ex-c's, minding their own business, can get or offer support, rant, or merely interact with and enjoy the company of some damn fine thinkers. We have no "outreach," no "street witnessing," nor did we force you (or xians on the verge of deconversion, for that matter) to step through our door. Did you ever read the sorts of things people generally tend to say in threads with those on the verge of deconversion??? Didja? Didja? Since I've been here a couple of years I'll tell you what I've noticed: things like "you have to make up your own mind" rather than things like "you need to give up your folly, c'mon, take the step, denounce god." Where do I find people evangelizing and actively leading others into their belief system? Hmmmmm... Oh yeah, that's right! The xians shoving their beliefs on others.


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day?

I think others have already done a good job of answering this, but I will add that while evidence is lacking to support claims of a god, you REALLY dig yourself into a hole trying to argue the xian god is real (or other well defined gods with lots of literal details, for that matter). The bible is a pieced together collection texts that is not consistent with discoveries of geology, cosmology, biology, history, or consistent within itself. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assert that it's safe to conclude that the general xian perception of god does not represent the Ultimate Truth™.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate.

If you can present a compelling argument that the xian god (or any other god of your choosing) is real, then by all means, do so. If you convince me, I will believe. Of the hundreds of arguments and attempts I've seen designed to convert me or others to xianity, I have not seen a single one to hold water. I hate to break this to you, dude, but you don't show any more promise than any of the others.


By the way, what's the deal with posting your one topic and one reply to another topic in the Testimonies section? Are you illiterate, did you just not bother to read the guidelines, or are you deliberately breaking them? You can post whatever nonsense you want in The Lion's Den, you know.

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I hate it when Christians have the Holy Ghost mess with computer systems. There's nothing more frightening than a goof who uses God against us! Bastards! It's not fair. We buy all this high-end Cisco gear, and still, like the Chariots of Pharaoh's army, they can't fend off a denial of service attack from Jesus! Damn you Christians, leave our ones and zeros alone! I plead the bits of Data against you, in Batman's name.
Maybe you guys should get computer systems made out of iron since God loses to iron?

That's true! We need to put iron wheels on our routers in order to defeat the great war god of the Jews!

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I hate it when Christians have the Holy Ghost mess with computer systems. There's nothing more frightening than a goof who uses God against us! Bastards! It's not fair. We buy all this high-end Cisco gear, and still, like the Chariots of Pharaoh's army, they can't fend off a denial of service attack from Jesus! Damn you Christians, leave our ones and zeros alone! I plead the bits of Data against you, in Batman's name.
Maybe you guys should get computer systems made out of iron since God loses to iron?

That's true! We need to put iron wheels on our routers in order to defeat the great war god of the Jews!

God's Teeth, I think you're right!

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over? You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?


Uh...nobody forces anybody to come here and join. And the only people we don't "allow" are the ones who come in and attempt to preach at us.


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe.


Then he's an asshole that's not worth serving.


It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??


Who's persuading who? Nobody's forcing anyone to be here and the churches are the ones attempting to "persuade" everyone that they're right.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything.


You Xians don't know everything either.


There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?




Buddy...YOU are just a person...just a human too. On top of that, you're an idiot human.


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


Huh??? Then why the fuck are you here?


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


Geez...fuck dude...do you know how many Xian boards I got kicked off of while losing my faith? Xian boards block people faster than anyone else.


For those of you who would rather not reply on here, feel free to email me.


What? You think people are going to be SCARED of you???????????????????


Dude...you wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real life room with any of the people on here.

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My take on this, having spoken to Miss Mouse outside of any forum debate, is that this is an instance of knee-jerk reaction, brought on by a failure to read the rules, as well as a misunderstanding about what occurred as a result. Nevertheless, it is kinda stupid to start a lone offensive against an entire organization, based on unproven assumptions, and character attacks. And in a forum whose express purpose is gloves-free fighting?


Plasticmouse: not horrible.


This thread: well, everyone does something stupid sooner or later.

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Oh boy...gonna get down on my knees and beg for forgivness right now! NOT!

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ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.


We're People!? Just people?! No, it can't be! People!?!?!?!?!


The columns that enforce my whole reality structure are now crashing down before my eyes! All this time I thought I was some high and mighty intergalactic space slug that ruled the universe with an iron slime trail that not even the salt of the earth could dry out. THANK YOU for setting my skewed slime trail straight by pointing out... I'm just people, the same kind found in soylent green, which by the way is damn tastey if you ask me. :D

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over? You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


For those of you who would rather not reply on here, feel free to email me.

i came from another forum. i used to go to CF, a Christian Forums. the funny thing about it is, the site wanted to become more geared for the Christian community. you couldn't, or at least i couldn't find a place for mature, serious debate. bad apologetics over there. plus i stopped going because their hell-belief just got too much. anyone that believe in such beliefs is a bad neighbor, metaphorically speaking if you will.


it is open to debate, about the existence of God. but for me, i'm convinced your fairytale god is fake, a delusion that you create with the Bible and your existential needs that exist because your a human being, just as every other theistic believer of any god, pagan, abrahamic, mosaic, mohammadic. and i believe the love of your dead messiah is now gone because he's dead. so there's no debate, but i'm more than willing to take a debate and conversation with you or any believe of this sort. it makes sense why this forum is geared for the nonbelievers. just remember the reasons why there are Christian boards, Muslim boards and etc. etc. etc.


and who are we to tell others we are right? your full of hypocritical bullshit. it seems to me that your a Christian of some sort here, or at least a Christian sympathizer that just needs to go to conversion who knows. Christianity is a religion based on telling who is right or wrong. discernment who is the child of God and a child of the world, and the call on your life to one preach it to the 4 corners of the world and if they don't respond, that you can't be around them according to your scriptures. so then you come in here, and tell us that who are we telling who is wrong when your faith that's a critical aspect of your faith, fuck you. who are you to do something like that?


and what if we're wrong? then we'll burn in hell, flesh being burned or torn apart, screaming agony pain, or what else, the list could on, or if we're moral enough we may be in purgatory for awhile or we'll be in Sheol, death which we believe we will die someday and not exist, seems it can work with Sheol eh? what if your wrong and Zeus is the real god, and here you get to stand before Zeus, and explain why you loved Jehovah...stupid questions as far as i'm concerned. what if we're wrong? what if everyone is wrong? what is the point of asking that? we're all convinced of our convictions, and i'd rather be convinced of my convictions and face my consequences when i die, if there is any, then to be oh so sappily and philosophically confused that i can't make a conscience choice in what i believe in. so my own answer to your question what if we're wrong is a simple statement to Jehovah Jira, God, you did a fucked up job, showing that you exist and that your the way. you required bloodshed on a cross, you required faith, not evidence, not rational thinking to find you and you gave us a book full of contradictions, immoral deeds to find you in. i'll take my place in hell.


and for the record, i'm not out to tell people to not believe in Christianity. if i have any influence on anyone here, or in real life, it is to think freely for yourself. to think outside of dogmatic understanding of ANY religion, not just Christianity, use your mind, logical and rational ways to figure things out, and come to your own conclusion instead of buying the Jesus wannabes out there preaching to you to believe in essence, which can only be broken down to one point, they tell you to believe them because they are a child of God offering truth, and to think freely and not just buy into it without thinking about it first. anyone claiming to be a spokesperson for God the only fair reaction should be skeptism. hell, people who hear God talking to them are deemed crazy even by the religious, so maybe those that talk to God, and get guidance to lead us gone astray back to the precious fold should be considered under the same light eh?

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leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


You are either pulling my proverbial leg, you have never been to a christian site, or you are in the first stage of rationalization.

Slowly you will move from bargaining into denial, anger, depression, and finally acceptance.


You know, I like to use a metaphor at moments like these.

You see, religion is like cigarettes.

It's addictive as all hell, a social drug, and it makes you feel like fate determines your future, not your choices.

It's also deadly to a society.

Of course someone with five cigarettes in their mouth would walk into a non-smoking building and tell everyone there that they can be happy and stupid again if they just light up.

How rude.

Unfortunately there is absolutely no way you will be able to accept this analogy unless you see that my lack of belief does not make me a believer. [my non-smoker status does not make me addicted to non-cigarettes]


So I am forced to deal with you like I deal with the other parasite ridden flesh I bump into that can't grasp the metaphors, leave...

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Only someone very young, as I suspect you are, could get so much so wrong so adamantly in one brief post.


I'm sure others will elucidate. I'll just sigh.



i'll take young any day, be it in a good reference or not. k so there's 2 people that are waiting for others to educate.......i'll just sit here and wait for a couple more minutes...............

From your post I can tell you are a snot but other than that, Christianity's only purpose is to insist it's teachings and written works are true. Prove the story of a little girl being given a piece of magic fruit from a talking snake is true. Prove unicorns, satyrs, fauns, and cockatrices are true. Prove Moses existed, prove Jesus existed. Then prove every story of the babble is true. I don't need absolute proof but provide proof beyond the shadow of doubt and I'll think about it. So far your yammerings sound like a spoiled brat and your rants are not worth responding to.

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Oh just yet another caught up in pascal's wager.




What if your wrong? hmmm Well, mousey, what if YOU are wrong and you accidently are worshiping the wrong god? Member of the wrong religion? OPPS! Off to hell with thee!






There is an article on this "what if you are wrong" theory, I invite you to read it. Sorry for "plugging" my site Dave, felt this was a VERY appropriate article to show this guy.

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Plasticmouse: I oppose christianity because if it's true, it is the most nightmarish worldview that could ever be. To believe that the creator of the universe is so sadistic, so cheap, so petty that knowing the outcome, he'd set man up to fail so he could torment us for not obeying rules even he doesn't follow. And to think that an omnipotent being would have such a deranged mind it'd eternally torture anyone who doesn't worship it is pure insanity.


Actually, to suggest an all powerful being would do such cruel deeds is essentially blasphemy.


An omnipotent being does not need worshippers. What would a being who could shape and mold reality to whatever it fancied need with worshippers?



On my good days, I'm a deist, on my lousy days I start leaning towards agnosticism. But regardless, given only two choices of belief, I'd rather believe that life has no rhyme or reason, and there is no higher power, than to believe all of creation is subject to the sick whims of an omnipotent psychopath.


Plastic, if your god Yahweh does exist, I have these words for him: DIE MOTHERFUCKER! DIE!

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Now before I rip this bullshit to shreds, let me get one thing straight just to shatter your nice simple can-be-processed-by-three-active-braincells black'n'white worldview. I am not an atheist but a (heathen) believer.


And now let the carnage begin...:


For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of?


Project much?

Your whole cult is based on fear and guilt baby. Go figure.


You don't "allow" Christians in here.


Funny... I could have sworn that I'm right now reading the bullshit in your posting. How so if "we don't allow christians in here"?


Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?


Let's get one thing straight shall we?

To "shove someone out of the way" one first needs to approach her. We are just dwelling in our place which is this forum site. Now I do see someone who went out of his way to approach others for the purpose of arguing. Guess who that might be... :lmao:


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real.


Translation: "What if there's a deity that is only 'known' by the content of one ancient moldy book full of bullshit and lies? What if there's a deity supposedly omnipotent but unable to defeat some shitty iron chariots? What if there's a deity supposedly all-knowing but having to search for its own creations in its own garden? What if there's a deity supposedly more loving than any human could ever be but clearly, according to its 'revealed word', considers genocide just a fun hobby?

And finally, what if there's a deity that killed itself to redeem itself?"


I'll tell you.


If such a deity could possibly exist (it can't as is evident by the totally contradictory traits ascribed to it), it would be a petty vengeful sadist and not worth any followers.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything.


And you morontheists don't know anything. Guess who's in the better position.


Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


We are the ones with logic and evidence on our side. You are the ones with a book claiming that the earth is flat and that stars can fall from the sky down to earth without the result being an E.L.E., and nothing else besides that book. Guess who's in the better position, Watson.


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in.


And that is right. Funny how you immediately contradict that by seeking us out in our own place and harrassing us with the same old same old that all morontheists babble (because that's the only thing they have).


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion.


If we did "as other christian forums do", you would already be banned for "blasphemy" now and all traces of your existence on this site would already be deleted.


If only you had a brain... then you wouldn't have made such a fool of yourself here. :fdevil:

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ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.


Translation: "I have said the magic words and the rules of my game state clearly that you must now concede that my bulllshit is true. You are breaking the rules. Without the rules of this rigged game I'm helpless so I need to run back home bawling like a baby".


Geee I'm soooooooo surprised...

...not! :lmao:

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I agree totally with his topic title: yeah, he's a xian, so what. :loser:

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I REALLY want this person to come back, some of us are very hungry.


Shit, I used to act like that when I was a new Xtian, early twenties. No wonder my Karma is fucked.

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Nah, there is no reason for pm to come back. It's clear that there is no discussion to be had, and that the individual has not read the board rules or any of the messages held within. Apparently shit that hot has a date somewhere.


I call troll. And not a very creative one at that.

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Let me break out the Jesus Lube. That'll bring em back. :D

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ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.


Translation: "I have said the magic words and the rules of my game state clearly that you must now concede that my bulllshit is true. You are breaking the rules. Without the rules of this rigged game I'm helpless so I need to run back home bawling like a baby".


Geee I'm soooooooo surprised...

...not! :lmao:


Wow, Thurisaz, besides English you are also fluent in Christianese.

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I had good teachers :fdevil:

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Hey Folks, either the dude was one of us having a bit of a lark or he took the "Fuck Off" quite literally and beat feet to the door...you have been talking to each other for the last 2 or 3 pages...LOL - Heimdall :yellow:

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Hey Folks, either the dude was one of us having a bit of a lark or he took the "Fuck Off" quite literally and beat feet to the door...you have been talking to each other for the last 2 or 3 pages...LOL - Heimdall :yellow:


I noticed in the past sometimes, that the continual talking after the driveby tends to lure them back. For the sake of our amusement, maybe it will work this time too.



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My feeling is, as someone suggested much earlier, that this troll has crawled back to the xtian forums to tell them all how unaccepting we are and how we are unable to even form an argument against their beloved beliefs. Ooooh... I feel so bad. :)



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